Friday, 27 May 2016

How to remove infertility in Men and Women

News Feed
Nalin Ranjan
                                                                                                                Date 27-5-2016
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist
British Neuroscience Association

                         What cause infertility in Men and Women?
I am surprise to see an article titled as “New Protein sheds light on sperm infertility” appeared in “The Hindu dated 5-9-2003 stating “A protein that is required for a sperm to bind to an egg during the process of fertilization has been identified by a new study, which has been published in the journal Cell. This research provides new insight into the molecular mechanisms involved in initial events of sperm-egg association and may shed light on male infertility.
    There are variety of factors that can lead to male infertility, including defects in sperm motility and insufficient sperm production. However, in many cases, the sperm of infertile men appear to be completely normal. Barry D. Shur, professor and chair of cell biology at Emory University School of Medicine and postdoctoral fellow Michael A. Ensslin, took a close look at the specific molecules and events required for a sperm to recognize an egg so that fertilization can take place. The researchers identified a protein on the surface of mouse sperm that is required for the sperm to successfully bind to the outside of the egg. The protein, called SEDI. Binds specifically to unfertilized eggs after it has been fertilized eggs and no longer recognizes an egg after it has been fertilized. When examined in the lab, sperm without the protein were unable to bind to an egg.
   Here I would like to say something connected to infertility in men due to a protein called SEDI which is lacking the electrical charge unable to associate with the unfertilized egg. Same thing can happen in women when electrical charges is not associated with  unfertilized egg that weakens the dipole dipole force and the sperm invading fails  to bind with the unfertilized egg. This is the main cause for infertility for both men and women when electrical charges are weakened.
    This fall off electrical charge can be upgraded through the medium of light act as a source of energy which I am able to achieve with my invented Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998 can easily power this biological system. Thus it removes the infertility in men and women by this electrical charge.

                                 What light can do for you?               

Earlier itself I had displayed in my Blog Website titled as “Photon transfer of electrons makes the sex organ active dated 23- 3 2016 which can be assess from here
    Another version also I had displayed in my Blog Website titled as “Hands play an important role in the prevention of diseases”, same can be assess from here

    Let this beauty speaks itself in life.
Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work
Copy of this report posted to “Society for Neuroscience” on 27-5-2016
Copy of this report posted to “Dr MichioKaku, Scientist, on 27-5-2016
Copy of this report posted to “ Neil Debrasse Tyson, Scientist, from United States (New York) on 27-5-2016
Copy of this report posted to “Mr. Bill Mathew TV Hoster of New York”on 27-5-2016
Copy of this report posted to "UCL University" on 28-5-2016
Copy of this report posted to "Dr Joe Incandela, Particle Physicist-spokeman of CERN Org. Geneva" on 28-5-2106 

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Hands play an important role in the prevention of diseases

                                   Global Brain Drain on Health
                                                                                                                 Date 23-5-2016
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

British Neuroscience Association

Why humans are more susceptible to diseases?
    I am surprise to see an article titled as “Why feeding monkeys is bad for them” appeared in a popular news paper called ‘The Times of India’ dated 23-5-2016 stating that by just “Feeding wild monkeys may pose risk to their health by making them large in size, more susceptible to diseases and stressed, a new study on macaques in Morocco has found.
      Researchers led by Laetitia Marchal from University of Roehampton in the UK compared the health of two groups of wild Barbary macaques in Morocco. One group spent nearly 50% of their feeding activity eating food provided by humans. The other group relied on natural food resources. The macaques which ate food from tourists were found to have poorer quality fur, with some patches of alocepecia, and also suffered from higher level of stress hormones compared with other group.”
     The study found from two groups of wild Barbary macaques in Morocco, one group spent 50% of their feeding provided by human and the other group ate food totally depending from natural food resources. Here I would like to say that this non-fed group of wild Barbary macaques are physically very active by using their two hands in climbing trees in order to eat food provided by the trees played a vital role in the prevention of non communicable diseases. In the case 50% of those wild Barbary macaques spent eating food provided by human had limited their eating habit in trees largely reduce their hands activity in climbing trees is the major cause for the miscarriage of birth as their reproductive embryos become unhealthy due to non exertion of the two hands prevent them from giving birth.
    This non exertion of the two hands also affect the male monkeys spermatozoa growth of fertility.
These findings I had already stated in my video speech which I published via ‘You Tube’ titled as “Hand job is important for life by Scientist”. Here I would like to say it again ‘Once you exert your hands in climbing trees with bear legs along with close proximity of the visual eyes can easily prevent most of the non Communicable diseases inclusive of depression in human. Now the above article shows a clear indication how diseases are induced in monkeys when hands are not used to the maximum.
Physiological stress can even leads to mental illness, read it in my Blog Websites titled as "A solution for mental illness- Part-I as well as Part-II can be assess from here…/how-to-eliminate-d……/a-solution-for-men…

Myself had been a tree climber brought out a new version titled as "How the humans evolution had taken place on Earth Part-II" displayed in my Blog Website titled as 'Secrets of the brain unravelled' can be assess from here

Now also refer my blog website titled as “Dysfunction of the Sexual arousal in Men and Women” can be achieved through the medium of light is being highlighted here

Let this beauty speaks itself in life.
Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work
Copy of this report posted to “Dr Michio Kaku, Scientist” on 23-5-2016
Copy of this report posted to "Society for Neuroscience" on 23-5-2016
Copy of this report posted to “eMedEvents” on 23-5-2016
Copy of this report posted to "University of Leeds Neuroscience” on 25-5-2016
Copy of this report posted to " Dr Joe Incandela, Particle Physicist" Spokeman at CERN.Org- Geneva" on 26-5-2016|By accovaBrain Scientist