Friday 31 May 2024

How to solve these Cognitive problems as well as people working late at night?


How to solve these Cognitive problems as well as people working late at night?

                                                                                    Date 26-5-2024


   Nalin Anthony Pillai, Scientist

   Chennai- INDIA


   BBC World New –London



     I am surprise to see two articles tiled as “Working at dead of night? be another article tiled as Disrupted sleep makes people vulnerable to have Cognitive problems in later years  articles appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 18-5-2024 another article dated 29-2-2024 respectively. Both of these articles affect circadian clock that deprives the cellular activity in the body leads to DNA damage, because of poor sleep even for those disrupted sleep leads to cognitive problems in the middle age or early stage of life. Thus lessening melatonin secretion is the cause for such diseases in both cases.

      I would like to put it in a more perspective way since our body contains 95% of water and with the help of light, one can increase the level of voltage in the brain through photon transfer of electrons that coverts dead cells into carbohydrates into glucose. In the process it helps the cortisol to secrete and increase cellular activity keeps the Leptin and Ghrelin under control. Thus increases metabolism activity by the conversion of dead cell keep the body and the brain as fresh as ever even at late hours. This is the secret of the dead cells makes the body hale and healthy with the release of insulin, a hormone that controls the blood sugar level. So much so, no obesity can be created out of dead cells. And thereafter circadian rhythm plays its part after working long hours.

      My personal advice to all not to take undue advantage of the situation by working long hours on my invented Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998.


     Ensure to walk 2 or 3 km almost every day in the morning to make your legs strong.


 I had published in my Blog Website titled as “Alzheimer’s disease is a Man made disease can be tackled by simple procedure”. Now you can assess this website from here  

Regard to Night-shifter I again published a paper titled as “Night shifts people can easily avoid any DNA damages” can be assessed from this website         

 Another paper titled as “Why Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease occur in some human?” can be assessed from this website

  And also read another paper titled as “How to improve creativity in young children?” can be assessed from this website

Let all can have active life after long hours of work.



     Nalin Anthoni Pillai

   Brain Research Work


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