How to prevent heart attack in men and women?
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist
BBC World News
am surprise to see an article titled as “How heart
attack enfeeble” appeared in The Hindu dated 18-11-2018 that A unique molecular process can help explain why heart
muscle cells undergo negative and permanent changes after a heart attack. The
study, by researchers in Japan, advances understanding of how heart attacks can
cause long-team cardiac damage, and presents a potential target for treating
cardiovascular ailments. Heart attacks, also known as myocardial infarction are
the most common cause of death in patients with heart disease. The activity of
Drp1, a protein that mediates the fission (or splitting) of mitochondria, is
increased after attacks, in mouse hearts, the researchers found that under
low-oxygen conditions, another protein (filamin A) served as a binding partner
I would like to put it in more perspective way
why heart attacks are occurring which is caused by the inefficient of GDF11
leads to low-oxygen condition disease known as myocardial infarction (an
occlusion of coronary artery cause by arthrosclerosis. As a result of this
low-oxygen and the protein (filamin A) serve as a binding to Drp1 that
heightens fission of mitochondria to split under low-oxygen that causes heart
attack in men and women.
Further, this low–oxygen level in the blood cells makes mitochondria to become
less efficient to cope up with weak energy that leads to heart failure. This I
had already stated in my paper titled as “Goodbye to heart attacks!” sub titled
as ‘What causes heart failure’ can be assessed from this website
Another paper
too I had displayed in my website titled as “Secret of the brain unraveled” sub
titled as ‘How to avoid heart attack’ can be assessed from the following
Also read
another paper titled as “Why Omega-3 not helpful in protecting ‘Heart attacks’
can be assessed from the following website
And also
read another paper titled as “How to avoid migraine that can stop heart attack”
can be assessed from this website
Let this
beauty of light create more energy to avoid heart attacks in the future.
Nalin Ranjan
Research Work
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report posted to “The Times of India”on 19-11-2018
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report posted to “Kings College London Neuroscience” on 19-11-2018
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report posted to Dr. Philip Plait, Scientists from United States- California”
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report posted to “Dr. Lawrence Krauss, Scientist from United States
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report posted to “Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States – California”
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report posted to “The Economic Times” on 22-11-2018
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