Thursday, 25 May 2017

Why dividing cells causes cancer in two-third patients?

                    Global Brain Drain on Health
                                                                                                      Date 25-3-2017
Nalin Ranjan,Scientist
British Neuroscience Association

          Why dividing cells cause cancer in two-third patients

     I am surprise to see an article today titled as “Cancer may strike due to bad luck, not lifestyle” appeared in ‘The Times of India’ dated 25-3-2017 statingWhy does cancer strike some people and not others? New research shows that random changes or ‘mistake’ in DNA when cells are dividing causes nearly two-third of all cancers in humans. These changes are neither caused by external factors like smoking or exposure to harmful chemicals, nor by hereditary factors. They are chance events occurring at the molecular level. In other words, cancer can strike anybody.
      I would like to explain why this dividing cells causes cancer in two-third patients leaving those external factors like smoking or exposure to harmful chemicals or radiation causes 29% of the patients and the other  from hereditary causes just only 5% and the rest of the patients cancer rate are more or less touching 66% comparatively is very high among the common people. This static analysis is very alarming to all people. This analyze done by scientists from Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Centre at Baltimore in the US which is caused at the molecular level during the cell division process genetic code carrying the DNA is copied in the division cells, and mutations are likely to occur over the period of time is not very true.
     I would like to put it in a more perspective way why mutation occur in two-third patients any where any place during the process of cell division. More randomly mutation is caused by insufficient of electrical power to stream line this division of cells. While carrying cell division process P53 genes behaves abnormally due to mutation caused by less electrical power are the ones that create cancer. And become more aggressive in the second and third stages of cancer could eventually spread to other parts of the body by the ineffective of the P53 genes caused by cell division process.
     After reading this above article everyone must be very careful in their life and we don’t know which person will get affected, these types of deadly disease like cancer during cell division process. To stop such types of cancer one has to increase the level of voltage in the brain by enhancing the dipole dipole force which is nothing but Higgs Boson particle rendering them as candidate in carrying more oxygen in ionize blood cells. This excess oxygen in the ionize blood cells increase the level of voltage in the brain through the medium of light. This is achievable through my invented Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998. And I am regularly using my Medical Instrument for the last 21 years and there’s no slightest side effect in charging the brain cells. This Medical Instrument is very, very useful for desk top work at factories as well as in office. In fact it makes the brain as fresh as ever even at the fag end of the day. Further, refer the statement made by Professor Ahmed H. Zewail who won the Nobel Prize in the year 1999 for his invention in "Femtochemistry" that light has the power of curing many diseases.

Same thing I had even emailed to CERN Organization, Geneva along with my cancer paper during the announcement of the Higgs Boson Particle on 4th of July 2012 but I posted it on 31-7-2012 to Dr. Jennifer Klay, Asst. Professor of Physic at California Polytechnic State University, who was also in the panel of CERN. Organization had displayed my name in their website.
                            How to eradicate cancer by simple procedure
   I had already stated and published in many of my papers. Now it can be assessed from this website titled as “How to eradicate cancer by simple procedure? dated 09-02-2016 is  being displayed here

Plus, another paper called “How to eliminate cancer without using immunotherapy” is being specified in this website

Another paper called “Necessity is the mother of invention, now a cure for cancer” published on 30-1-2011 which can be easily assessed from this website

My email ID :   Today only I bought an Android Cell Phone to communicate those eagerly waiting fans, now they can communicate through Whats app. Sometimes I may switch off when I am doing my research forgive me for not answering. But one thing I would to inform that Whats app or any high end devices monitoring the screen decelerated this voltage power in the brain at rapid pace can easily mutate the P53 gene have a great chance of getting cancer for those left over 66% of people. This is my personal advice for those users of smart-phone just try to avoid frequent using  of electronic gadgets.
Let this beauty speaks itself in life.
      Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work   

                   Dr. Jennifer Klay-Physicist

Jennifer Klay is an expert in high-energy nuclear collisions, who helped discover the phenomenon of jet quenching in nuclear collisions with the STAR experiment at Brookhaven National Lab’s Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. She also helped to develop the upgrade detector for the ALICE experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, which will allow it to measure jet quenching in nuclear collisions there.
Dr. Klay is an assistant professor of physics at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. She was a staff scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory before joining the faculty at Cal Poly in 2007.                
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Jennifer Klay, Asst Professor of Physics at California Polytechnic State University “on 25-3-2017
Copy of this report posted to Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States (California)” on 25-3-2017
Copy of this report posted to “University of Leeds Neuroscience” on 25-3-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Mr. Maher Bio-TV Show Host from United States-New York” on 25-3-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, Scientist from United States-New York” on 25-3-2017
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Lawrence Krauss” via You Tube” on 28-3-2017

Copy of this report posted to “Donald Trump The President of United States” via You Tube on 27-3-2017

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Warning to all meat eaters

Global warning to all meat eaters

                                                                                    Date 21-5-2017
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist 

How this ill fated fat sperms affect your children’s fate!  

   I am surprise to see an article yesterday titled as “Flexitarian diet can cut obesity risk by half” appeared in The Times of India dated 20-5-2017 stating that by Cutting down on meat part-time can almost halve the risk of obesity the scientists have said. Sub-heading as 'Part-Time Vegetarians Face 43% Lower Risk, Shows Study'
     According to a new study of 16000 people, eating a few more meat-free meals and extra fruit and vegetables each week can help keep the weight off. Previous studies have suggested strict vegetarians tend to be slimmer on the whole, but scientists have said this new ‘flexitarian approach could be a more realistic way to get people to cut down on meat, rather than asking them to forego it altogether.
     Professor Maira Bes-Radtrollo of the zuniverssity of Navarra in Spain, who led the study, said. It’s not a radical shift to vegetarian diet. It’s more a gentle approximation. It’s not strict.”
       Meat a believed to cause weight gain because it contains more fat and is denser in calories (it packs more calories by weight that veggies or fruits, for example, which is why people take in more calories before feeling full.

What causes early diseases in human?
I had already stated in the Face Book dated 29-3-2017, advising all of them to give up eating meat and put an end to cows slaughtering treat all lives equally. Leather factory tanneries are discharging toxic materials into the rivers and streams. Killing cows and eating is not the way of life. We all have to work with our hands and try to live without any ailment till one reaches 100-yrs.

    Non-vegetarian food carries more diseases such as heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, diabetes, obesity, and cancer which being inherited by the fatty sperm. My personal advice to all to eat less and work more with your hands can produce good healthy sperms that can produce healthy babies for the next generation. Why you all want to eat and sleep that will have a greater repulsion in life. Consuming such type of food is of no use. Once you fall sick at the age of 50s or 60s, to keep such patient in house puts the burden on the family. Financial crunch makes everyone to suffer in the family and you become worst than a stray dog.

    Ultimately animal suffering is your suffering at the end stage of life. Take care of your family and live happily till 100-yrs. As a father try to eat less non-vegetarian food and the children will be happy otherwise children life will also get affected by your ill fated sperms.
     Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work
 My Email ID :       My Whats App No- 91+9677216827 

Copy of this report posted to "Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist from United States (California)" on 21-5-2017
Copy of this report posted to "British Neuroscience Association" on 21-5-2017
Copy of this report posted to "Dr. Neil degrasse Tyson, Scientist from United States (New York)' on 21-5-2017
Copy of this report posted to "Dr. Jennifer Klay, Asst Professor of Physics at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Copy of this report posted to "Glaucoma: Are You at Risk" on 21-5-2017
Copy of this report posted to Women Unify Org." 21-5-2017
Copy of this report posted to "Lawrence Krauss " via 'You tube" on 21-5-2017
Copy of this report poste to BBC.COM  -BBC News on 21-5-2017
Copy of this report posted to Bill Mather Bio-TV Show Host from United States (New York)' on 21-5-2017 
Copy of this report posted to "Society for Neuroscience" on 22-5-2017 

Foot Note:-  Thanks for your comment - I want everyone to live for 100-yrs where life and plants are important for all living species. In order to support this life on Earth people have to work with their hands in watering the plants and planting trees to remove the greenhouse gases effect from occurring. By carrying water by hand it exerts the motor cells to carry more oxygen  for the brain. In the process it stimulates the few neurons at the base of the brain that opens the alert status of the brain. This I was able to find out through  my invented Medical Instrument reveals the facts. This Medical Instrument I patented in the year 1998 through the medium of light it is possible to expand the human life beyond 110-year. This had also been stated by Ahmed H Zail who won the Nobel Prize for his invention of “Femtochemistry” that light has the possibility of curing deadly diseases article appeared in  a popular newspaper called The Hindu dated 23-10-2002. But through my invented Medical Instrument it became possible to rectify the defective genes through this excess charging of the brain  cells play an important role by enhancing this dipole dipole force which is nothing but Higgs Boson Particles  rendering them as candidate in carrying more oxygen for the brain cells. Thus by enhancing this excess oxygen  in the brain  it cures most of the non communicable diseases in the body with the help of light and so are the plants serve as a  source of energy for all those species living on this Earth.