Saturday, 25 May 2019

My presented paper to 98th INDIAN SCIENCE CONGRESS Dated 9-11-2010


                                                                                                  Date 9-11-2010                                                                                
     A. Nalin Ranjan, Scientist
No-18 (New No.41) 7th Cross St,
West Shenoy Nagar, CHENNAI-30

    My paper I would like to present for the 98th Indian Science Congress
    For the participation I am submitting the papers connected to New    

         I have invented a unique designed Computer Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998 helps people to eradicate headache, backache and body aches while monitoring the computer.
        This is achievable when one works continuously on the computer. The light rays from the monitor helps the brain to a great deal through the Vision of light increases the polarity for the brain cells. This makes the operator physically fit for the entire day. Thus preventing all ailments in the body through the medium of light called ‘Photon transfer of electrons’ acts as a source of energy.
        I am using this Medical Instrument regularly for the last fifteen years and there’s no side-effects as such. In fact it controls food habits just like migrating birds effortlessly flies in its non-stoppable journey using the light as energy.
        Further, this has an easy assess to control the global warming by diverting most of the water resources to grow large trees to cut the emission of green house gases. Since man needs less food for his existence that keeps him hale and healthy is achievable through this Computer Medical Instrument. Thus nobody feels fatigue or strain or stress in this mode of operation. So to say it always keeps the body as fresh as ever.
       In this regard I would like to share this know how of the brain “How it manipulates the light for a useful purpose?” This has also been illustrated by Prof. Ahmed H. Zail who has won the 1999 Nobel Prize for his invention in Femtochemistry stating that it could open up new possibilities in curing diseases article appeared in The Hindu dated 23-10-2002. But without my patented Medical Instrument it is difficult to crack the brain’s know-how. This I would like to demonstrate.
      Even the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh had responded to my letter dated 31-8-2009 with regard to Swine Flu is enclosed here with.
     A. Nalin Ranjan,  
  Brain Research Work
On 9th of November 2010 

Foot Note :- I request everyone to read this in You Tube the message given as “Climate change: UK summers could be over 5C warmer by 2070

·         26 November 2018

   I am displaying my brother’s lyrics Late Ranjit Sen’s Anthoni Pillai  who wrote the ‘Cloud Poem’ about 40 years ago with more lyrics can be assessed from this Website under the titled name “Global Warming can bring a catastrophic disaster to all life

Copy of this report posted to “BBC World News –London- U.K.” on 25-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to “NASA Crew and Thermal System Division – “ on 25-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Late Dr. Stephen Hawking, Scientist from London, U.K.” on 25-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Philip Plait, Scientist from United States –California” on 25-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to “CERN Org. (LHC Scientists in search fro ‘Fifth force of nature” on 25-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) on 25-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Kings College London Neuroscience” on 25-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to “ Dr. Jennifer Klay,Scientist, Asst. Professor of Physics at Polytechnic State University, SanLuis Obispo” on 25-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to  “The Former President of United States, Barac Obama” on 25-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Donald Trump -The President of United States” on 25-5-2019

Why stem cells don't cure spinal cord injury?


Why stem cells don’t cure spinal Cord injury?
                                                           Date 22-5-2019
Nalin Anthoni Pillai, Scientist

BBC World News London

    I am surprise to see an article titled as “Stem cell therapy for spinal cord injury patients unethical: Experts” appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 22-5-2019 stating that In the current scenario, any cellular intervention for SCI in humans is speculative and not proven. Thus, any offer of cellular interventions as ‘therapy’ with commercial implications is unethical” the society has said..
      This kind of injury, mostly caused due to fall from height or in road accident, is a devastating ailment. It causes impairment of limb movement among others and experts say, there is no established therapeutic intervention capable of restoring significantly neurological function.

       I would like to put it in a more perspective way “why stem cells don’t cure spinal cord injury?” Most of the time patients like to take rest on the bed where hands and legs lies horizontally to the bed and the motor cells become inefficient to carry more oxygen in the ionize blood cells naturally  cause by inactiveness of the GDF11 cells. Apart from this, these scarred nerve cells too don’t allow stem cells to regenerate the nerve cells. These are the two factors that stem cells fail to cure spinal cord injury in patients. If doctors can make patient to sit on my medical chair for three hours there is a chance of curing spinal cord injury patient through medium of light. This three hours sitting on the medical chair can increase the level of voltage in the brain that enhances the dipole dipole force which is nothing but Higgs boson particles rendering them as candidate to carry excess oxygen in the ionize blood cells. Automatically it helps therapeutic stem cells to replace these scar nerve cells in the injured place. This way it is possible to cure spinal cord injury in patients with the help of light.
    I had already published a paper titled as “Virtually two aspects are working in the same way” can be assessed from this website

        I even published a paper in my Website titled as ‘Secrets of the brain unraveled’ under this sub-titled name “How to prevent heart attack in men and women?” can be assessed from this website

   I read another article titled as “Genetic therapy heals damage caused by heart attack” appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 14-5-2019. This way it is possible to remove the scar in the heart after heart attack to avoid sudden death in the future. Similar procedure can be adopted as stated above.

   Let this beauty speaks for spinal cord injury patients to restore neurological functions.

    Nalin Anthoni Pillai
  Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted to “Federation of European Neuroscience societies (FENS)” on 22-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Kings College London Neuroscience” on 22-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to “British Society of Gastrology (At the JPGN)” on 22-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Philip Plait, Scientist from United States –California” on 22-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to “CERN Org. (LHC Scientists in search for ‘Fifth force of nature” on 22-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to “NASA Crew and thermal System Division Space.Com
Copy of this report posted to “Australian Neuroscience society” on 22-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Design call for solar sentinel mission –UK” on 22-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to ‘The Times of India” on 22-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Late Dr. Stephen Hawking, Scientist from London U.K.” on 22-5-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Donald Trump –The President of United States” on 22-5-2019  

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Friday, 3 May 2019

Why Children watching digitize screens make them unhealthy


Why Children watching digitize screens make them unhealthy?
                                                                     Date 25-4-2019

Nalin Anthoni Pillai, Scientist

BBC World News –London

     I am surprise to see an article titled as “A Lifestyle advisory for active, healthy babies” appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 25-4-2019 stating that “Children aged two to four should not be allowed more than one hour of “Sedentary screen time” per day and infants less than one year old should not be exposed to electronic screens at all, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday.
     The UN agency issuing its first such guide-lines, said under fives should also be physically active and get adequate sleep to help developed good life-long habits and prevent obesity and other diseases in later life.
     Sedentary screen time would include watching television or videos and playing computer games.

     I would like to put it in a more perspective way that during the developing stage of the brain in children as well as adolescence while watching the screen or any electronic gadgets lowers the voltage power in the brain through the medium of light, This can be stabilized only when motor cells are active. But this electronic gadgets display visual images. In looking this digitize visual images makes the hands and legs become more immobile, that lessens the  oxygen level in the motor cells deprives the voltage power in the brain. This will automatically leads to slouching making the motor cells inefficient, thus it leaves the cerebral cortex in an inadequate state in strengthening the nerve cells for those users of electronic gadgets more than one hour is bad for children as well as adolescence gradually leads to loneliness.
My dreams are coming true once again
    Regard to this I had already stated in my paper titled as “Slouching was not adopted by pre-Historic humans”. Now this can be assessed from this website as follow

      Another paper I published under the title name as follow
Few Neurons at the base of the brain can do wonders in the expansion of life

     Also read another paper published under the title name as follow
Why optogenetic Technique in mice won't work in human brain

    I even displayed another paper titled as “Globally children are affected by this 'Touch Screen” can e assessed from this website

 Let this beauty speaks itself in life.
     Nalin Anthoni Pillai
   Brain Research Work

Foot Note:- Now read the News article titled as "Putting down your phone can help you live longer" appeared in 'The Times of India' dated 2-5-2019 -- Message given that can harm the brain to drain your health through digitize-lights while monitoring the screen.

Copy of this report posted to “World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies” on 25-4-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Kings College London Neuroscience” on 25-4-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Australian Neuroscience society” on 25-4-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States –California” on 25-4-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Imperial College Neuroscience Society” on 25-4-2019
Copy of this report posted to Dr. Philip Plait, Scientist from United States –California” on 25-4-2019
Copy of this report posted to “CERN Org (LHC scientists in search for ‘Fifth Force of Nature” on 25-4-2019
Copy of this report posted to “NASA Crew and Thermal System Division – Space.Com” on 25-4-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Late Dr. Stephen Hawking, Scientist from London –U.K.”on 25-4-2019
Copy of this report posted to “The Times of India” on 25-4-2019
Copy of this report posted to “British Society of Gastroentroology (at the JPGN) on 25-4-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Design call for ‘Solar Sentinel Mission – U.K” on 25-4-2019.
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Jennifer Klay, Scientist, Asst. Professor of physics at Polytechnic State University, Sanluic Obispo” on 25-4-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Donald Trump – The President of United States” on 25-4-2019