Wednesday, 23 August 2023

What is next after Higgs Boson Particle-Copy addressed to Barac Obama


Global Brain Drain of Health


                                                                                                                  Date 09-4-2012


A.   Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

18, (New No.41) Seventh Cross Street,

West Shenoy Nagar, Chennai-600030



  Mr. Radhakrishnan

  The Chairman of ISRO

  Head Quarters, Antariksh Bhavan

  New Bel Road, BANGALORE 560094



What is next after Higgs boson- like particle?

It is a life giving particle for the biological system


     I would like to reveal this paper on “Higgs boson particle is a life giving particle for the biological system” which coincides with my analysis by giving excess voltage for the brain through my invented Medical Instrument to generate coolness for the body and the brain. This seems to occur from Higgs boson particle that create life for the biological system. Though I analyze it much earlier applying the technical word call dipole dipole force which is nothing but this Higgs boson particle that had come out of Large Hadron Collider at CERN and this announcement was a shocking news for me made by Dr. Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Director General of CERN at the special Conference called by CERN in Geneva on 4-7-2012. This is a most promising particle that appeared in The Hindu Article titled as “What next after Higgs boson –like particle?” issued on 5-7-2012. This I had already assessed in the name of diploe dipole force and made a remark “Does this technical word have some meaning for the North and South pole glaciers.” And the same was addressed to Mr. Barack Obama, The President of United States on 9-4-2012 with regard to Astronauts staying in zero gravity affect their eyes and brain and the copy of the letter was also addressed to The Chief Microgravity Research Division –Code UG, NASA Head quarters, Washington- DC 20546-202-358-0647.

     I would like to demonstrate my Medical Instrument for your organization. As and when they work they become fresh thus eliminating stress, strain and fatigue both for the body and the brain. So there’s no man power loss while working at the office. In fact, it increases their efficiency by forty percent. 


               This Medical Instrument never encourages a drunkard person to be fit because it slackens brain’s robust activity.

     At the outset of this Medical Instrument will always encourage the working members to work effectively and ensure sound sleep at night. Thus it gives a new lease of life for those who are willing to work hard.    

      I hope this Instrument will become handy for the astronauts to stay for a longer period in zero gravity by limiting the cerebrospinal fluid pressure in the cranium. Thus it ensures sound sleep and keeps par with good health through this coolant action generated by Higgs boson particles with the help of light.

    Let this beauty speaks in every watery planets or frozen planets.


       A. Nalin Ranjan

   Brain Research Work



     1.  Copy of my letter address to Mr. Barack Obama, The President of U.S.

          Dated 9-4-2012

     2. Copy of my letter addressed to The Chief Microgravity Research Division –Code UG, NASA Head quarters, Washington- DC 20546-202-358-0647

    3. Copy of my paper titled as Higgs Boson Like particle presented to Dr. K.

         Jagadeesan, FRCS, FIMS, Founder Director of K.J. Hospital Research &         

         Director of K.J Hospital Research & Postgraduate Centre, at Chennai-84

   4. Same Copy of my paper to Dr. K. Selva Kumar, The Chairman Telemedicine

         Neurologist  at Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai.

   5. Copy of the patent Right authorized by the Government of India for my


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