How primitive microbes evolved in space
Date 18-3-2018
Nalin Ranjan,
Dr. Jennifer Klay,
Asst Professor of
Physics –California
My dreams are coming true again
I am surprise to see an article tiled as
“Rare meteorite may hold clue to life’s origin”
appeared in a popular News paper called ‘The Hindu dated 4-3-2018 Stating “A study of two meteorites, which fell in Assam and
Rajasthan over a span of 13 hours in 2017, by the Geological Survey of India
(GST) has concluded that they may contain “significant clues to the origins of
Late on the evening
of June 5 last, a meteorite weighing 3.014 kg fell in Natun Balijan village in
Tinsukkia, Assam.
Thirteen hours later,
early on June 6 another meteorite, weighing 2.23 kg, fell in Mukundpura village
under Sadiya subdivision near Jaipur.
Experts from GSI’s
Meteorite and Planetary Science Division (the custodian of meteorites- studied
both objects for over 10 months.
“The Mukundpura one
is a carbonaceous meteorite, one of the most primitive types. They contain
grains of calcium and iron, which date to a time before the sum came into
existence. They may contain clues to the formation of early life,” a scientist
at GST told The Hindu.”
Nasa too had come out with facts article
titled as “Life began in space: Nasa Study” appeared in Deccan Chronicle News
paper in the year 2009. Now read the article given below
Life on earth began in Space :
Nasa study
The NASA research has
suggested that a wider range of asteroids were capable of creating the kind of
amino acids used by life on Earth.
The molecules come in
two mirror-image varieties, known as left and right handed. But only
left-handed amino acids are found in nature.
In March 2009, researchers at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Centre
in Greenbelt
found an excess of the Left-handed form of the amino acid isovaline in samples
of meteorites that came from carbon-rich asteroids.
Nalin version that meteorites would have come from far beyond Pluto
planet. Since NASA has found nitrogen
and Methane in the tenth planet far beyond Pluto and Pluto also has nitrogen.
It is this nitrogen is which essential to our body. From here meteorites would
have brought this nitrogen and microbes would have carried this nitric-oxide
into the living organisms.
The discovery suggested that perhaps left-handed life got its
start in space, where conditions in asteroids favoured the creation of
left-handed amino acids. Meteorite impact could have supplied this material to
“This tells us our
initial discovery wasn’t a fluke; that there really was something going on in
the asteroids where these meteorites came from that favours the creation of
Left-handed amino acids, Daniel Glavin of NASA was quoted as saying by Daily
The scientists believe
that early in its history, earth was bombarded with meteorites containing
left-handed amino acids.
The bias (means tendency
to be strongly for) towards left handedness would have continued as the
material was incorporated into emerging life.
Evidnence suggests that
the presence of liquid water amplifies levels of left-handed isovaline
(L-isovaline) in asteroids .
Liquid water seems to be the key,” said Glavin. “We can tell how
much these asteroids were altered by liquid water by analyzing the minerals
their meteorites contain.
“The more these asteroids
were altered, the greater the excess L-isovaline we found. This indicates some
process involving liquid water favours the creation of left-handed amino
Radiation may be
responsible for initially tipping the balance towards left-handedness, the
scientists believe.
Cosmic rays encountered by the solar system
inits youth may have led to slightly more left-handed amino acids being
created, or slightly more right-handed molecules being destroyed. ---AFP

This very chillness I am getting through the Medium of
light and my vision absorbs these lights increases the voltage power in the
brain. I feel neutrinos and light creates water through its chillness on the
surface of meteorites which seemed to evolve life in the long journey in the
cosmos had bought life on Earth. So are
the cones and rods in the biological system get activated through vision makes
my body and the brain fresh. Thus my invented Medical Instrument patented in
the year 1998 had shown the way how to create chillness in the body.
Now read my thesis tilted as “How micro
organism evolved and started spreading on this planet” which I published on 7-6-2002 and two eminent
doctors attached to Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Porur Chennai- INDIA had
signed this paper is given below
Date 7-6-2002
How Micro-organism evolved and started
spreading on this Planet
This micro-organism started growing initially on chilled objects caused
by the velocity and emitting light from the terrestrial objects had created
these Micro-organisms on meteorites which eventually fell on Earth. These
Micro-organisms grew in numbers without any DNA sequences. These
Micro-organisms under went evolution changes and environmental conditions were
the cause for the development of different DNA sequences. In the event it
developed the properties of chromosomes that had led to different kinds of
species of different races. Now we find these Micro-organisms have under gone
some basic changes in the living organism and have no direct link of
multiplying it from the external lights. But the DNA’s in the body have kept
these properties in check and got interlocked within the nucleus. These changes
are caused as a result of chemical changes and environmental conditions had led
to this new DNA sequences. Thereafter lights from the terrestrial objects
became a secondary source of energy for the living species and hence it can
exist without light for some time.
These Micro-organisms are so well organized within the nucleus of the DNA
and at the same time, it protects the DNA’s from abnormal conditions such as
viruses, temperatures, atmospheric pressure, and environmental conditions and
also from gravitational changes including velocity of momentum. Whereas food,
water, oxygen, carbon-dioxide, different types of mineral soils and etc are
highly essential commodities for the existence of the DNA. And Light act as a
source of energy that gives the growth for the living organism, Though Light does not
directly interact with the DNA unlike free Micro-organisms. Now introducing the
light therapy to the human eye one can directly rectify the defective DNA’s by
altering the Micro-organisms in the DNA’s. Thus it paves the way for alteration
to cure many natural diseases. These Micro-organisms attract filtered light rays
into the DNA’s and energize the very nucleus of the cell organism.
Before the evolution of life on
Earth, these Micro-organisms are highly sensitive to radiation and seemed to be
an essential commodity for its developmental process on Meteorites. Even now
when radium atoms are exposed to the body these Micro-organisms in the DNA’s
easily get attracted and dislodge the very sequence of the DNA, causing very
severe damage to the body. This way one can easily stimulates the
Micro-organism of the DNA’s through the filtered light therapy will be able to
rectify the defective DNA’s in the body.
my new conclusion, light is the real source of energy for the developmental
process of this Micro-organism that had evolved before life began on Earth. For
example, Meteorites had brought life by its crystal ice chilled objects as a
prenatal-life of Micro-organisms and the same had been inherited by the blood
cells. In turn it influences the blood to reach-out for cold water as and when
water is poured on the warm body. Immediately, a kind of freshness prevails
throughout in one’s body moment the sensitive is felt on the surface of the skin
organ. And the same is found in plants activity too in manufacturing its
glucose (a rapid processing take place called
photon transfer of electrons through
photosynthesis). So, some kinds of relativity exist between water and light
with interstellar gases had created the prenatal organisms on Meteorites which
eventually fell on Earth.
analyzing these freshnesses in the body with help of the Computer Instrument. I
discovered scientifically that water and filtered light rays has the power of
curing many natural diseases in the body when they interact with anatomical
Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work
of this report posted to Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States-
California” on 18-3-2018
of this report posted to Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, Scientist from United States-
New York” on 18-3-2018
of this report posted to Lawrence Krauss, Scientist from United States –
California” on 18-3-2018
Copy of this report posted to "Donald
Trump- The President of United States" on 18-3-2018
Copy of this report posted to "Late Dr Stephen Hawking, Scientist from London" on 18-3-2018
Copy of this report posted to "The Times of India" on 18-3-2018
Copy of this report posted to "BBC World News" on 18-3-2018
Copy of this report posted to "Late Dr Stephen Hawking, Scientist from London" on 18-3-2018
Copy of this report posted to "The Times of India" on 18-3-2018
Copy of this report posted to "BBC World News" on 18-3-2018
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