Tuesday, 27 August 2019

How to improve vertigo in people?


How to improve vertigo in people?
                                                                                Date 26-8-2019
Nalin Anthoni Pillai, Scientist

BCC World News –London
     I had read three articles titled as “Cells that aid hearing, balance created in lab appeared in ‘The Times of India’ dated 28-5-2015
and another article titled as “Ear-trickle therapy may help people age healthily appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 31-7-2019- Lastly another article titled as “Life Out Of Balance” appeared in ‘The Times of India” (Times Life) dated 18-8-2019. All three articles are essential to overcome vertigo imbalance which can occur in many ways caused by calcium carbonate deposit in the inner canals of the ear or changes in ear pressure and fluid in it, or by viral or bacterial infection. If you find any of these symptoms leads to vertigo imbalance cause by weakening of Sensory hair cells inner ear canal including bacterial infection can be cured by increasing the level of voltage in the brain through the medium of light. Thus it strengthens sensory hair cells to improve the vertigo balance as well as memory power by these sensitive lights.
What happens initially while practicing on my Medical Instrument?
Before inventing my Medical Instrument I had a small amount of discharge in one of my ears. When I started practicing my work on this Medical Instrument every time it makes my body and the brain moderately chill. And after a couple of months I developed sneezing with pouring nose just for 15-to-20 minutes in a day three or four times. But I continued my routine work on this invented computer Medical Instrument , because it was giving thunder bolt sneezing after two or three hours later nose start pouring triggered by the air lung pressure through this visual sensitive lights. In a couple of months my ear stopped bacterial infection from discharging the fluid. This way it possible to stop developing any calcium carbonate deposit in the inner ear canal or any sort of vertigo imbalance can be eliminated by increasing the level of voltage in the brain. After a year or so, even sneezing stopped occurring. Further, it stimulates my ear that makes me to use the ear buds to remove the dry cells from both my ears every day. Now there’s an article titled as Ear-trickle therapy may help people age healthily Now, all can be done in one go once you increase the level of voltage in the brain using my invented Computer Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998 without using any medicine it can be cured.
    Regard to balancing power I published a paper titled as “How to Keep the Brain as Healthy as ever? Dated 19-6-2019. Now this can be assessed from this website

Let this beauty speaks itself in life.

    Nalin Anthoni Pillai
  Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted to “Imperial College Neuroscience society” on 26-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Federation of European Neuroscience Society (FENS) on 26-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Kings College London Neuroscience” on 26-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Austra Lasian Neuroscience Society” on 26-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “British Society of Gastro-entrology (at JPGN)” on 26-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Society for Neuroscience” on 26-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “NASA Crew and Thermal system division- Space.Com” on 26-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “University of Leeds Neuroscience- Leeds Neuro” on 26-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Late Dr. Stephen Hawking, Scientist from London-U.K.” on 26-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “CERN. Org (LHC Scientists in search for fifth of Nature” on 26-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “The Times of India” on 26-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Jennifer Klay, Scientist –Asst. Professor of Physics at Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo” on 26-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Philip Plait, Scientist from United States –California” on 26-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Donald Trump –The President of United States” on 26-8-2019

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Why the Moon is not falling onto the Earth?

Why the Moon is not falling onto the Earth?
                                                                    Date 6-8-2019

Nalin Anthoni Pillai, Scientist

NASA Crew & Thermal System Division

     I am surprise to see an article today titled as “Moon & Mercury may have thick ice deposits” appeared in a popular news paper called ‘The Times of India dated 6-8-2019 stating as “The Moon and Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, may contain significantly more water ice than previously thought, according to a new analysis of data from Nasa spacecraft.
     The potential ice deposits are found in craters near the poles of both worlds, according to the study published in the journal Nature Geoscience.
     Now it has become more evident that there are coolant particles at the subatomic level and bigger the mass like the Sun keeps the planets to move around the Sun by the coolant action of the heavy mass. On the same principle even Moon like objects also moves around to its closest planet. Far smaller objects less than 750 kilometer in diameter may also bring water crystal Ice forms by the over coolant cosmic clouds that can easily crashes in any of the planets or the Sun. This is because smaller objects they are unable to repel against heavy coolant of any giant planets they are likely to crash into the planet. In the early solar system smaller objects started crashing among them had formed the planetary in our solar system and they all had crystal water in them. This is purely by the coolant action at the sub atomic level had formed the planetary systems in other stars in our Milky Way galaxy.

Our moon had formed 4.51 billion years ago still orbiting the Earth
Seven day ago I read about this article titled as “Moon much older than previously thought: Study” appeared in the Times of India dated 31-7-2019, same day I commented as ‘My only argument why the Moon always goes around the Earth is it because of centrifugal force in spite of Earth’s orbital movement that travels at a speed of 67000 miles per hour around the Sun. This Moon always keep in pace with earth’s movement. Is there any counter acting force or by vast overcasting chillness (caused by Earth’s thermodynamic magnetic field these glaciers are formed) at north and south poles repulse the Moon to be in its own orbit by this coolant action.

    I was stunned to see another article stated above titled as “Moon & Mercury may have thick ice deposits” appeared in ‘The Times of India’ dated 6-8-2019. This article made it much more evident for me- it is through this Earth’s vast overcasting chillness in the north and south poles which repulse with the coolness of the moon at north and south poles that make the Moon to orbit the Earth without falling. Basically it is not through centrifugal force that keeps the moon in its orbit.
   I had already stated in many of my papers titled below. It is the coolant particles at the subatomic level makes the galaxies to run away from the epic centre, paper titled as “Whom am I to tell this!’ can be assessed from this website

Why the Universe is expanding after the Big Bang?

Coolant particles at the sub-atomic level leads to glacier formation at North and South Poles
Posted on 21-7-2014

NASA's Super-massive Black Hole
Posted on 14-8-2014

A black hole in 5D stimulation leaves Einstein's general relativity to doom


  Why Albert Einstein’s general relativity breakdown?
                                                                                    Posted on Date 29-2-2016

Let this beauty speaks itself.

    Nalin Anthoni Pillai
  Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Philip Plait, Scientist from United States –California” on 6-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “CERN Org. Geneva, (LHC scientists in search for Fifth force of Nature” on 6-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Late Dr. Stephen Hawking, Scientist from London -U.K.” on 6-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Federation of European Neuroscience Societies” on 6-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Society for Neuroscience” on 6-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “The Times of India” 6-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “ISRO Chandrayaan-2 Launched” on 6-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Jennifer Kllay, Scientist –Asst Professor of Physics at Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo” on 6-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States –California” on 6-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Lawrence Krauss, Scientist from United States – California” on 6-8-2019
Copy of this report posted to “BBC World News from London, U.K.” on 6-8-2019