Wednesday, 31 October 2018

How to avoid laziness in men and women?


How to avoid laziness in men and women?
                                                                         Date 20-9-2018
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

BBC World News

     I am surprise to see an article today titled as “Study : Human brains are wired to be lazy” appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 20-9-2018 statingFeeling too lazy to hit the gym? Blame your brain, say scientists who found that it is naturally wired to prefer lying on the couch. Statistics show that despite our best intensions we are actually become less active.
      Researchers from the University of British Columbia in Canada studied brain connections to understand this “exercise paradox’.
      The failure of public policies to counteract the pandemic of physical inactivity may be due to brain processes that have been developed and reinforced across evolution,”” said Mathieu Boisgontier, postdoctoral researcher UBC.

I would like to put it in a more perspective way how to avoid laziness in men and women? Most of the office goers they simply sit in front of the computer system by doing their usual work that lead to mental fatigue while monitoring the screen more than an hour. Naturally eyes starts drooping creating a sort of drowsiness especially after having lunch it takes bigger toll on the brain lessening the voltage power in the brain through body postures.
    This sitting posture largely affects the brain that lowers the voltage power in the brain where more oxygenated blood is utilized by the spinal cord and lessens the oxygen blood for the eyes that takes a toll on the brain causing stress, strain, fatigue and eyestrain. By just sitting it increases the body mass index (BMI) especially the buttock region as well the stomach region. Over weight of these regions affect the endocrine system in abysmal state leaving the hands, legs stomach, buttock in a more plump shape. These over weights are the ones that cause laziness in men and women.

How to overcome this laziness in humans?

Body mass index should not exceed 72 to 77 kg weight for a person whose height 5ft 10 inches average age of 40-60 whereas I am just 70 I weigh only 68 Kgs. If the person is having lesser height- weight should also to be reduced concurrently according to one’s age. I was able to control my body weight even at 70 years by getting up at 6.30 am. I usually go walking nearly 3 kms as well as in the evening about one km. Every day I carry water by hand which is not less than 8 litres of water I walk 150 meters distant that too two times a day in watering the plants plus I do yoga exercise for half an hour three times a week. Apart from this I normally work on the computer continuously for three hours a day. That makes my upper arms and thigh muscles and calf muscles comparatively slim and strong. Further, this muscle strength also helps me horizontally to lift the body above the ground ten times during Yoga exercise just using the hands and two legs. In the course I produce more neurons in the brain that gradually makes my body moderately chill with my invented Medical Instrument through the Medium of light. Thus it makes my body slim and strong without taking any medicine even at this age of 70.

    I had already published a paper titled as “How to keep up your body healthy at the workplace” dated 30-11-2017 can be assessed from this Website

     Another paper titled as “Global Brain Drain on Doctors’ Healthdated 8-12-2014 can be assessed from the following website

     And also read this paper titled as Secrets of the brain unraveled” under this sub title called Prolong sitting takes a toll on life is true! dated 14-9-2017

     Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted to “World Federation of NeuroSurgical societies” on 20-9-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Dr Lawrence Krauss, Scientist from United States – California” on 20-9-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)” on 20-9-2018
Copy of this report post posted to “Dr. Neil Degresse Tyson, Scientist from United States –New York” on 20-9-2018
Copy of this report posted to CERN Org. (LHC scientists in search for ‘fifth force of nature” on 20-9-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist, from United States –California” on 20-9-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Imperial College Neuroscience Society” on 20-9-2018
Copy of this report posted to Kings College London Neuroscience” on 20-9-2018
Copy of this report posted to NASA Crew and Thermal system Division – on 20-9-2018
Copy of this report posted to "17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health:" on 2-10-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Donald Trump – The President of United States” on 20-9-2018

How to make love more effective?


                     How to make love more effective?
                                                                             Date 15-9-2018
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

BBC World News

    I am surprise to see an article titled as “A little bit of loving can keep you in good spirit” appeared in the ‘The Times of India’ dated 9-9-2018 stating Frequent romantic encounters can help invigorate your body and your mind: While we know that lovemaking is essential for a healthy body, recent studies prove that it is also vital for a healthy mind and can give meaning to life.
      According to researchers from the George Mason University, there is more to sex than just organism. In the study, titles Emotions, the group of scientists found that having sex once a day gave a better meaning to life and keep one positive even the following day.
       I would like to put it in a more perspective way that everyone can have sex with their partner whether they are young or old. This can be achieved once he/she works on my invented Medical Instrument automatically energizes the body and the brain though the medium of light. Thus it makes the body and the brain as fresh as ever that naturally create sex orgasms in men and women. 
    I had already stated in my paper titled as “How to improve sex activity in women? dated 15-6-2016 can be assessed from the following website
    Regard to this, I had even displayed another version in my Blog website titled as “Secret of the brain unravelled” under the sub-titled name ‘Dysfunction of the sexual arousal in Men and Women” which I published on 5-2-2015. Now this can be assessed from the following website
     In addition to this, another paper titled as “Why American sexual life is declining?” can be assessed from this website as follow
    Let this beauty speaks itself with their partners.
      Nalin Ranjan
  Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted to Imperial College Neuroscience Society” on 15-9-2018
Copy of this report posted to”CERN Org. (LHC scientists in search for ‘Fifth force of Nature) on 15-9-2018
Copy of this report posted to “NASA Crew and Thermal System Division –Space.Com” on 15-9-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Federation of European Neuroscience Societyes (FENS)” on 15-9-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, Scientist from United States –New York” on 15-9-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States – California” on 15-9-2018
Copy of this report posted to Dr. Lawrence Krauss, Scientist from United States – California” on 15-9-2018
Copy of this report posted to Kings College London Neuroscience” on 1`5-9-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Donald Trump –The President of United States’ on 15-9-2018

Why elephants are not prone to cancer


Why elephants are not prone to cancer
                                                                              Date 28-8-2018
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

BBC World News
       I am surprise to see an article titled as Elephants wake up their sleepy genes to protect against cancer stating Cells in our body have built-in mechanisms to be healthy, to correct errors, and to divide and grow to optimum size and make more copies of themselves. Each of these processes is strictly governed. But what if something goes wrong due to external insults, such as smoking or high doses of radiation? Cancer is one such result, wherein the DNA in the cells is damaged, leading to non-stop multiplication and formation of uncontrolled large masses of tumour tissues, debilitating organs in the body. There are relevant genes and their proteins in the cells which attempt to resist such tumour growth A gene called TP53 is one such. It is when these check and control mechenisms are tampered with that cancer results.
Regard to this I had already published a paper titled as “How elephants avoid deadly diseases” dated 9-10-2015. More details are given in my blog website  as follow

Apart from this I would like to elaborate with some more facts carnivorous animals and mammals sometimes randomly get cancer out of apoptosis disease. This apoptosis disease reduces the voltage power in the brain affecting P53 genes unable to control cancer cells from proliferation in some old age mammals and animals. Same is applicable in human too.
Humans, mice and dogs though they look very small compared to elephant body mass they are more affected by these cancer growth because of acrylamide a chemical compound generally found in fried potatoes, over fried coffee seeds, and also from over fried meat products as well as dead meat. (Read the article titled as “Plastic bottle fake cause of cancer” appeared in Deccan Chronicle dated 28-4-2018.) By eating them over a period of time it affect the epithelial cells in the blood stream that can cause cancer to any vital organs which is caused by ineffective of the P53 gene eventually leads to cancer proliferation in human as well as mice.
There are other factors easily leads to cancer in human such as smoking, pollution from fossil fuel, over eating like rice and wheat and meat products that leads to obesity. Carrying heavy weights in the body eventually drops the voltage power in the brain  lacks the electrical power in the P53 gene in the epithelial cells loses its efficiency to control cancer cells from proliferation in some people. Only way to avoid cancer in human to increase the voltage power in the brain through the medium of light strengthens the dipole dipole force which is nothing but Higgs Boson particle rendering them as candidate in carrying more oxygen in the ionize blood cells.
 Further, this increase voltage in the brain strengthens the dipole dipole force to act on endothelial cells with heavily ionized oxygen blood locks this VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) from proliferation. Thus it inhibits the cancer growth in the human body.
This is the only way to stop cancer from proliferation through the medium of light.

My first paper on cancer titled as “Necessity is a mother of invention, now a cure” dated 30-1-2011 and the same was address to CERN Organization when they revealed Higgs Boson Particle on 4th of July 2012 who displayed my name in their Website. Now this can be assessed from the following Website

I had also published another paper titled as “How to eradicate cancer by simple procedure” dated 09-2-2016 can be assessed from this Web site
Also read my paper titled as "How Brain Drain our Health by fatty cells? displayed in my Website called 'Secret of the brain unravelled' can be assessed from the following website

Let this beauty speaks itself in life.
    Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted to “World dederation of Neuro Surgical Societies’ on 28-8-2018
Copy of this report posted to “UCLA Neuroscience Under graduate society (NUS)” on 28-8-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Fedewration of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)” on 28-8-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Lawrence Krauss, Scientist from United States _ California” on 28-8-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States – California” on 28-8-2018
Copy of this report posted Kings College London Nueroscience” on 28-8-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Late Dr. Stephen Hawking, Scientist from London” on 28-8-2018
Copy of this report posted to Dr. Neil Degresse Tyson, Scientist from United States –New York” on 28-8-2018
Copy of this report posted to CERN Org. (LHC, Scientists in search for ‘fifth force of nature’ on 28-8-2018
Copy of this report posted to Dr Jennifer Klay, Asst Professor of Physics at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, who assisted in CERN- Large Hadron Collider” to whom I sent my cancer paper during Higgs Boson Particle announcement on 4-7-2012 who displayed my name in their CERN Website
Copy of this report posted to “Donald Trump- The President of United States” on 28-8-2018

Sunday, 14 October 2018

How to make our brain as fresh as ever

How to make the brain as fresh as ever
                                                            Date 24-8-2018
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

BBC World News- London

    I am surprise to see an article titled as “Sitting for long can affect memory too” appeared in The Times of India dated 21-8-2018 stating that ‘Sitting for hours without moving can slow the flow of blood to our brains, according to a cautionary new study of office workers, a finding that could have implications for long-term brain health.
     Delivering blood to our brains is one of those automatic internal processes that it is essential for life and cognition. Brain cells need the oxygen and nutrients that blood contains, and several large arteries constantly shuttle blood up to our skulls.
I would like to put it in a more perspective way that our brain invariably struggle when one is seated for longer hours. This long sitting at the desk top eyes takes a beating by the inefficient of the motor cells deprives the oxygen level in the blood cells that slacken the brain’s robust activity. Ultimately, sitting leads to stress, strain, fatigue and eyes strain at the end of the day.
 To avoid stress, strain, fatigue and eyes strain I had invented a Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998. By sitting on this Medical Instrument for longer hours lowers the intake of food. Actually it creates nutrient food on its own using small amount of carbon dioxide with water hydrogenated by the cells enhancing the voltage level in the brain through the medium of light it turns into glucose just like plants do through photosynthesis produces carbohydrate. This way it removes stress strain, fatigue and eyes strain thus making the body and the brain as fresh as ever.
Regard to this I had already sent a report in advance to Mr. Obama, The President of United States who unveiled the Climate Change" held on 26-9-2013 that report I am now displaying it again “how to curtail food production” and divert the huge amount water for plants and trees to grow in order to bring down the global temperature
Let this beauty speak itself in life.
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States –California” on 24-8-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Kings College of London Neuroscience” on 24-8-2018
Copy of this report posted to Federation of European Neuroscience Societies” on 24-8-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Society for Neuroscience” 24-8-2018
Copy of report posted to Dr. Lawrence Krauss, Scientist from United States –California” on 24-8-2018
Copy of this report posted to “CERN Org. Geneva (LHC Scientists in search for “fifth force of nature” on 24-8-2018
Copy of this report posted to NASA Crew and Thermal System Division –Space.Com on 24-8-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, Scientist, from United States –New York” on 24-8-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Donald Trump –The President of United States” on 24-8-2018