Saturday, 3 March 2018

Why electronic devices deactivate the brain cells?


Why electronic devices deactivate the brain cells?
                                                                    Date 8-2-2018
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

Dr. Jennifer Klay, Scientist
Prof. of Physics –California
Poly technic State University

                           My dreams are coming true again

      I am surprise to see an article titled as “How phone addiction kills manners & moods” appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 27-1-2018 stating ‘Let’s play a game. The next time you’re sitting with friends, measure how much times passes before someone grabs their phone to look at it. How long can you last? The problem of looking at our devices nonstop is both social and physiological.
       The average human head weighs between 4.5 and 5.4kg and when be bend our neck to text or check Face Book, the gravitational pull on our neck increases to as much as 27.2 kg of pressure. That common position leads to incremental loss of the curve of the cervical spine. “Text neck” is becoming a medical issue that countless people suffer from, and the Way we hang our heads has other health risks, too according to a report published last year in “The Spine Journal’ . Posture has been proven to affect mood, behavior and memory, and frequent slouching can make us depressed, according to the US National Center for Biotechnology Information.

     This I had been telling right from beginning moment I invented my Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998 that the brain suffers a lot cause by the illumination of light from electronic devices. These electronic devices  deactivates the brain cells caused by the hands  weight bound to increase more than 25kg as one extends the hand to touch the screen as well as head hanging forward weighs 27.2 kg  as per the article and the backrest also kills the brain while resting at the back mounts more than 20 kg pressure and the body trunk weight which is not less than 30 kg mounts the pressure on the spinal cord. These mounting weights are the ones that decelerate the brain’s voltage power by the electronic devices. All these weights ultimately take a toll on the brain when one is operating the electronic device at the desk. 
Regard to hands, head and the body trunk weights I had already illustrated in my website titled “Global Brain Drain on Doctors’ Health” Part-I published on 1-12-2014 as well as in Part-II was published on 3-12-2014. Now these Part-I and Part-II can be assessed from the following Websites

Now, also read my paper on "What causes depression in some doctors" can be asessed from this Website as follow

Also read another paper called titled as “How to avoid LED lights damaging your eyes? Published in my Website ‘Secrets of the brain unravelled’ can be assessed from this website

Let this beauty speaks itself in everyone’s life.
      Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted to Dr. “Stephen Hawking, Scientist from London” on 8-2-2018
Copy of this report posted to Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, Scientist from United States (New York)” on 8-2-2018
Copy of this report posted to Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States (California)” on 8-2-2018
Copy of this report posted to "The Times of India" on 8-2-2018
Copy of this report posted to "Imperial College Neuroscience Society" on 8-2-2018
Copy of this report posted to Dr. Lawrence Krauss, Scientist from United States –California” on 8-2-2018
Copy of this report posted to BBC World NEWS" on 6-2-2018

Copy of this report posted to “Federation of European Neuroscience”on 10-2-2018
Copy of this report posted to “American Association of Anatomists” on 10-2-2018
Copy of this report posted to "Donald Trump-The President of United States" on 8-2-2018

How to rectify neurodevelopmental disorder in human?


                   How to rectify neurodevelopmental disorder?

                                                                                    Date 29-1-2018
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

BBC News

How to suppress depression and other forms of mental diseases?

    I am surprise to see an article titled as “IIT Kanpur team finds possible cause of neurodevelopmental disorders” appeared in a popular News paper called ‘The Hindu’ dated 28-1-2018 stating Bone morphagenetic protein (BMP) are secreted signaling molecules which are already known to regulate the production of neurons from neural stem cells. Now using mice models, a team of researchers led by Prof. Jonaki Sen From the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur has found that BMP signalling is active in the cerebral cortex during embryonic development as well as during later stages of development after birth, too.
I would like to put in a more perspective way that early formation of neurons from bone morphogenetic protein through its signaling process newborn neurons migrates and niche at their right places that comes with polarity (the axon forming the base and dendrites forming on apical side on top of neuronal cells only when branching of dendrites some perturbation occurs giving wrong connection between neurons that leads to mental disorder. But 90% of people are mentally healthy by the early-born neurons that form inner cortical layers while late born neurons even after birth forms correctly. This is achieved by Bone Morphogenetic protein signaling the molecules are the ones that regulate the production of newborn neurons from very neural stem cells during embryonic stage as well as after birth too.

     So early stage of forming cerebral cortex by newborn neurons already migrated and destined at the right place and polarity (the axons forming the base and dendrites too are falling in place with them makes the cerebral cortex healthy.  Sometimes perturbation occurs in dendrites branching on the apical side without proper connection between neurons can cause diseases  in some people such as lisencephlay, autism, epilepsy and schizophrenia,” as stated by Prof. Sen who is with the Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur-INDIA.
    Now, such types of diseases can be avoided once you make young children from age of four if they start climbing trees either coconut tree or any metal post four times a day for a period of 15 years. With their four limb action lifting the whole body weight, dendrites would automatically realign itself in giving connection between active neurons during brain developing stage. By regular climbing, one can easily avoid mental disorder by this four limb action. This I had already analysed and published in one of my papers calledWhy male elephant gets affected by musth and why not in female elephant”. Now this can be assessed from the following website.

Also read an interesting paper titled as “How to avoid sleepwalking & sleepless nights in children’ published in my web site as follow

Let this beauty speaks through four limb action.
     Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted to Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States –California” on 29-1-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Imperial College Neuroscience Society” on 29-1-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Jennifer Klay, Asst Professor of Physics at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo” on 29-1-2018
Copy of this report posted to Dr. Stephen Hawking, Scientist from London” on 29-1-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Neil Degrasse Tyson From United States –New York” on 29-1-2018
Copy of this report posted to Dr. Lawrence Krauss, Scientist from United States –California” on 30-1-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Dr Philip Plait, Scientist from United States –California” on 30-1-2018
Copy of this report posted to “St Mary’s University- Twickenham” on 30-1-2018
Copy of this report posted to “The Hindu as well as Times Now” on 1-2-2018
Copy of this report posted to “Donald Trump, The President of United States” on 29-1-2018