Sunday, 28 January 2018

Global Temperature causes deadly diseases

Full Black new web page displayed by Google as follow
Global temperature causes deadly diseases
Source:  Global temperature causes deadly diseases    Tag:  deadly diseases

Global Brain Drain on Health
                                                                                                Date 5-3-2015
 My reply to Mr. Robin Gilliver who gave a nasty comment in my Website on 5-3-2015 and I shared it publicly on 2015-03-05 for all to read.
   Scientifically you have never understood the real facts of life. So far nobody had felt the temperature inside the atom. It was I who told that there are coolant particles inside the atom reported to CERN Organisation who displayed my name in their website when they announced about the Higgs Boson Particle. It is the coolant particles that keep the stars, Sun, planets and moons that hold them together by the Black Hole which is much more colder than the coolant particles inside the atom. Please read it from my Blog Website titled as "Secrets of the brain unraveled" Further it will tell what this Higgs Boson particle can do for you. Any increase in global temperature affect these coolant particles inside the atom that can create more deadly diseases for all the present species around the globe.
Please read this “Ever rising global temperature” from this Blog website…/the-anatomical-dis…
Nalin Anthoni Pillai
Brain Research Work
The anatomical discovery of diabetes removes greenhouse gases
BBC News uploaded a new video.

“We want to break physics” - World's biggest machine powers up again 

                                        Yes I look different from others

Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year-2021.

 Earnestly request to wear the mask against corona-19 which started spreading middle of December last year 2019. Now a second wave corona variant started spreading in UK and South Africa is becoming very alarm. This second wave is more deadly than previous year corona-19 gaining more strength in spreading.

   . Now read the following report which I published last year 11-2-2019 can be read from this website titled as “Yes I Look Different from others!”


    Yes I look different from others- I want to save this huge world which being polluted by fossil material, for every passing day humans are creating lesser oxygen in the atmosphere that creates more diseases around the world. In the coming days we are just lessening our lives span by polluting more through fossil materials including crackers, thus making life miserable to all species. Just imagine 40 billion tones of carbon dioxide is being produced each year reducing the the oxygen level in the atmosphere. Billions and trillions of dollors being wasted in defense spoiling against our own nature.  

I earnestly request you all to save the world from these heat waves swooping around the world. Even Earth's magnetic field is also moving away at a faster rate at the north and south poles with global temperature cause by heat waves may bring disaster to every country in the near future. This can happen when coolant particles are affected at the sub-atomic level through heat waves. I also displayed another report dated 31-12 2017 titled as “Watering the Plants and planting trees can expand all lives” can be assessed from this website

New Year wishes to all my fans to be as strong as ever!


This corona virus would not have happen so early this year if we have controlled the global temperature.

Friday, 26 January 2018

New Year wishes to all my fans to be as strong as ever!


Nalin Ranjan
                                      New Year wishes to all my fans

We all are living in a harsh climate, so I wish you ‘A very happy New Year -2018 to make it more greenery by carrying more water using the hands in watering the plants and trees that help us to breathe more oxygen is the only way to keep ourselves fit from this hazardous climate.
My well wishes to all brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles to carry this message to all your Face Book fans as well as through twitters and also through “You Tube” to save the world from pollution.
I had already displayed that “Global Warming can bring a catastrophic disaster to all life” Now this can be assessed from this website
Last year ‘Happy New Year’ greeting displayed in my Website titled as “Watering the Plants and planting trees can expand your lifespan” can be assessed from this Website…/watering-plants-an…
My version is catching up this News article
Now, also read the latest article titled as “Even If we limit warming to 2 degree C, 25% of our planet will be parched” appeared in The Times of India dated 3-1-2018 stating as “The team found that at 2 degree C which could arrive any time between 2052 and 2070, between 24% and 32% percent of the total land surface will become drier.
This includes land in all five climate categories today –hyper-arid, arid semi-arid, dry sub-humid, and humid. But at 1.5 degree C the lower, aspiration limit also written into the Paris Agreement –this is reduced to between eight and 10%, said Jeong.”
Under the pact, countries have filed pledges for reducing climate altering greenhouse gas emissions from burning coal, oil and natural gas. But these goals place the planet on track for warming of more than 3 degree C, which scientists warn will lead to life-threatening superstorms, sea-level rise, floods and drought. ----AFP
Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work
Global Warming can bring a catastrophic disaster to all life Date 31-1-...

How to make our brain healthier rather than through Meditation?

                                                                                                  Date 16-12-2017
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

BBC News

           Eyes can easily cause non-communicable diseases

   I am surprise to an article today titled as “Vigorous exercise tied to risk of vision loss in men” appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 16-12-2017  stating A new study suggests that vigorous physical activity may increase the risk for vision loss, a finding that has surprised and puzzled researchers. Using questionnaires, Korean researchers evaluated physical activity among 211,960 men and women ages 45 to 79 in 2002 and 2003. Then they tracked diagnoses of age –related macular degeneration, from 2009 to 2013. Macular degeneration, the progressive deterioration of the central area of the retina, is the leading cause of vision loss in the elderly. They found that exercising vigorously five or more days a week of macular degeneration in men.
    After reading this news article, I would like to put it in a more perspective way hard physical exercises provoke not only macular degeneration can also lead to heart attack in early years of life. It is those men who vigorously exercising sweat more is the cause for macular degeneration of the retina. But, this can be avoided once the men start using my invented Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998. Actually, this Medical Instrument generates more energy which is 10 times more powerful than ‘meditation’ through the medium of light can make the body light without exercising. Since, their body is so fresh men tend to lessen their quota of physical exercises. This way it is possible for men to avoid more sweating as the body is very fresh all the time. This I had already revealed in the year 2001in one of my earlier paper called “Disclosing the hidden secrets in the brain”.
    In addition to this I even stated that eyes are the main cause for the degeneration of brain cells. This I had already published in my Website titled as “How to prevent glaucoma from occurring” dated 13-07-2015Even, in my earlier paper I had described the same thing. Now this can be assessed from this website

    Also read another paper titled as “Global Brain Drain on Health caused by photoreceptorsdated on 1-10-2015 also can be assessed from this website
   Let this beauty speaks itself in life.
    Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work
Copy of this report posted to “British Society for Immunology” on 16-12-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Dr Lawrence Krauss, Scientist” from United States (California) on 16-12-2017
Copy of this report posted to Dr Philip Plait, Scientist, United States (California) on 16-12-2017
Copy of  this report posted to Dr Stephen Hawking, Scientist from London” on 16-12-2017

Copy of this report posted to “Dr Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States” via ‘You Tube’ on 16-12-2017

How to prevent dementia in people?


                             How to avoid dementia in people?

Date 7-12-2017
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

Imperial College Neuroscience Society

My dreams are coming true again in this article

    I am surprise to see an article yesterday titled as “Web searches killing our grey cells” appeared in The Times of India dated 6-12-2017 stating “Using Google frequently to search for information, rather than exercising our grey cells to recall it may increase the risk of dementia, a British researcher has warned.
   The researcher has described the practice as an “experiment we are conducting on ourselves.
     It’s important to promote good brain health and to do that is to use it, but these days we seem to outsource our brain to internet,” said Frank GunnMoore of the University of St Andrews in the UK.
      “if we want to know something, we look it up online rather than trying to recall the information from our memory.” GunnMoore was quoted as saying to “the Sunday Post’. “it’s an experiment the human race is running and we will have to wait and see if this outsourcing affects dementia prevalence,” he said. “There are several factors that could result in Alzheimer’s –environment, stress on the on the brain, genetics,” he said.
      Worldwide there are nearly 47 million people living with dementia, or a loss of brain function, including memory, thinking and behaviour, according to the World Health Organization, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia.
     Dementia is expected to affect more than 131 million by 2050, according to the non-profit campaign group Alzheimer’s Disease International.
I would like to put it in a more perspective way “Why dementia more prevalence in cities and towns and it’s bound to rise among the users of electronic devices like smartphone, internet users such as watching You Tube movies, news reading articles or any sort of video games including porn movies affect the eyes badly that decelerates the voltage power in the brain is the cause for dementia in some people. Apart from this, even television set also can provoke dementia when they start seeing serials or movies on a routine basis that can easily decelerates the voltage power in the brain is one way of causing dementia in old people. All these electronic devices lead to all kinds of non-communicable diseases. As per number of people’s usage of electronic devices is always on the rise that can harm more people with dementia and it may go much higher than the statistic given in the said article.
Regard to dementia I had already published in my website titled as “How to prevent dementia for life long?” Now  this can be  assessed from this website as follow

I even published about Alzheimer’s disease titled as “Most efficient way of curing Alzheimer’s disease” can be assessed from this website

Let this beauty speaks itself in life.
      Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted to “Kings College London- Neuroscience” on 7-12-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Dr Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States (California) via ‘You Tube’ on 7-12-2017
Copy of this report posted to “British Society for Immunology” on 7-12-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Neuroscience News and Research” on 7-12-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Dr Stephen Hawking, Scientist” via ‘You Tube’ on 7-12-2017

Copy of this report posted to “ Dr Lawrence Krauss, Scientist” via ‘You Tube’ on 7-12-2017

Thursday, 18 January 2018

How to keep up your body healthy at work place?

How to keep up your body healthy at work place

                                                                                                             Date 30-11-2017

Nalin Ranjan, Scientist
Society for Neuroscience
My dreams are coming true again
     I am surprise to see an article titled as “Why your desk job can do damage” appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 26-11-2017 stating that ‘Flexibility and mobility are essential not only to reduce the risk of injuries but to generally feel better. Living a nine-to-five desk life can be demanding on health and keep the most problems at bay.
Lower back pain: Even if you are not exercising you need to make sure that you maintain correct posture and sit at your desk in the right way. It is important that your chair is placed correctly and your legs are not left hanging. Proper alignment ensures that your neck and back not strained. Exercises and abdominal crunches two to three times a week can strengthen the core. It’ll help take the pressure off your back and will make it easier to maintain good posture.
Wrist strain : Constant typing, writing reports and answering e-mails can exert your wrists leading to long-term damage. The frequency of your use and how position your wrists at your keyboard can be a reason. The tell-tale signs of exertion would be a tingling sensation or numbness. Make sure that you rest your wrist at regular intervals.’

     I would like to put it in a more perspective way that the spinal cord suffers invariably once you are seated at the table with the laptop or any electronic devices like iPod, smartphone as well as computer can cause headache, body aches or backache, eyes strain, wrist syndrome, basically caused by the voltage drop in the brain leads to such ailments in the body. This I had experienced when I bought the Toshiba laptop in the year 1995. From that time onwards I started working on this and found a way that led to a new finding of curing non-communicable diseases through medium of light. Finally I was able to achieve this with great pain of hard work of four years. That literally paved way for a new invention which I patented in the year 1998 reveals the hidden secrets of the brain. Thereafter I wrote thesis after thesis for others to know about the brain’s secrets.
   Now these articles are slowly appearing after I had published in the Face Book and the same was given to Society for Neuroscience pertains to various countries.
   Led this beauty speaks once again for all.
Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work
Copy of this report posted to “Dr.Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States (California)” via ‘You Tube’ on 39-11-2017
Copy of this report posted to Dr Neil Degrasse Tyson, Scientist from United States (New York)” via You Tube on 30-11-2017
Copy of this report posted to Dr Philip Plait, Scientist from United States (California) –‘Sun Blasted Out’ on 30-11-2017
Copy of this report posted to “
BBC.Com 0 BBC News” on 30-11-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Dr Lawrence Krauss, Scientist” From United States (Califonia) ‘via You Tube’ on 1-12-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Scientific American Magazin” on 1-12-2017

How to avoid introvert personality in people

Global Brain Drain On Health
                                                               Date 4-11-2017
November 5, 2017 ·                                             

Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

Kings College London Neuroscience

How to avoid introvert personality in people?
     I am surprise to see an article titled as “Extroverts sleep better, have fewer nightmares” appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 23-10-2017 stating that Someone who focuses on the outer world is deemed an extrovert, whereas someone predominantly concerned with their own thoughts and feeling is classed as an introvert.’ Although some experts believe the test isn’t useful in all situations, it’s widely considered to be a good marker of various character traits. After participants took the test, they were asked a series of questions related to their sleep and dream experiences.
The researchers found that personality type seemed to correlate with both sleep quality and what we dreamt about.
According to the study, extroverts are more likely to sleep through the night without waking up, and thus have more energy during the day and feel more alert. In fact, extroverts were found to be17.7% more likely to feel satisfied with their level of energy during waking hours than introverts.

     I firmly believe that introvert personality can be changed by increasing the level of voltage in the brain through the medium of light using photo shop software or using Multimedia software in drawing images by using the mind concentration with hand movement to move the mouse to create a image to perfection. It eventually changes the mind to draw the image to utmost perfection with the visual eyes that ultimately changes the mood from introvert to extrovert sort of character of a person through vision. These changes are brought by focusing eyes that alters the circadian clock through the medium of light bring good sleep at night by using this Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998 gives people a very sound sleep.
Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted to “Imperial College Neuroscience Society” on 4-11-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Federation of European Neuscience Societies” on 4-11-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Dr Philip Plait, Scientist from United States (California) on 4-11-2017