Saturday, 28 January 2017

Watering the Plants and Planting Trees can expand your lifespan

                                        Stirring Clouds bring Rains for All                         


                                                                                                     Date 2-1-2017
Watering the plants and planting trees can expand your lifespan by carrying water by hand. 
It exerts the hand to strengthen the motor cells that carries more oxygen for the brain.

                        Birth Day Wishes posted on 1st of July 2017

Thanks for your corporation in saving this precious world

Finally Google with their embalm has shown to me on my website about Birthday wishes stated on First of July as follow
23M people like this including Farid Ali and 49 friends Arts & Entertainment Jul 3rd, 11:40 Google typically takes a week or more to reply. Nalin Ranjan July 1 at 2:03pm · The BBC website Date 1-7-2017

  Today those Birthday wishes my comment as follow

      Oxygen level in atmosphere has dropped due to greenhouse effect!

Many happy returns of the day --I wish you to carry more water by hand while pouring water to plants and trees. This way it can stimulate the motor cells to carry more oxygen for the brain. Thus it makes the brain healthier by breathing more oxygen is the only way to expand your life span. From today onwards make your brain healthier.

     More can be read from this website titled as Watering the Plants and planting trees can expand all lives same thing can be assessed from this website

      Nalin Ranjan,

 Brain Research Work

To all readers of my website

I wish a Happy New Year
But my heart full thanks
Goes to those who save the World
Against the Global Temperature
Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work

                  Cloud Poem

I bring fresh rain to the burning plains
From the rivers and seas
My Welcome shadow for the cow in the meadow
Devoid of shady trees.

With my wings that are wide
 the bright Sun, I hide
Sometimes for an entire day
Unless otherwise gales clear the skies
By breaking and blowing me away.

I herald a bolt of billion volts
And in young minds wonder
Moments after they hear my laughter
Only to shudder and call it thunder.

I steal the show from mountain snow
Great pines groan at my feet
All night through on a white pillow
I rest a rest that I deem a treat.

Fiery are my powers in my stormy hours
Lighting my captain boils
In a canyon below is contained the echo
With flashes, I fertilize soils.
Late Ranjit Sen Anthony Pillai
This my elder brother’s Poem by Mr. Ranjit Sen Anthony Pillai who had composed two thousand lines of poetry, but he is now no more –died on 9-11-2011. In this New Year, I would like to publish some of them.
Nalin Ranjan
22 mins •
The Center for Public Integrity –Donald Trump US President

Is Schizophrenia Really a Brain Disease? Literally caused by the inefficient of the hands


                                   Global Brain Drain on Health
                                                                               Date 30-12-2016
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

British Neuroscience Association

Schizophrenia is affected by prefrontal lobes?
                     And why depression is causing in social media
    I read two articles one titled as “’Use of many social media sites tied to depression” appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 26-12-2016 and the other article I read it on the Internet titled as Is Schizophrenia Really a Brain Disease?, stating “Even the strongest proponents of the brain disease hypothesis acknowledge that it has not yet been validated”
The National Institute of Mental Health, on its Schizophrenia home page, proclaims confidently that “schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder”, a statement you find on nearly every major page or publication they have put out on the topic; and yet if you spend a little more time looking through their literature, you will find that they admit that “the causes of schizophrenia are still unknown”. Similarly, the American Psychiatric Association also confidently proclaims that “schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder”, but then they acknowledge on the very same page that “scientists do not yet know which factors produce the illness”, and that “the origin of schizophrenia has not been identified”. The strong bias towards the brain disease theory is clearly evident in the literature of these and other similar organizations, and yet the message comes through loud and clear that we still do not know the cause of schizophrenia. Even the U.S. Surgeon General began his report on the etiology of schizophrenia with the words, “The cause of schizophrenia has not yet been determined”. It would appear, then, that it is simply not appropriate to claim with such confidence that schizophrenia is the result of a brain disorder.

 These two above articles I would like to explain why it is occurring in some human. Basically, no one has analyzed correctly the real cause of these diseases and why it is arising in some people. But through my invented Medical Instrument reveals the facts that there are some similarities causing the disease in human. This bodily physical stress seemed to limit the oxygen supply to the brain affects the prefrontal cortex changes the behavior in a person. The same thing can happen in young adults using multiple social media platforms deprive this oxygen supply by over enthusiastic in reading especially through the internet, even video movies in 'YouTube" can create the depression in some. Changes caused by the thermostatic condition of the body of the prefrontal cortex.
           How to avoid such occurrence in social media  
This occurrence of depression in young adults is mainly due to ineffective of motor cells deprives the oxygen supply to the brain that causes depression in some adults. Whereas my Computer Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998 won’t cause this kind of depression even if they indulge in multiple social media platforms the brain will not allow him/her to read more. But beyond certain limit my invented Medical Instrument automatically makes the eyes to fall asleep cause by the inactivity of the motor cells shuts the brain’s activity from proceeding. This happens because motor cells are not active in charging the brain loses its concentration in reading messages from internet websites.
Apart from this, I had already given the cause of mental illness in my Blog website titled as “A solution for mental illness” is being displayed in the following website
Let this beauty speaks itself in life.
     Nalin Ranjan
Brian Research Work

Copy of this report posted to Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson-Scientist from United States(New York)” on 30-12-2016 
A copy of this report posted to “Dr. Jennifer Klay, Asst. Professor of Physics at California Polytechnic State University” on 30-12-2016
Copy of this report posted to “Philip Plait, Scientist from United States (California)’ on 30-12-2016
Copy of this report posted to “Glaucoma: Are You at Risk” on 30-12-2016
Copy of this report posted to “Kings College London Neuroscience” on 1-1-2017
Copy of this report posted via 'YouTube' under the title name “The Future of the Mind by Dr. Michio Kaku” on 31-12-2016

Copy of this report posted to “Donalds Trump, The President of United States” via ‘YouTube’ on 31-12-2016

Thursday, 26 January 2017

How to avoid LED lights damaging your eyes?

Global Brain Drain on Health

                                                                                  Date 29-12-2016
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

British Neuroscience Association

How to avoid LED Lights damaging your eyes

       I am surprise to see an article titled as “LED Light can damage your eyes says study” appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 16-5-2013 stating that “The so-called eco-friendly LED lights may cause permanent damage to your eyes, a new research has claimed. The study found that exposure to light-emitting diode (LED) lights can cause irreparable harm to the retina of the human eye.

     With regard to this Light Emitting diode (LED) TV doesn’t really harm the retina after I tested with invented Medical Instrument.. This LED TV is a 32 inches screen which I am using as monitor for the last four months and it had not affected my eyes in spite of working 5 hours at a stretch. This LED Lights in fact charges the brain faster than ordinary computer monitor and makes the body and the brain as fresh as ever.

Why LED lights causes eye problem?

This light emitting diode is not the real cause for the eye problem in human. The defect in the retina arises out of the inactivity of the motor cells that destroys the retina cells. Here the retina gets damage due to lack of oxygen as the motor cells become inactive while watching TV or Monitoring the computer or mobile phones too. To make the motor cells active one has to increase the level of voltage in the brain through the medium of light enhances this dipole dipole force which is nothing but Higgs Boson particle strengthens all the ionize blood cells to carry more oxygen in them. For this to happen one has to use my computer Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998 that can boosts the energy for the brain cells. This excess energy makes the dipole dipole force literally enhancing the oxygen supply for the retina.

My experiment on LED TV screen provides more energy for the eyes which is faster than ordinary monitoring screen. Thus it makes the eyes as fresh as ever.

Led this beauty speaks itself in life.

     Nalin Ranjan
Brian Research Work

Copy of this report posted to“Dr Michi Kaku, Scientist from United States (California)” on 29-12-2016
Copy of this report posted to “Dr Philip Plait, Scientist from United States (California) on 29-12-2016
Copy of this report posted to “Glaucoma are you at Risk” on 29-12-2019
Copy of this report posted to “Dr Neil Degrasse Tyson-Scientist from United States (New York)” on 29-12-2016

Copy of this report posted to “Dr Jennifer Klay, Asst. Professor of Physics at California Poly Technic State University” on 29-12-2016