Monday, 19 June 2017

Protesting against deforestation

Global Brain Drain on Health

Nalin Ranjan‎British Neuroscience Association
3 mins ·
The BBC website 
                                                                                                                                    Date 14-4-2017
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist
University of Leed Neuroscience

As a scientist I am protesting against deforestation

Government of India is not aware about environmental consequence and people are suffering by breathing less oxygen from air whereas carbon dioxide has risen more than 300ppm to 400ppm per cubic metre in most of the metropolitan cities in India and the Government is about to sanction for iron ore mining in Gujarat by deforesting a huge area of 1409 hectares may kill many people in the cities, if they are going to sanction this project for mining iron ore. By deforestation natural recreation of oxygen through photosynthesis is loss, monkeys, and wild animals have to suffer without proper oxygen and on top of this it affects monsoon rains in many places in Gujarat. Now read my published paper on Mowgli girl who lived with monkeys from the age of two years to ten years in the jungle without getting any disease because of breathing fresh oxygen from the forest trees. Think of this incident and safe the forest from the clutches of industrial gaining from commercial use. Many papers on environment I had written, now read this published paper as follow
Mowgli girl getting better, IQ test soon
Deccan Chronicle dt 12-4-2017 
DC Correspondent Lucknow April-11
The ten-year-old Mowgli girl, now named Ehsaas, has started showing signs of improvement in the Nirvan Rehabilitation Centre where she was brought on 8th April of 2017.
“We try to keep her among the children of her age group so that she learns from them. As it is believed that she lived with monkeys, so we keep her among children of her age so that she learns to do things by copying them,” said S.S Dhopal, an official at the Nirvan Rehabilitation Centre.
He said that once the girl improves further, an IQ test would be conducted, on her. She will also be provided psychiatric treatment.
  More details can be found in this website

       Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, Scientist from United States –New York” on 12-4-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Mr.Bill Maher –Bio TV Show Host from United States- New York” on 12-4-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Glaucoma: Are You at Risk” on 12-4-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Dr Jennifer Klay, Asst. Professor of Physics at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Pbispo” on 12-4-2017
Copy of this report posted to “University of Leeds Neuroscience” on 12-4-2017
Copy of this report posted to "Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States (California)" on 12-4-2017
Copy of this report posted to "
BBC.COM" -BBC NEWS on 12-4-2017

My New Year Wishes on Climate Change

April 18 ·
1 hr •                                                                                                    
                                                                                                       Date 2-1-2017
                                        New Year Wishes
                                          carries this message
Watering the plants and planting trees can expand your life span
just carrying water by hand. It exerts the hand to strengthen the motor cells
          that carries more oxygen for the brain.

To all readers of my website
I wish a Happy New Year
But my heart full thanks
Goes to those who save the World against the Global Temperature caused by fossil fuel. This temperature rising quite high creating storms and floods in most of the northern regions as well as southern regions close to the poles. As a result of this, tropical countries are affected with short fall of rains affecting most of the forest areas like Amazon in South America is the largest river in the world, as well as part North America Central Africa, Russia, France, Europe, India and China having shortage of rain falls including Australia in some regions. In some part of the countries copious amount of rain fall brings catastrophic disaster caused by the climate change. This climate change even affects the glaciers in the North pole regions as well as South pole regions even in Greenland and Himalayas in Asia where some of the glaciers are vanishing in a short period leaving the rocky bear land affecting the life of those penguin, walrus and polar bear are becoming more vulnerable and their numbers had dwindled to a great extent.   
I also read an article recently titled as “Poetry Can Help Tackle Pollution” appeared in Deccan Chronicle dated 14-1-2014 stating that A revolutionary air-cleansing poem has removed more than two tonnes of pollution from the environment in the UK as part of a project which could be used to fight pollution in cities across the world, a leading British University claimed on Friday.
In Praise of Air, the world first air cleansing poem, was produced by scientists and writers and writers at the University of Sheffield in the UK. The catalytic poem, by award-winning writers Simon Armitage who is Professor of Poetry in the University’s School of English, has been printed on specially treatred material developed by scientists at the University which is capable of purifying its surroundings through catalytic oxidation.
The poem, which has been on display on the University of Sheffield’s Alfred Denny building since May 2014 has now reached the end of its exhibition in Sheffield and the project team has estimated that it has removed over two tonnes of nitrogen oxide from the surrounding. The team now hope the poem and its-cleansing technology can be replicated on billboards and artwork in towns and cities across the world.
 This Climate Change is becoming so hazard it led me to compose a song on Climate Change this I am yet to release. After composing the song I sent  A NEW YEAR WISHES on 2nd of Jan 2017 to all of my well wishers conveying a message Watering the plants and planting trees can expand your lifespan is given above. Apart from this I had even displayed my brothers poetry Late Mr. Ranjit Sen Anthoni Pillai had brought out a poetry titled as Cloud Poem. In addition to this, he had composed two thousand lines of poetry about forty years ago, but I am displaying part of it for others to appreciate.
                 Clouds Poem
I bring fresh rain to the burning plains
From the rivers and seas
My Welcome shadow for the cow in the meadow
Devoid of shady trees.

With my wings that are wide the bright Sun I hide
Some time for an entire day
Unless otherwise gales clear the skies
By breaking and blowing me away.

I herald a bolt of billion volts
And in young minds wonder
Moments after they hear my laughter
Only to shudder and call it thunder.

I steal the show from mountain snow
Great pines groan at my feet
All night through on a white pillow
I rest a rest that I deem a treat.

Fiery are my powers in my stormy hours
Lighting my captain boils
In a canyon below is contained the echo
ith flashes I fertilize soils.
Lyric by Ranjit Sen Anthony Pillai

Below verse is my brother Ranjit Sen's four line poem. He is no more but he had left 2000 lines of English poetry died on 09-11-2011
      Cigarette Smoking
"Though the threat of cancer is still remote
   Cigarette is an ill resort
   For smoking is a ruinous sport
   States the United States report."
      Lyric by Ranjit Sen Anthoni Pillai
About two years ago, there was an article titled as Smoking causes type-II Diabetes appeared in The Hindu dt 6-2-2014 S Y
• The risk of developing diabetes is 30 to 40 percent higher in smokers than in non smokers
R. Prasad
Fifty years since the first U.S Surgeon 1964 clearly stated that cigarette smoking was a health hazard, the 32nd Surgeon General’s Report released recently has shown that are yet to fully understand the real magnitude and extent of tobacco’s a  adverse effects on the human body. The Report expands the list of diseases and adverse health effects of smoking.
If the 2004 report of the Surgeon General concluded that smoking affects nearly every organ of the body, the latest report provides much more evidence to support this conclusion made 10 years ago.
The most important finding for Indians is that smoking is a “cause of type –II diabetes, and the risk of developing diabetes is 30 to 40 percent higher in smokers compared with non-smokers. Also, the risk increases with the number of cigarettes smoked. It is already known that smoking “complicates the treatment” of diabetes.
Another revelation is that liver and colorectal cancers are caused by smoking. In effect, the list of cancers caused by smoking has become even longer. Smoking is found to cause reheumatoid arthritis too.
Smoking is a cause of AMD” (age related mascular degeneration) it notes. The Macula of the eye that enables sharp vision gets gradually destroyed leading to loss of central vision. While quitting smoking helps in reducing the risk of AMD, the benefits would not show up for 20 or more years after quitting.
The report clearly notes that the number of diseases causually linked to smoking is ever expanding.
Also, the evidence of increased risk too many diseases and adverse effects in those exposed to secondhand smoke is rising. For instance, the increased risk of suffering from stroke has been positively found to be linked to smoking.

Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work

Foot note: Finally Google announce with their embalm has shown to me on my website about Birthday wishes stated on First of July as follow