Saturday, 2 July 2016

How to prevent myopia from occuring?

Global Brain Drain on Health
                                                                                                        Date 29-6-2016
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

British Neuroscience Association

   Again I am surprise to see an article titled as “Study: 4% of American adults highly myopic” appeared in a popular news paper called ‘The Times of India’ dated 23-6-2016 stating “An estimated 9.6 million, or 4% adults in the US are highly myopic, or severely nearsighted, a new large-scale study has claimed. Of these, nearly 820,000 have a degenerative form of the disease and over 41,000 suffer a complication called myopic choroidal neovasculariaztion that could cause long-term vision loss, with women at higher risk, researchers said.
Also read another report published recently titled as “Docs: Temporary blindness tied to mobile use in dark” appeared in The Times of India dated 24-6-2016 clearly stating “In both cases, doctors later found that the vision problems occurred only after the women had viewed their smarthphones for several minutes in bed.

                                What causes this myopia in human

After inventing my Computer Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998 can easily prevent such diseases in human. Actually this instrument plays a bigger part in the prevention of such diseases once you increase the level of voltage in the brain through the medium of light.
Basically we have to analyze why this myopia started occurring more from 1970s and it started growing in an alarming scale from 1990s-2016 after the introduction of electronic devices. This myopia disease slowly started occurring by seeing pictures from the television sets. It can cause cock eyed in some children when they start using smart-phone, iPod as well as computer operation by mere seeing movie pictures and browsing internet and message reading are the worst ones for the eyes that leads to non-charging of the brain cells lessens the strength of the ionize blood cells carrying lesser oxygen for the eyes causes this myopic choroidal neovascularization disease including cock eyed can form in among some children when they start reading messages for longer time. These message reading and seeing movie pictures can provoke disease in many ways that can eventually reduces the memory power too caused by the non-exertion of the motor cells retards the brain functions. In the event it lowers the voltage power in the brain. To overcome this voltage drop only my invented Medical Instrument can boost them up that eventually strengthens the ionize blood cells to carry more oxygen to the eyes and the brain. By this excess oxygen clears all the myopic diseases in the eye.
     Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work

Copy of this report posted to “University of Leeds Neuroscience” on 29-6-2016
Copy of this report posted to "University of Sussex Neuroscience Society" on 29-6-2016
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Jennifer Klay, at California Poly Technic San Luis Bispo” on 29-6-2016
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Lawrence M. Krauss’ The Universe at its Limits” on 29-6-2016
Copy of this report posted to “Neil Debrasse Tyson, Scientist, from United States (New York) on 29-6-2016
Copy of this report posted to "Dr Joe Incandela, Particle Physicist, Spokeperson at CERN Org. Geneva" on 4-7-2016 

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