Monday, 28 October 2019

How to make all the cells to function effectively?

       How to make all the cells to function effectively?
                                                              Date 26-10-2019
Nalin Anthoni Pillai, Scientist

BBC World News –London
  This year  the Nobel Prize for physiology or Medicine was awarded to three scientists, William G Kailin Jr. from Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Maryland, US, Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe from Francis Crick Institute, London, and Gregg L. Semenza from the Johns Hopkins Institute for Cell Engineering for their discovery of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability” that appeared  in a popular news paper called ‘The Hindu dated 13-10-2019 under the Subheading titled as “How oxygen levels affect cell metabolism.
     I would like to put it in a more perspective way through  photon transfer of electrons seemed to play a different role in stimulating this HIF-lalpha protein that increases  the oxygen level in the blood cells. In the process it increases the level of voltage in the brain by enhancing the Dipole Dipole force that controls all the genes in the body including erythropoietin gene. Further, this excess energy level in the brain induces mitochondria to store these energies in their respective organelles. Thus, it strengthens all the metabolisms in the body by this increase voltage obtained through photon transfer of electrons.
    Regard to this I had already published a paper titled as “Light helps me to create this invisible growth acts as an excreta” can be assessed from the following website

     Let this beauty speaks itself in life.

    Nalin Anthoni Pillai
  Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Jennifer Klay, Scientist –Asst Professor of Physics at Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo” on 26-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) on 26-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Johns Hopkins University” on 26-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to Imperial College Neuroscience Society” on 26-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to Kings College London Neuroscience” on 26-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to “British Association for Cognitive” on 26-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to ‘The Times of India’ on 26-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to University of Leeds Neuroscience” on 26-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to Dr. Philip Plait, Scientist from United States –California” on 26-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Late Dr. Stephen Hawking, Scientist from London- U.K.” on 26-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to “NASA Crew and Thermal System Division – Space.Com” on 26-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to “CERN Org. Geneva (LHC scientists in search for ‘Fifth Force of Nature” on 26-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Society for Neuroscience” on 26-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Donald Trump – The President of United States” on 26-10-2019

Saturday, 19 October 2019

How to avoid Jet-lag in long haul flight?


                     How to avoid Jet-lag in long haul flight?
                                                         Date 16-10-2019
Nalin Anthoni Pillai, Scientist

BBC World News – London

     I am surprise to see an article titled as “Airline to test effects of 20-hr flight on people” appeared in ‘The Times of India’ dated 16-10-2019 stating that “For decades travelers have stoically endured jet lag as an unavoidable menace on long journeys. Now, as airlines push for record breaking non-stop flights halfway around the planet, efforts to counter the debilitating symptom are turning into a billion-dollar industry.
     Fresh insight into the physical and emotional toll of ultra-long haul travel should emerge this weekend when Qantas Airways flies direct from New York to Sydney. No airline has ever completed that route without stopping.  At nearly 20 hours, it’s set to be the world’s longest flight, leaving the US on Friday and landing in Australia during its Sunday morning.
    This will be more than endurance exercise. Scientists and medical researchers in the cabin will turn Qantas’s brand-new Boeing  Dreamliner into a high altitude laboratory. They’ll screen the brains of the pilots for alertness, while monitoring the food, sleep and activity of the few dozen passengers – including your truly. The aim is to see how humans hold up to the ordeal.
    This long haul flight from New York to Sydney normally affects the circadian clock in the brain caused by the insufficient secretion of melatonin that brings out jet lag. Only way to alter the circadian clock is to increasing the level of voltage in the brain through the medium of light. This is achievable by working on my invented Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998 gives a moral boost for the brain cells that makes the body and the brain as fresh as ever throughout the journey.
     My sincere appeal to all flight takers not to go for melatonin tablets or consumption of alcohol drink or heavy intake of food to suppress the jet lag can harm the body when circadian clock is affected by these intakes. The natural way to control this circadian clock by absorbing light with help of visual eyes using my invented Medical Instrument paves way for a healthy brain.
     Regard to this I had already published a paper titled as “How to avoid Jet Lag on a long travel flight? dated 30-8-2013 can be assessed from this website

More details also given in my paper titled as “Typical Cabin Configuration of Air Bus A380 on 30-8-2013

Let this beauty speak for long haul travel people.
   Nalin Anthoni Pillai
Brain Research Work
Copy of this report posted to “NASA Crew and Thermal System Division – Space.Com” on 16-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to “World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies” on 16-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Australasian Neuroscience Society” on 15-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Society for Neuroscience” on 16-10-2019
Copy of this report post to “Kings College London Neuroscience” on 16-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to “CERN Org. Geneva (LHC Scientists in Search for Fifth Force of Nature” on 16-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to Cambridge College London” on 16-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to “British Society of Gastroenterology (at the JPGN)” on 16-10-20-19
Copy of this report posted to “Indian Space Research Organisation” on 16-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to “University of Leeds Neuroscience” on 16-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Philip Plait, Scientist from United States – California” on 16-10-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Donald Trump – The President of United States” on 16-10-2019

Thursday, 3 October 2019

How to make double helix bond stronger among them?


How to make double helix bond stronger among them?

                                                                 Date 26-9-2019

Nalin Anthoni Pillai, Scientist

BBC World News –London

    I am surprise to see an article titled as “DNA’s double helix is held together by water” appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 24-9-2019 stating that the researchers at Chalmers University of technology in Sweden, found that water is the key to the double helix. The discovery, published in the journal PNAS, opens doors for new understanding in research in medicine and life sciences.
      DNA is constructed of two strands consisting of sugar molecules and phosphate groups. Between these two strands are nitrogen bases, the compounds which make up organism’s genes with hydrogen bonds between them.
     Until now, it was commonly thought that those hydrogen bonds were what held the two strands together.
    However now, the researchers show that the secret to DNA’ helical structure may be that the molecules have a hydrophobic or water repelling interior, in any environment consisting mainly of water.

Will my dream come true with double helix model repel for this Moon orbiting the Earth?
     When two large bodies like Earth and Moon contains large amount of chill ice water they try to repel from each other by this coolant action through Thermal Dynamic Magnetic field create this glaciers at North and South poles. This I had stated in my paper titled as “Why the Moon is not falling onto the Earth” can be assessed from this Website as follow

    Even this double helix bond strands likely to become  stronger once you increase the level of voltage in the brain makes my body moderately chill through the medium of light that prevent most of the non-communicable diseases. Further, through my Medical checkup report also shows there are no such diseases in spite of my age being 71. This is because I create more chillness for the helix to make the genetics to become stronger through this dipole dipole force which I had stated in many of my papers.

    To illustrate this, I would like to incorporate a news article titled as “Scientists refrigerate liquid using infrared laser for first time” appeared in a popular news paper called The Times of India dated 18-11-2015 has stated as “In a breakthrough, scientists have for the first time used a laser to refrigerate water and other liquids under real-world conditions.
     Researchers used an infrared laser to cool water by about two-degrees Celsius, becoming the first to solve a decades-old puzzle.
     Regard to this I would like to display another paper titled as “High voltage in the brain can do wonders in curing diseases One among them was this ‘How I cured my father who got a paralytic attack at the age 86 where half his body was paralyzed including his tongue which I cured by means of chillness’ can be assessed from this Website
     Let this beauty speaks through Helix chillness to cure diseases.
    Nalin Anthoni Pillai
  Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted to “Federation of European Neuroscience Society (FENS)” on 26-9-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Society for Neuroscience” on 26-9-2019
Copy of this report posted to “British Association” on 26-9-2019
Copy of this report posted to “University of Oxford-London” on 26-9-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Late Dr. Stephen Hawking, Scientist from London-U.K” on 26-9-2019
Copy of this report posted to “CERN Org. LHC scientists in search for fifth force of nature” on 26-9-2019
Copy of this report posted to “University of Leeds Neuroscience” on 26-9-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Kings College London Neuroscience” on 26-9-2019
Copy of this report posted to “NASA Crew and Thermal System Division – Space.Com” on 26-9-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson from United States –New York” on 26-9-2019
Copy of this report posted to Dr. Philip Plait, Scientist from United States – California” on 26-9-2019
Copy of this report posted to “The Times of India” on 26-9-2019
Copy of this report posted to "Dr. Jennifer Klay, Scientist, Asst. Professor of Physics at Polyttechnic State University , San Luis Obispo" on 26-9-2019
Copy of this report posted to "Donald Trump - The President of United States" on 26-9-2019