Wednesday, 15 November 2023

The Synthesis Report Saying The World Is Going Off The Track


         The Synthesis Report saying World is going off the track                                                            

                                                       Date 15-11-2023


  Nalin Anthoni Pillai, Scientist

  Chennai- 600030



UN Chief Guterres

Of United Nations


       I am surprise to see an article today titled as “By 2030, world needs to cut emission by 43% UN report appeared in ‘The Times of India’ dated 15-11-2023 stated as “The world is failing to get a grip on climate change crisis. That is the message of United Nation Convection on Climate Change’s (UNFCC) latest report  which provides yet more evidence that the world remains massively off track to 1.5 degree Celsius and avoiding the worst of climate catastrophe,” said Antonio Guterres UN secretary-general.

      The synthesis report shows that if the latest available nationally determined contributions (NDCS) –climate actions -- are implemented, current commitment will increase emissions by about by 8.8%, compared to 2010 levels. “This is a marginal improvement over last year’s assessment, which found countries were on a path to increase emissions 10.6% by2030, compared to 2010 levels”

     Noting the huge emission gap, Guterres said, “Inch by inch progress will not do. It is time for a climate ambition supernova in every country, city, and sector.”

     Referring to the findings of the report that shows how national climate action plans “remain insufficient” to limit global temperature rise, the UN chief pitched for acceleration of the ‘net zero’ (emission) timelines so that developed countries get as close as possible to the target by 2040 and emerging economies by 2030.

     The eye opening finding may set a tone for (COP28), scheduled to be held during November 30th to December 12th  in Dubai.

     I would like to put it in a more perspective way any increase in global temperature caused by burning forty billion tons fossil materials every year and if the world continues to burn definitely it affects the coolant particles at the sub-atomic level. And with this prolong heat waves that is already happening now in two or three decades time glaciers can never form in the north and south poles having very limited winter season can harm the habitual earth. Once these glaziers go away, defitely it won’t make the species and plants to survive on this earth. The whole biological system will be perished by the cause of heat waves affecting the coolant particles at the sub-atomic level. More details can be read from my report posted to United Nations tilted as follow


 Global Warming affects the coolant particles at the sub-atomic level dated 6-6-2019


Also read this blog website“Why American sexual life is declining?” 13-3-2017 as follow

Another paper too published titled as “How to make double helix bond stronger among them” dated 26-9-2019 can be assessed here

I wish viewers to read this article titled as “Millions to die prematurely  by ’50 due to pollution: UN” appeared in ‘The Time of India’ dated 15-3-2019 a popular daily news paper In India also available in the Internet    

Now let us hate wars against any humanity as well as procurement of any defense material from any country only United Nations alone has to control the Climate Change by keeping the defense under their control.

So, let us avoid serious Climate Change Crisis by overall limiting existing defense.


    Nalin Anthoni Pillai

Brain Research Work

Oceans under threat like never before, warns World Meteorological Organization.


Climate Action: It’s time to make peace with nature, UN chief urges

The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, has described the fight against the climate crisis as the top priority for the 21st Century, in a passionate, uncompromising speech delivered on Wednesday at Columbia University in New York.

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

What is next after Higgs Boson Particle-Copy addressed to Barac Obama


Global Brain Drain of Health


                                                                                                                  Date 09-4-2012


A.   Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

18, (New No.41) Seventh Cross Street,

West Shenoy Nagar, Chennai-600030



  Mr. Radhakrishnan

  The Chairman of ISRO

  Head Quarters, Antariksh Bhavan

  New Bel Road, BANGALORE 560094



What is next after Higgs boson- like particle?

It is a life giving particle for the biological system


     I would like to reveal this paper on “Higgs boson particle is a life giving particle for the biological system” which coincides with my analysis by giving excess voltage for the brain through my invented Medical Instrument to generate coolness for the body and the brain. This seems to occur from Higgs boson particle that create life for the biological system. Though I analyze it much earlier applying the technical word call dipole dipole force which is nothing but this Higgs boson particle that had come out of Large Hadron Collider at CERN and this announcement was a shocking news for me made by Dr. Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Director General of CERN at the special Conference called by CERN in Geneva on 4-7-2012. This is a most promising particle that appeared in The Hindu Article titled as “What next after Higgs boson –like particle?” issued on 5-7-2012. This I had already assessed in the name of diploe dipole force and made a remark “Does this technical word have some meaning for the North and South pole glaciers.” And the same was addressed to Mr. Barack Obama, The President of United States on 9-4-2012 with regard to Astronauts staying in zero gravity affect their eyes and brain and the copy of the letter was also addressed to The Chief Microgravity Research Division –Code UG, NASA Head quarters, Washington- DC 20546-202-358-0647.

     I would like to demonstrate my Medical Instrument for your organization. As and when they work they become fresh thus eliminating stress, strain and fatigue both for the body and the brain. So there’s no man power loss while working at the office. In fact, it increases their efficiency by forty percent. 


               This Medical Instrument never encourages a drunkard person to be fit because it slackens brain’s robust activity.

     At the outset of this Medical Instrument will always encourage the working members to work effectively and ensure sound sleep at night. Thus it gives a new lease of life for those who are willing to work hard.    

      I hope this Instrument will become handy for the astronauts to stay for a longer period in zero gravity by limiting the cerebrospinal fluid pressure in the cranium. Thus it ensures sound sleep and keeps par with good health through this coolant action generated by Higgs boson particles with the help of light.

    Let this beauty speaks in every watery planets or frozen planets.


       A. Nalin Ranjan

   Brain Research Work



     1.  Copy of my letter address to Mr. Barack Obama, The President of U.S.

          Dated 9-4-2012

     2. Copy of my letter addressed to The Chief Microgravity Research Division –Code UG, NASA Head quarters, Washington- DC 20546-202-358-0647

    3. Copy of my paper titled as Higgs Boson Like particle presented to Dr. K.

         Jagadeesan, FRCS, FIMS, Founder Director of K.J. Hospital Research &         

         Director of K.J Hospital Research & Postgraduate Centre, at Chennai-84

   4. Same Copy of my paper to Dr. K. Selva Kumar, The Chairman Telemedicine

         Neurologist  at Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai.

   5. Copy of the patent Right authorized by the Government of India for my


What is next after Higgs Boson -like particle? Address to NASA


Global Brain Drain on Health


                                                                                                        Date 23-7-2012


A.   Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

18, (New No.41) Seventh Cross Street,

West Shenoy Nagar, Chennai-600030



    The Chief Micro-gravity Research Division-Code UG.

    NASA, HQ.Washington –DC 20546-202-358-0647



What is next after Higgs boson- like particle?

It is a life giving particle for the biological system

     I would like to reveal this paper on “Higgs boson particle is a life giving particle for the biological system” which coincides with my analysis by giving excess voltage for the brain through my invented Medical Instrument to generate coolness for the body and the brain. This seems to occur from Higgs boson particle that create life for the biological system. Though I analyze it much earlier applying the technical word call dipole dipole force which is nothing but this Higgs boson particle that had come out of Large Hadron Collider at CERN and this announcement was a shocking news for me made by Dr. Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Director General of CERN at the special Conference called by CERN in Geneva on 4-7-2012. This is a most promising particle that appeared in The Hindu Article titled as “What next after Higgs boson –like particle?” issued on 5-7-2012. This I had already assessed in the name of dipole dipole force and made a remark “Does this technical word have some meaning for the North and South poles glaciers.” And the same was addressed to Mr. Barack Obama, The President of United States on 9-4-2012 with regard to Astronauts staying in zero gravity affect their eyes and brain and the copy of the letter was also addressed to The Chief Microgravity Research Division –Code UG, NASA Head quarters, Washington- DC 20546-202-358-0647 on 9-4-2012.

How these Higgs boson particles interact at the poles

When applied voltage is given these Higgs boson particle have tremendous power to attract the coolant particles at the sub-atomic level by the interaction of the thermodynamic magnetic field and thereby it makes the God particle more vehement in its action. Same thing applies in the biological system where it inherits the coolness by absorbing light. This applied voltage through light strengthens the dipole dipole force (intermolecular action) makes the biological cells very active thus it helps Higgs boson (God Particle) at the sub atomic level  influence the coolant particles that keeps our body more healthy and fresh throughout the day.

This Higgs Boson particles also have influence on siphoning of water too behaves differently once it crosses the Earth’s equator rotate counterclockwise close to the Northern pole but rotates clockwise towards the Southern pole.      

Further, this magnetic field at the poles influence Higgs boson particle to create  coolant particles at the sub atomic level that enhances the coolness in the Northern and Southern hemispheres by circulating vast amount of  clouds that forms the glaciers at North pole and South Pole which is being influenced by the coolant action. In the case of highest mountain ranges too retains these icy glaciers due to climate changes condense the vapour in the atmosphere merely by the gravitational pull of the coolant action.  With the slight tilting of the Earth and the revolution around the Sun makes the four seasons and with Higgs boson attracting more coolant particles at the North and South poles enable the biological system to exist around the world. Here is a scientific proof to analyze this in biological system when excess voltage is given to the brain makes both the body and the brain moderately chill through this medium of light. Further, this Higgs boson particle with the inheritance of coolant particles at the sub atomic level not only slows the heart beat  but also make the blood to rush to the surface area to protect the skin by this vasoconstriction of the blood vessels enhances the freshness to various organs in the event of receiving chillness. Thus it makes the body and the brain fresh in a matter of minutes.

     This Medical Instrument is very useful in any organization. As and when they work they become fresh thus eliminating stress, strain and fatigue both for the body and the brain. So there’s no man power loss while working at the office. In fact, it increases their efficiency by forty percent.    

               This Medical Instrument never encourages a drunkard person to be fit because alcohol slackens brain’s robust activity.

     At the outset of this Medical Instrument will always encourage the working members to work effectively and ensure sound sleep at night. Thus it gives a new lease of life for those who are willing to work hard.

     I hope this Instrument will become handy for the astronauts to stay for a longer period in zero gravity by limiting the cerebrospinal fluid pressure inside the cranium. Thus it ensures sound sleep and keeps par with good health through this coolant action generated by Higgs boson particles with the help of light.


     Here I would like to conclude this Higgs boson is a creative particle acts as a source of energy for the existence of life as well as for the building block of matter. 

  My Cell No. (1-9677216827 No. 91-44-9840029619

  Land Line Phone No.91-44-26261187                                                                                                                                            

     Thanking you.

                                                                                     Yours sincerely


A.   Nalin Ranjan

                                                                                  Brain Research Work



     1. Copy of my earlier letter address to Mr. Barack Obama, The President of U.S.                  

          Dated 9-4-2012

      2. Article titled as “What Next after a Higgs Boson-like Particle? in The Hindu dt 5-7-2012

3. Article titled as “Haze reveals seasons on Saturn’s Moon” in Deccan Chronicle dt 12-7-12

      4. Copy of the patent Right authorized by the Government of India for my invention.

Sunday, 5 March 2023

Agriculture lands meant for farmers




                                                                                Date 19-2-2023

                           Agriculture lands meant for farmers


 Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

2000 acres of land-Ola electric Mobility Pvt Ltd all lands comes under the trust and it's not in the hands of the govt, First get the approval from concern trust and the first preference goes to farmers are the builders of our nation because there is already a food shortage in the world and one should know we have the biggest population in the world, you all have to take corrective decision in this regard.

   Norms had already given in the trust executed by a well qualified person who had formed the trust and the norms continues even in other four countries too written by the concern person.

   (And those who borrowed from China as loan had led some countries to a big economic crisis after Covid -19 Pandemic). And also this 470 air carriers is a big gamble order given for France to manufacture all these can create like Covid Pandemic in the near future because trees are dying without oxygen in the northern countries as well as Australia forest disaster out of fire, and so are we polluting the sea via industrial wastage that harms the species in the sea and land together). Now we find more disasters happening in the world every year.

     My dreams are coming true regard to climate change after Covid-19 Pendemic. More shortage of food bound to happen in the near future

      Now read the three articles titled as Wheat-growing states see 99% rain deficiency in Feb appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 24-2-2023 stating India is staring at a 39% deficit in winter rainfall since Jan 1st 2023, with Feb seeing higher deficiency, which is one of the key reasons for the exacerbation of heat so early this year, weather forecast told TOI on Tuesday (in the northern states of india read the article in the Net).

      Again another article titled as Can’t get tomatoes? Let us eat turnips, UK minister says” appeared in the same news paper dated today also states ‘Britons struggle to get hold of tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers as the nation faces a shortage that could last for another month might consider trumps instead, the minister in charge of the country’s food supply said on Thursday. On Wednesday, Britain’s biggest supermarket group Tesco followed rivals Asda, Morrisons and Aldi in imposing customer purchase limits on salad after disrupted harvests southern Europe and north Africa reduced supplies. The shortage has been exacerbated as high energy costs led to less winter production in green-house in Britain and Netherlands.

           How GDP growth of 7% can be possible in this fiscal year-23-24?

Article Titled as “Q3 GDP slows to 4.4% appeared in ‘The Times of India dt 1-3-2023

      Why Govt raises 470 air carriers seems to be another gamble!

   Even this article looks scary titled as El Nino’ fears raised food inflation worry” (reports Warn of Drought-Like Situation, Drop In Agri Output Due to Weather Phenomenon)” appeared in The Times of India dated 28-2-2023

Mumbai:- The monsoon may still be about three months away, but there are already concerns that an EI  Nino effect bringing drought-like condition would raise food inflation. Several research reports have highlighted the possibility of a drop in agriculture output, keeping inflation high during the current financial year

      It’s all cause by green-house effect that produces heat waves around the globe.

      Let’s all take a step to curb fossil material polluting the air.


        Nalin Ranjan

Brain Research work   

Copy of this report sent to Union Finance Minister-Nirmala Sitharaman on 19-2-2023 

Copy of this report Posted to Bhavish Agrawal’s  Ola on 19-2-2023

Copy of this report Posted Tamil Nadu Government on 19-2-2023


Budget 2023 In Numbers. See List

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is presenting the Union Budget for fiscal 2023-2024

Thursday, 2 February 2023

How Head ache, Body aches, Backache, Eye strain and Tech neck can be removed in a matter of minutes while working on the computer?

      Regard to any Institutions cannot give political colour once it is given on a Francis basis, It even applies to Vellore Institute of Technology  this I reported to The Times of India on 1-2-2023 as well as to      Ministry of Health and Family” :- Regard to Vellore Institute of Technology illegally naming M.Karunanidhi Hostel without knowing the norms and condition of the trust is stated as follow 

No politician can divide the country or rename any places in India when it had been gazetted and notified under the trust. I had even updated on 06-12-2022 and changed the 'Kolkata Diamond Harbour' to "Kolkata Port Trust" once again, it had been already gazetted and notified under the said norms. 

Google already warned me not to involve in Politics because they insisted me to reveal the facts of the brain. But I don't want any Government to spend unnecessarily on Defence only United Nations should hold the Defence, because I don't want people to die under any war even any soldiers for that matter "God had given place to live and not to destroy the world. Now, I am publishing a paper "How to avoid ailments in the human body" given as follow

How head ache, body aches, backache, eye strain and tech neck can be removed in a matter of minutes while working on the computer

                                                                                        Date 28-1-2023


Nalin Anthoni Pillai, Scientist



Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)


·       I am surprise to see an article yesterday titled as “Teen, kids suffering ‘tech neck’ due to excessive use of laptops, phone” appeared I ‘The Times of India dated 27-1-2023 stating that the Tech neck syndrome refers to the onset of cervical spinal degeneration that results from the repeated stress of frequent forward head flexion while we look down at the screens of mobile devices and while we ‘text’  for long period of time.

·        It is more common in adolescents, who, for several hours a day and for several days a year, hunch over smartphones and personal  computers more frequent than the past

·        Some estimates suggest that 75% of the world’s population is hunched over their heads

·        How dies hunching over smartphone affect the neck : A full –grown head weights almost 5Kg in the neutral position. The more the head is flexed, more forces on the neck surge

·        For example, the weight of the head doubles to roughly 12kg at 15 degree-to 18.14kg at 30 degree and to 22.23kg at 45 degree, reaching a more than fivefold effect at 60 degree, arriving to 27.22Kg


    I would like to put it in a more perspective way how to prevent ailments such head ache, body ache, backache, eye strain, wrist syndrome as well as tech neck pain once you increase the level of voltage in the brain with the help of photon transfer of electrons from the monitor.


    This is achievable with my invented Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998 keeps carpal tunnel syndrome at bay, even if one works continuously on the computer become more fresh. This is purely due to high level of voltage in the brain through medium of light enhance the Higgs bosom particles rendering them as candidate in strengthening all the ionise blood cells to carry more oxygen in them by the physical movements of the hands open the alert status of the brain. Thus it keeps the body and the brain as fresh as ever through the medium of light.


  I had published many papers one among them titled as part I and part II “Why male elephant get affected by musth and why not in female Elephant” Can be assessed from this website as follow

 Second  paper titled asA solution for Mental Illness - Part II can be assessed from this website :


Also published another paper “Why myopia occurs in young children” can be assessed from this website

Another paper titled as “How to eliminate Computer Vision Syndrome dated 31-5-2016-can be assessed from this website

Another one titled as “Why prehistoric human heads were big compared to Modern Man” can be assessed from this website

Read this paper too titled as “Sitting is the main cause for health hazard: Researchers” can be assessed from this Website 

    Let this beauty speak itself through photon transfer of electrons.


   Nalin Ranjan

Brain Research Work 

Date 1-2-2023

Foot Note : When I had already published a paper immediately after Centre change Mughal Gardens to AMRIT UDYAN on 28-1-2023 that no Politician can give a political colour or rename any places once it given on a Francis basis, it even applies to "Vellore Institute of Technololy" can not give political name for the hostel Block, even Marina beach also falls under under the norms of the said Trust. This is the reason most Indian harbours named as Port trust automatically will be updated according to court verdict.

Copy of this report once again posted to “Kings College London Neuroscience” on 28-1-2023
Copy of this report onc again posted to "World Health Organization (WHO)" on 28-1-2023

Copy of this report once again posted to “World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies” on 28-1-2023

Copy of this report once again posted to “British Society of gastroenterology (at the JPGN)” on 28-1-2023

Copy of this report once again posted to “British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience” on 28-1-2023

Copy of this report once again posted to “NASA Crew and Thermal System Division – Space.Com” on 28-1-2023

Copy of this report once again posted to “CERN Org. Geneva (LHC scientists in search for fifth force of nature” on 28-1-2023

Copy of this report once again posted to “Johns Hopkins University” on 28-1-2023

Copy of this report once again posted to “University of Oxford-California” on 28-1-2023

Copy of this report once again posted to “University of Leeds Neuroscience” on 28-1-2023

Copy of this report once again posted to “Standard Chartered Bank” on 28-1-2023

Copy of this report once again posted to “Dr. Jennifer Klay, scientist, Asst Professor of Physics at Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo” on 28-1-2023

Copy of this report once again posted to “The Times of India” on 28-1-2023

Copy of this report posted to “Late-Dr. Stephen Hawking, Scientist from London-UK” on 28-1-2023

Copy of this report once again posted to “Society for British Neuroscience Association” on 28-1-2023

Copy of this report posted to “Joe Biden -The President of United States” 128-1-2023