Global Brain Drain
on Health
Date 8-9-2017
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist
Society for Neuroscience
How to avoid
fear in cancer patients
am surprise to see an article today titled as “Pen-like
tool can spot cancers ‘in seconds” appeared in ‘The Times of India dated
8-9-2017 stating that “One of the biggest worries for patients
undergoing cancer surgery is whether surgeons will miss some of the disease
tissue. That worry could be over with a new pencil-size tool developed by
scientists and engineers at the University of Texas at Austin, according to a
study published on Wednesday.
The tool dubbed the MasSpec
Pen, allows surgeons removing a tumour to detect cancerous cells in tissues in
seconds, allowing them to know immediately if they have found and removes all of
the cancer.
Currently, it can take days to
determine if the surgeons got everything. What they miss could lead to a return
of the cancer. The study in ‘Science Translational Medicine’ said when the pen
is touched to a tissue during surgery. It draws up small molecules to be
analyses by a miniaturized mass spectrometer identify cancerous mass
spectrometer built inside the stylus.
I would like to thank those scientists
and engineers at the University of Texas at Austin that they are able to detect
cancer cells by using MasSpec Pen within seconds through spectrometer built
into a miniaturize mass spectrometer inside the stylus. Using this novel method
it has become possible to remove cancer cells in mice with a successful rate of
96%. This is a great leap for mankind in restricting cancer cells growing
To make it 100% successful in cancer patients
I had
adopted a simple procedure to cure cancer through the medium of light even the
unnoticed cancer cells left in the tissue after surgery can be removed easily
by increasing the level of voltage in the brain. This is achievable through my
invented Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998, thus it enhances the
dipole dipole force strengthening all the ionize blood cells to carry more
oxygen. With this excess oxygen it converts light into energy that enhances the
level of voltage in the brain and distributes this excess energy to all
mitochondrial cells. These energies stored by mitochondrial organelles easily
strangle these cancer cells and eventually strengthens P53 gene from
proliferation through this voltage power.
Regard to cancer I had already published a paper
titled as “Necessity is a mother of invention, now a cure” dated 30-1-2011 and
the same was address to CERN Organization when they revealed Higgs Boson Particle
on 4th of July 2012 who displayed my name in their Website. Now this
can be assessed from the following Website
Also read this interesting paper titled as 'The
Anatomical Discovery of Diabetes Removes Greenhouse Gases' addressed to Barac
Obama The President of United States who unveil the Climate Plan held on
26-9-2013 can be assessed from this website…/food-reduces-globa…
Let this beauty speaks itself in life for
all patients.
Nalin Ranjan
Bain Research Work
Copy of this report posted
to “Kings College of London” on 8-9-2017
Copy of this report posted
to “Dr. Philip Plait, Scientist from United States (California)” on 8-9-2017
Copy of this report posted
to “Society for Neuroscience-Mexico”on 8-9-2017
Copy of this report posted
to “The Times of India” on 8-9-2017
Copy of this report posted
to “American Cancer Society” on 8-9-2017
Copy of this
report posted to “Canadian Society for Cancer” on 10-9-2017
Copy of this report posted
to “ Penn Centre for Neuroscience and Society” on 10-9-2017
Copy of this report posted
to “British Society for Immunology” on 10-9-017
Copy of this report posted
to “BBCNEWS.COM” on 10-9-2017
Copy of this report posted
to “CERN Org. (Large Hadron Collider) on 10-9-2017
Copy of this report posted
to “European Society for Medical Oncology” on 10-9-2017-
Foot Note to all fans:- I earnestly request
you to pour water for the plants that helps you to breathe more oxygen to
maintain a healthy life by carrying water by hand.
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