Wednesday 23 August 2017

How to prevent dementia for life long?

July 23 ·

                                Global Brain Drain on Health
                                                                                                        Date 23-7-2017
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist
British Neuroscience Association
                             How to prevent dementia for life long?
I am surprise to see an article titled as “Nine lifestyle changes can cut dementia risk” appeared in ‘The Hindu’ dated 21-7-2017 stating that “One third of dementia cases can be prevented with some basic lifestyle changes and better education during childhood, a study published in The Lancet said on Thursday.
Nearly 50 million people around the world suffer from dementia and Alzheimer’s according to the latest estimates. This figure could balloon to 132 million by 2050. The nine factors that damage the brain notably include hearing loss, obesity and smoking, the study found.
“Our results suggest that around 35% of dementia is attributable to a combination of the following nine risk factors, education to a maximum of age 11-12 to a mid-life hypertension, mid-life depression, diabetes, physical inactivity, smoking, and social isolation,” the study said.
It said if people stayed in school until the age of 15, the benefits of education and socialization would help reduce the cases of dementia by 8%. Although dementia is diagnosed in later life, the brain to develop years before,” said lead author Professor Gill Livingston, from University College London.”

    I would like to say that there are many more ways to prevent dementia by reading books, playing games, exercising, playing chess board, climbing trees, climbing stair case, walking, knitting sweaters and stitching clothes using peddle sewing machine as well as cross word matching. All these activities can prevent dementia from occurring. At age of 85 and above apoptosis start occurring rapidly that degenerates the brain cells dropping the voltage power in the brain is the cause for non communicable diseases which is likely to occur at the old age. This apoptosis occurring at old age can be postpones by increasing the level of oxygen through medium of light. This is possible once you increase the level of voltage in the brain that enhances the dipole dipole force which is nothing but Higgs Boson particles rendering them as candidate in carrying more oxygen in the ionize blood cells. This excess ionize oxygen is the only way to get rid of non communicable diseases including dementia form of diseases can be avoided by using my invented Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998. Thus it gives a new lease of life to go beyond 100 years by making the body and the brain fresh through this medium of light.
More can be read in my website titled as “How to eliminate Alzheimer’s and other forms of Dementia” which I had displayed on 15-5-2016 can be assessed from this following website…/how-to-eleminate-…
Let this beauty speaks itself in life.
Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work
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