Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Necessity is the mother of invention, now a cure for cancer

                                                                                                          Date 21-11-2014
Nalin Anthoni Pillai, Scientist

My dreams are coming true again as per the article titled as “Nano materials in cancer therapy”

I had adopted a simple and painless procedure to cure cancer by giving excess ionize oxygen blood through the means of light enhancing the Dipole Dipole Force to strengthen the endothelial cells from proliferation

I am surprise to see an article titled as “Nano materials in cancer therapy” appeared in The Hindu a popular news paper in India dated 13-11-2014 that the Two research Institutes on collaborative venture such as CCMB Institute and Indian Institute of Chemical Technology have synthesised iron oxide nano-particles and attached a drug called photo-sensitiser and a peptide to targeted cancer cells. Using photosensitiser along with a specific wavelength of light to kill cancer cells. On exposure to light, the photosensitiser releases free radicals that kills the cancer cells. This is more a less similar to my procedure beside they induct these free radicals are nothing but excess oxygen and with light therapy they are able to strangle the cancer cells in the particular region which seemed to be a complex procedure to destroy cancer.
  Whereas my procedure is very simple and different from others by using the medium of light I am able to cure most of non-communicable diseases with my invented Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998. This Medical Instrument polarize the brain cells through the medium of light that increase the level of voltage in the brain. This increase voltage enhances the dipole dipole force which is nothing but Higgs Boson Particles strengthening all the ionize blood cells to carry more oxygen in them. This excess oxygen with voltage power stored by mitochondria strangles these cancer cells in the body. In this case there’s no chance of blindsided to another. By enhancing this dipole dipole force the body is completely safe from proliferation of cancer cells. It’s a very simple procedure to cure such deadly diseases which I published long back dated 30-1-2011. Once again my dreams are coming true as per the article mentioned above.
Nalin Anthoni Pillai
Brain Research Work

Foot Note:- Earlier itself I wrote this thesis titled as “ Necessity is the mother of invention is now a cure for cancer by regulating the endothelial cells” which I published 30-1-2011
Same was emailed to CERN Organization on 31-7-2012 and they displayed my name in their website.

        Actually, this is a 5 page Cancer thesis which I have briefly shorten it in three lines 
"This increase voltage in the brain strengthens the dipole dipole force to act on endothelial cells with heavily ionized oxygen blood locks this VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) from proliferation. Thus it inhibits the cancer growth in the body."

       Recently published article titled as “Cannabis chemical slow down cancer” appeared in The Times of India dated 17-11-2014 stating Scientists Finds Drastic Shrinkage, Even Complete Removal, of Tumours in Brain of Mice.    
       In my opinion this cannabinoids combine with irradiation is not the correct way to eradicate cancer.

With regard to cancer I had already submitted to Dr. R. Prasad, Science & Technology-Editor, The Hindu Office, Chennai-2, INDIA on 21-1-2011. After reading the said article I emailed to the Hindu Editor "for not taking the initiative to publish my cancer paper. Now you know for yourself millions had died in vain." And the Chairman of the Hindu Press  Mr. N. Raman, came to my website to greet me for the comment I made in my email letter.
Copy of this report posted to "British Neuroscience Association" on 15-11-2014 

Copy of this report posted to “The Society for Neuroscience ” on 15 -11-2014
Copy of this report posted in You Tube on 21-11-2014
Copy posted to “ICC International Cricket” on 21-11-2014

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