Monday 4 November 2019

How to counter this mortality level around the world?


How to counter this mortality level around the world?
                                                     Date 2-11-2019

Nalin Anthoni Pillai, Scientist

BBC World News –London

     I had read five stunning articles that were published recently as follow

(1) “Unchecked warming will raise mortality level in India: Study” appeared in The Hindu dated 1-11-2019 stating A rise in average temperatures across India would increase death rates by 10%, translating into an extra million and a half deaths by the end of the century, says a report by researchers based zt The Climate Impact Lab, collaboration of researchers from multiple U.S. Universities and organisations. This level of mortality would result if Greenhouse Emissions continues to rise in the way they do today.

(2) “300m Face Threat Globally” appeared in ‘The Times of India’ dated 31-10-2019 stating 75% of those likely to be affected in 6 Asian countries: China, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Bangaladesh.
(3) Climate change’s coming for your fish & chips”appeared in The Times of India dt 18-6-2019 stating the experts analysed four types of crustacean that when the gas in the water was reduced, they got smaller – supporting the theory that bigger sea creatures more vulnerable to climate change
Fish and chips could be a thing of the past unless more is done to halt global warming scientists say Research has indicated cod and haddock fishes face extinction as rising temperatures cut oxygen in the oceans.
(4) Most dangerous thing to happen if trees started shedding its leaves due to toxic air can be read from this article titled as Toxic air is causing malnutrition to trees” appeared in ‘The Hindu dated 26-6-2018 caused by heat waves swooping Europe   leaving a trail of disasters to ‘trees growth’ being stated as Besides affecting human health, air pollution is also causing malnutrition in trees by harming a fungi that is important for providing mineral nutrients to tree roots, finds a new study published in the Nature.
 5) “Why you need 2 hours of nature every week? appeared in The Times of India dt 17-6-2019 stating that ‘According to a published paper in ‘Scientific Reports’ the answer is about 120 minutes each week.     The study examined data from nearly 20,000 people in England who took part in the Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment survey from 2014 to 2016, which asked them to record their activities within the past week. It found that people who spent two hours a week or more outdoors reported being in better health and having a greater sense of well-being than people who didn’t get out at all.
       Regard to Global Warming I had already published a paper on 17-1-2019 titled as “Through fasting how to keep the body as fresh as ever! can be assessed  from this website
      I also made global warming comment in three consecutive New Year wishes to all my fans as well as birthday wishes posted on 1-7-2017 had reached 23 million people has seen within a span of three days version given by Google with their emblem posted to me on 12-7-2017 is shown below 
   Here oxygen is essential in all spheres of lives and it is essential to turn carbon into carbon dioxide for the trees to breathe. And during day trees produces oxygen for us to breathe. In this concept I appealed to all my Face Book fans to carry water by hand in watering the plants and trees in order to control the global warming and improve oxygen level in the oceans. Thus it makes the brain healthier is given below and simultaneously save the fishes and chips from extinction and see what google says here
23M people like this including Farid Ali and 49 friends
Arts & Entertainment
Jul 3rd, 11:40am

Google typically takes a week or more to reply.
Nalin Ranjan
July 1 at 2:03pm ·
The BBC website
Date 1-7-2017
Today those Birthday well wishes my comment as follow

Oxygen level in atmosphere has dropped due to greenhouse effect!

Many happy returns of the day --I wish you to carry more water by hand while pouring water to plants and trees. This way it can stimulate the motor cells to carry more oxygen for the brain. Thus it makes the brain healthier by breathing more oxygen is the only way to expand your life span. From today onwards make your brain healthier
     Nalin Ranjan,
Brain Research Work
Foot note: More can be read from this website titled as “Watering the Plants and planting trees can expand all lives” same thing can be assessed from this website

Copy of this report posted to Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)” on 2-11-2019
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Space.Com" on 2-11-2019
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Dr-Pramod Kumar Yadawa” on 2-11-2019
on 2-11-2019
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Copy of this report posted to Dr.Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States - California" on 2-11-2019
Copy of this report posted to "The Hindu" on 2-11-2019
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