Saturday, 4 November 2017

Prolong sitting takes a toll on life is true!

Global Brain Drain on Health
                                                                       Date 14-9-2017
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

Dr. Philip Plait, Scientist
The Sun Blast out –California

  Prolong sitting takes a toll on life is true!
Long hours sitting makes me stronger
                                   Even my Medical Report shows
    I am surprise to see an article today titled as “Sitting too long can kill you, even if you exercise” appears in ‘The Times of India’ dated 14-9-2017 stating “Too much time spent in a chair could shorten our lives, even if we exercise, according to a study that uses objective measures to find the links between lengthy sitting time and death among middle-aged and older adults.”
Sitting for longer hours causes diseases I analyzed before the invention of my Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998. Later I made it public stating why doctors die faster than a common man. This analysis I had put it my web site titled as “My inventions are coming true again” can be assessed from this Website
    By assessing the above website, more can be read links to other website titles. Though I had displayed in the said Blog website, still I don’t know how many will show to you by Google.
More things I had displayed in my websites. And this Nobel Prize seemed to be a distant dream in spite of inventing my Medical Instrument. Here is my Medical Report taken recently on 17-8-2017-My age nearing 70 - is shown above
   Let my Medical Report speak for other people too.
        Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted to ‘Society for Neuroscience-Mexico’ on 14-7-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Kings College of London Neuroscience” on 14-7-2017
Copy of this report posted to “British Society for Immunology” on 14-9-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Penn Centre for Neuroscience and society” on 14-9-2017

How to avoid fear in cancer patients?


                                 Global Brain Drain on Health
View 47 more comments :- Matter of seconds when I published in BBC News
                                                                                                  Date 8-9-2017
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

Society for Neuroscience

                              How to avoid fear in cancer patients
      I am surprise to see an article today titled as “Pen-like tool can spot cancers ‘in seconds” appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 8-9-2017 stating that “One of the biggest worries for patients undergoing cancer surgery is whether surgeons will miss some of the disease tissue. That worry could be over with a new pencil-size tool developed by scientists and engineers at the University of Texas at Austin, according to a study published on Wednesday.
     The tool dubbed the MasSpec Pen, allows surgeons removing a tumour to detect cancerous cells in tissues in seconds, allowing them to know immediately if they have found and removes all of the cancer.
   Currently, it can take days to determine if the surgeons got everything. What they miss could lead to a return of the cancer. The study in ‘Science Translational Medicine’ said when the pen is touched to a tissue during surgery. It draws up small molecules to be analyses by a miniaturized mass spectrometer identify cancerous mass spectrometer built inside the stylus.
    I would like to thank those scientists and engineers at the University of Texas at Austin that they are able to detect cancer cells by using MasSpec Pen within seconds through spectrometer built into a miniaturize mass spectrometer inside the stylus. Using this novel method it has become possible to remove cancer cells in mice with a successful rate of 96%. This is a great leap for mankind in restricting cancer cells growing again.
               To make it 100% successful in cancer patients
    I had adopted a simple procedure to cure cancer through the medium of light even the unnoticed cancer cells left in the tissue after surgery can be removed easily by increasing the level of voltage in the brain. This is achievable through my invented Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998, thus it enhances the dipole dipole force strengthening all the ionize blood cells to carry more oxygen. With this excess oxygen it converts light into energy that enhances the level of voltage in the brain and distributes this excess energy to all mitochondrial cells. These energies stored by mitochondrial organelles easily strangle these cancer cells and eventually strengthens P53 gene from proliferation through this voltage power.
   Regard to cancer I had already published a paper titled as “Necessity is a mother of invention, now a cure” dated 30-1-2011 and the same was address to CERN Organization when they revealed Higgs Boson Particle on 4th of July 2012 who displayed my name in their Website. Now this can be assessed from the following Website

Also read this interesting paper titled as 'The Anatomical Discovery of Diabetes Removes Greenhouse Gases' addressed to Barac Obama The President of United States who unveil the Climate Plan held on 26-9-2013 can be assessed from this website…/food-reduces-globa…

    Let this beauty speaks itself in life for all patients.
      Nalin Ranjan
Bain Research Work
Copy of this report posted to “Kings College of London” on 8-9-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Philip Plait, Scientist from United States (California)” on 8-9-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Society for Neuroscience-Mexico”on 8-9-2017
Copy of this report posted to “The Times of India” on 8-9-2017
Copy of this report posted to “American Cancer Society” on 8-9-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Canadian Society for Cancer” on 10-9-2017
Copy of this report posted to “ Penn Centre for Neuroscience and Society” on 10-9-2017
Copy of this report posted to “British Society for Immunology” on 10-9-017
Copy of this report posted to “BBCNEWS.COM” on 10-9-2017
Copy of this report posted to “CERN Org. (Large Hadron Collider) on 10-9-2017
Copy of this report posted to “European Society for Medical Oncology” on 10-9-2017-                         
Foot Note to all fans:- I earnestly request you to pour water for the plants that helps you to breathe more oxygen to maintain a healthy life by carrying water by hand.

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Global warming affects the coolant particles at the subatomic level


  Nalin Ranjan to King's College London
                  Global Warming affects the coolant particles at the
                    subatomic level is the cause for deadly diseases

                                                                                                 Date 31-8-2017
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

Society for Neuroscience-Mexico

I am surprise to see an article titled as “Co2 in Atmosphere now the highest in millions of years” appeared in ‘The Times of India’ dated 26-4-2017 stating “The world just blasted through a huge milestone for carbon dioxide. The planet has more of the gas in its atmosphere now than it has had in millions of years, with the Mauna Loa Observatory recording its first-ever reading of more than 410 parts per million on Tuesday. To be exact, it was 410.28 ppm, according to ‘Scientific American”.
Now refer the four articles ‘How deadly they are?’
One article titled as “Deadly micro pollutants can get into blood, damage heart’ appeared in The Times of India dated 27-4-2017 stating that “Inhaled nanoparticles like those pumped out in vehicle exhausts can go from, the lungs to the bloodstream where they can raised the risk of heart attack and stroke, scientist said on Wednesday. (Rest can be read from Internet)

Second article titled as “Globalization kill lakhs every year” appeared in The Times of India dated 31-3-2017 stating that Globalisation has become, in the eyes of some, the epitome of everything that’s wrong with the world, allowing multinational corporations to drive down wages, run roughshod over workers rights and even challenge democracy itself.
But an international team of scientists has now laid another alleged crime at its door the premature deaths of more than 7,50000 people.
They found that 411,100 people died in 2007 after breathing in fine particles of air pollution, known as PM2.5 which were carried on the wind from one region of the world to another. (Rest can be read from Internet)

Third article titled as “Pollution reduces antibiotic effectiveness” appeared in The Times of India dated 4-3-2017 stating that “Air pollution may increase the potential of bacteria to cause respiratory infections by reducing the effectiveness of antibiotics, scientists have found in a first. (Rest can be read from Internet)

Fourth article is the dangerous one titled as “Why import Chinese crackers : SC” appeared in a popular News paper called Deccan Chronicle dated 29-8-2017 here, partly being stated as “Acting on these petitions which complained of pollution, the Bench early this month had asked firecracker manufacturers not to use heavy metals like lithium, antimony, mercury, arsenic and lead and chemical elements like antimony “in any form whatsoever” in their products. It said that it was the responsibility of the Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO) to ensure that the order was complied with, including in Sivasi in Tamil Nadu large number of cracker manufacturers situated in the South India. (Rest can be read from Internet)
I am putting all the four articles for everyone to read especially for India that going to burst one third of the quantity of crackers on Diwali festival day compared to the rest of the world put together. This is because one month extra salary for every employee is given just before Diwali festival to spend heavily on crackers. As a result of this it creates breathing problem in young children and one fifth children dies below age of 5 years. It has become a routine habit of bursting crackers on funeral day too. All these things are responsible that is adding more fuel even for premature deaths causing more air pollution in India.
According to the WHO, outdoor air pollution in both cities and rural area was estimated to cause 3 million premature deaths worldwide in 2012 stated in the first article. This trend is going to be more every passing year as and when the global temperature rises, it affects the coolant particles at the subatomic level putting the autoimmune system at abysmal level affecting all the living species including bees, flies and fishes by the coolant action. Besides, even trees are affected by global warming read the article titled as “Trees are not as green as you think” appeared in ‘The Times of India’ dated 4-4-2017 (Rest can be read from the Internet). Already some species have vanished in the last fifty years and more are in the extinction stage. Apart from this, even infertility is rising among men and women out of pollution particles almost touching over 400 ppm (in the cubic metre of atmosphere in thickly populated cities stated in the article titled as “Co2 in Atmosphere now the highest in millions of years” given above.
Now, I wish everyone to take some effort in controlling the global temperature. Even in my ‘New Year Wishes’ on second of January 2017, I requested everyone to carry water by hand in watering the plants and trees will produce more oxygen through photosynthesis. By carrying water by hand it stimulates the motor cells to carry more oxygen for the brain thus making the brain healthier. In addition to this, many of ‘Birthday Wishes’ I had advised my FB fans to carry water by hand ultimately ‘Google’ sent a report regard to Birthday wishes in my web site that 23 million viewers have seen my “birthday wishes” within three days.

                   Now I am displaying this Google report for all to see
Thanks for your corporation in saving this precious world
accovaBrain Scientist41 seconds ago
Finally Google with their embalm has shown to me on my website about Birthday wishes stated on ‘First of July’ as follow
23M people like this including Farid Ali and 49 friends Arts & Entertainment Jul 3rd, 11:40 Google typically takes a week or more to reply. Nalin Ranjan July 1 at 2:03pm • The BBC website Date 1-7-2017 titled as follow
                 Today those Birthday wishes my comment as follow
      Oxygen level in atmosphere has dropped due to greenhouse effect!
Many happy returns of the day --I wish you to carry more water by hand while pouring water to plants and trees. This way it can stimulate the motor cells to carry more oxygen for the brain. Thus it makes the brain healthier by breathing more oxygen is the only way to expand your life span. From today onwards make your brain healthier.
More can be read from this website titled as “Watering the Plants and planting trees can expand all lives” same thing can be assessed from this website

My published paper on coolant particles Titled as "Global Warming affects the coolant particles at the subatomic level can be assessed from this website

   Let this message carry far and wide through communication net work.

Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States (California) via ‘You Tube’ on 30-8-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Kings College London Neuroscience” on 31 8-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Neil Degresse Tyson, Scientist from United States (New York) via ‘You Tube’ on 30-8-2017
Copy of this report posted to “MNT” (Alzheimer’s may be linked to defective brain cells) on 30-8-2017

Copy of this report posted to “Solar Radiation Management” on 31-8-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Society for Neuroscience- Mexio” on 31-8-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Philip Plait, Scientist United States-California ‘Sun Blasted Out’ on 31-8-2017