Why electronic devices
deactivate the brain cells?
Ranjan, Scientist
Jennifer Klay, Scientist
of Physics –California
technic State University
My dreams are coming true again
I am surprise to see
an article titled as “How phone addiction kills manners & moods” appeared in ‘The Times of India dated
27-1-2018 stating ‘Let’s
play a game. The next time you’re sitting with friends, measure how much times
passes before someone grabs their phone to look at it. How long can you last?
The problem of looking at our devices nonstop is both social and physiological.
The average human head
weighs between 4.5 and 5.4kg and when be bend our neck to text or check Face
Book, the gravitational pull on our neck increases to as much as 27.2 kg of
pressure. That common position leads to incremental loss of the curve of the
cervical spine. “Text neck” is becoming a medical issue that countless people
suffer from, and the Way we hang our heads has other health risks, too
according to a report published last year in “The Spine Journal’ . Posture has
been proven to affect mood, behavior and memory, and frequent slouching can make
us depressed, according to the US National Center for Biotechnology
This I had been telling right from
beginning moment I invented my Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998
that the brain suffers a lot cause by the illumination of light from electronic
devices. These electronic devices
deactivates the brain cells caused by the hands weight bound to increase more than 25kg as
one extends the hand to touch the screen as well as head hanging forward weighs
27.2 kg as per the article and the
backrest also kills the brain while resting at the back mounts more than 20 kg
pressure and the body trunk weight which is not less than 30 kg mounts the
pressure on the spinal cord. These mounting weights are the ones that
decelerate the brain’s voltage power by the electronic devices. All these
weights ultimately take a toll on the brain when one is operating the
electronic device at the desk.
to hands, head and the body trunk weights I had already illustrated in my
website titled “Global Brain Drain on Doctors’ Health” Part-I published on
1-12-2014 as well as in Part-II was published on 3-12-2014. Now these Part-I
and Part-II can be assessed from the following Websites
also read my paper on "What causes depression
in some doctors" can be asessed from this Website as follow
read another paper called titled as “How to avoid
LED lights damaging your eyes? Published in my Website ‘Secrets of the
brain unravelled’ can be assessed from this website
this beauty speaks itself in everyone’s life.
Nalin Ranjan
Research Work
of this report posted to Dr. “Stephen Hawking, Scientist from London” on
of this report posted to Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, Scientist from United States
(New York)” on 8-2-2018
of this report posted to Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States
(California)” on 8-2-2018
of this report posted to "The Times of India" on 8-2-2018
of this report posted to "Imperial College Neuroscience Society" on
of this report posted to Dr. Lawrence Krauss, Scientist from United States
–California” on 8-2-2018
of this report posted to BBC World NEWS" on 6-2-2018
of this report posted to “Federation of European Neuroscience”on 10-2-2018
of this report posted to “American Association of Anatomists” on 10-2-2018
of this report posted to "Donald Trump-The President of United
States" on 8-2-2018