Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Tv is a silence creator of diseases in human

British Neuroscience Association: BNA2013: Festival of Neuroscience

Global Brain Drain on Health
                                                                                                  Date 5-6-2017

TV is a silence creator of diseases in human
    I am surprise to see an article today titled as “”TV in a child’s room could up obesity risk” appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 5-6-2017 stating “Parents, take note! Placing TV sets in your children’s room may put them at significantly higher risk of being overweight in later life, a new study warns.
    Researchers from University College London (UCL) in the UK found that girls who had a TV in their bedroom at age of seven were at an about 30% higher risk of being overweight at age 11 compared to children who did not have TV in the child’s bedroom was an independent risk factor for being overweight and increased body fatness,” said Anja Heilmann form UCL.
      “The causes of overweight and obesity are complex and multiple. Screen time is part of the bigger picture and further research is needed among older children and adolescents, as the use of screen-based media like computers, tablets increases with age,” Heilmann said.”

With regard to television set I had already published in my Blog website titled as "How to improve creativity in young children?" dated 29-9-2016 which can be assessed from the following website

Apart from this I would like to say something more about TV and why it affects the children’s brain is basically caused by the vision. Whenever children see movie pictures their wondering eyes inactivate the few neurons at the base of the brain unable to open up the alert status of the brain can lower the robust activity in children by viewing the TV screen . The non effective of the few neurons at the base of the brain can even deprive the creative activity in the brain which is caused by the non interference of the hands can even increase the obesity in children leads to physiological stress. Further, this physiological stress ultimately affects the motor cells provoke  more non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, and arthritis as well as osteoporosis of the bone. In addition to this motor cells affect the prefrontal cortex that leads to depression in some women and men.   This heavy body mass index also lowers voltage power in the brain out of stress.
     So, parents should not make children to see serial movies not more than 20 minutes in the bedroom that may increase the body mass index not only for children but even for men and women. In addition to this, it affects family people who are constantly watching TV for number of hours reduces the oxygen level in the brain especially when they are  seated on the chair.  But in the bedroom if they sleep and watch TV movies eventually eyes take a beating because of  visual eyes are more or less inclined position and the head is also one sided view cannot position its eyes correctly by lying on the bed retards the brain’s robust activity. The eyes positioning affect the focusing eyes while on the sleeping bed makes only one eye  to see the screen and  the other eye is not pin pointing correctly on the retina  is the cause for this obesity. So these visual eyes cannot synchronize correctly that leads to obesity in children while lying on the bed, it actually reduces the oxygen supply for the brain. Even if the children sit on the chair this can also affects the brain because of the body mass vertebral column suffers that begins to absorb more oxygen. Thus, it reduces the oxygen supply for the brain. Same thing is applicable for both men and women who watch movies in the bedroom.  The amount of neglected work force on the hands in the middle age can easily provoke such diseases in early age.
     So, people watching TV in the bedroom in a sleeping posture and the eyes which are on one sided decelerate the voltage power in the brain that causes disease in human.  Basically, it is the non working of the hands is the main cause for non-communicable diseases. 
Forty years ago statistic also showed a clear picture of rural Indian people had not come across of TV screen and the percentage of diabetes was just 4%. Now it has drastically risen to 11 to 12 % by watching TV serials has captured eyes in most villages in India. Even in cities it has risen from 14%  to 17%  this marginal increase is purely due to heavy traffic that had thickly polluted the atmosphere is the cause for diabetes rise in cities.
    But in the case of natural horizontal sleep shutting of the eyes increase this oxygen supply for the brain and metabolically it helps the brain in its activity.  This metabolic activity with the breathing lungs keeps the body in good condition that coax up the brain’s functions during seven hours of sleep makes the body and the brain more fresh and healthy. But my remarks for those who watch TV movies are going to be affected badly than those of non viewers.
Let this beauty speaks itself in life.
     Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work
Copy of this report posted to “Glaucoma : Are You at Risk” on 5-6-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, scientist from United States -NEW YORK” on 5-6-2017
Copy of this report posted to “British Neuroscience Association” on 5—2017
Copy of this report posted to “BBC.COM  -BBC NEWS” on 5-6-2017
Copy of this report posted to “The Times of India” on 5-6-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States (California) on 5-6-2017 via You Tube

Saturday, 15 July 2017

How freezing ovarian restore fertility in women?

                                                                    Date 15-7-2017
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

British Neuroscience Association

How freezing ovarian tissue restore fertility in women?
      I am surprise to see an article today titled as “Freezing ovarian tissue may help reverse menopause” appeared in a popular news paper called “The Times of India dated 15-7-2017 stating “The ovarian tissue of younger women can help reverse menopause and restore natural fertility, allowing them to become mothers much later in life, say scientists.
      The procedure, which involves removing and freezing the ovarian tissue and remains in the realm of experiment, yields positive outcomes for nearly four of 10 women who undergo it, the researchers at Massachusetts Genral Hospital Cancer Center in the US discovered.
    “The procedure is superior to egg freezing as it can also reverse menopause and restore natural fertility,” said Kutluk Oktay, who performed the world’s first such procedure of this kind in 1999.
      I would like to explain this in a more perspective way through this freezing below zero level or very deep of chill water promote any living tissues to  exist under the influence of coolant action inside the living cells. This I had clearly stated in my paper called “What is the secret of Greenland sharks to live 400yrs?” which I had published in my Face Book about six days ago. Same thing is applied even for this ‘freezing ovarian tissue help to reverse menopause and freezing ovarian artificially. Further, this artificially fertilized egg automatically starts growing initially on its own in the womb by the coolant action inside the living tissue produces enough energy for the fetus to grow. 
      More can be read from my paper titled as “What is the Secret of Greenland sharks  to live 400yrs?” which was published six days ago can be assessed from this website

     Let this beauty speaks itself in life
     Nalin Ranjan
Brian Research Work
Copy of this report posted to Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, Scientist from United States (New York)” on 15-7-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Society for Neuroscience” on 15-7-2017
Copy of this report posted to Dr. Philip Plait, Scientist from United States (California)” on 15-7-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Glaucoma: Are You at Risk” on 15-7-2017
Copy of this report posted to “BBC,Com   -BBC NEWS” on 15-7-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Stephen Hawking, Scientist from UK (London)” on 15-7-2017

What is the secret in Greenland sharks to live 400-yrs?


What is the secret in Greenland sharks to live 400-yrs?
                                 Date 9-7-2017
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

British Neuroscience Association

     I am surprise to see an article yesterday titled as “Study probes Greenland sharks secret to long life” appeared in a popular News paper called ‘The Hindu dated 8-7-2017 stating that Greenland sharks, the longest living vertebrates on Earth, which lived  for up to 400 years, could hold the secret to long life, geneticists mapping their DNA say.

    They are searching for the ‘Unique genes’ that could hold the secret to the shark’s longevity.
       The scientists obtained the Greenland shark’s DNA from tiny clippings from the fin of the shark, which were caught on a line live and then tagged and released.
      The sequences the full mitochondrial genome (the complete mitochondrial DNA information of an organism) of almost 100 Greenland sharks, which included those born in the 1750s.
     The genetic sequences helped the researchers understand whether the Greenland shark has evolved specific metabolic adaptations towards extreme longevity.
     I would like to explain this in a more perspective way that Greenland sharks are believed to live 400yrs is very amazing to all. The findings I had already stated in many of my papers once you increase the level of voltage in the brain through the medium of light makes the body moderately chill. By using this technique my invented Medical Instrument reveals the facts even for Greenland sharks creates energy  from three different sources in storing energy for the mitochondrial organelles is being described as below
       The findings I had analyzed from my invented Medical Instrument patented in the Year 1998 reveal the facts  that Greenland sharks incredibly live longer by breathing pure oxygen under severe cold condition of deep water of Atlantic Ocean in tandem with that of coolant particles inside the living cells serve as energy saving for the mitochondrial organelles. This energy saving mitochondrial organelles makes the Greenland sharks to eat very less food under this hibernation cause by coolant action inside the living cells.
     Generally food is an energy absorbing source for the body. Next it is the coolant particles inside the living cells through this dipole dipole force gives relentless energy by the coolant action. Further from mineral water and pure oxygen from gills that converts light into energy. In the process these three sources of energy gives a healthy lifespan for Greenland sharks to live 400 years.
      In addition to this their eyes are far apart by interchanging the vision it creates an eternal energy for the brain through medium of light and apoptosis causing diseases become very remote in such sharks. 

It became more relevant even in this article titled as “Freezing ovarian tissue may help reverse menopause" appeared after six days in 'The Times of India' dated 15-7-2017 'fulfilling my dreams to come true' can be assessed from this Website

Why the Universe is expanding ever since Big Bang?
This is the one made it much more relevant after the Hubble telescope scanning the whole cluster of galaxies running away with more accelerated rate moving at the speed of light. This I had stated in my paper called “Why the Universe is expanding after the Big Bang?” can be assessed from this website


 How glaciers are formed can be read from the following website titled as
Coolant particles at the sub-atomic level leads to glacier formation at North and SouthPoles  
    Let this beauty speaks itself in life.
     Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted to Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, Scientist from United States (New York)” on 9-7-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Society for Neuroscience” on 9-7-2017
Copy of this report posted to Dr. Philip Plait, Scientist from United States (California)” on 9-7-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Glaucoma: Are You at Risk” on 9-7-2017
Copy of this report posted to “BBC,Com   -BBC NEWS” on 9-7-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Michio Kaky, Scientist from United States (California) via You tube’ on 9-7-2017