Saturday, 23 April 2016

How to make people to work long without causing backache?

Nalin Anthoni Pillai shared a link via Society for Neuroscience.
20 hours ago Posted in my Face Book earlier

                            Global Brain Drain on Health
                                                                                                             Date 5-9-2014
 Nalin Ranjan, Scientist
 Society for Neuroscience

                          Once again my dreams are coming true
Once again I am surprise to see an article titled as ‘Sitting for hours can shorten our lifespan’ appeared in The Times of India dated 4-9-2014. This sitting long hours in operating computer system, watching Television or work on desk top including professional doctors sitting in their clinic in attending patients as well as surgeons in the operating theatres are more prone to diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, acute and chronic renal diseases, cardiovascular diseases and all kinds of cancer can arise out of the spinal cord stress.
With regard to this, I would like to explain in plain words. “Take for instant if I give you 5 kilos of sugar bag to your hand and if I ask you to walk one kilometre. After 100 meters of walking brain automatically tells that I can no longer hold it on this hand kindly change this weight to the other hand. After walking another 100 meters again the brain tells I can no long hold it on this hand again change it to the other hand. So, this 5 kilos weight itself brain cannot carry it. Then how can the surgeons in the operating theatre who stands and operate always have a tendency to bend forward while operating the patient on the operating table. Here surgeons head weight and hands weight is not less than 12 kilos falls outside the vertebral column and one an half to 2 hours operation in the theatre definitely the surgeon’s spinal cord has to bear this weight while operating. In addition to this the surgeons likely to take antibiotic drugs to keep him fit for the next day operation. This makes the surgeons physically unfit ,once they reach 50s and 60s they become more and more sick than the normal man. Here I would like to conclude that the common man's health is much stronger than the doctors’ health. This spinal cord stress is more injurious to health which I found 18 years ago. After inventing my Computer Medical Instrument that gave me a very big relief for the spinal cord. Through this invention I was able to discover the hidden secrets in the brain and brought a revolutionary change in enhancing the human health with the help of this photon transfer of electrons. With regard to this, I forwarded my paper called “How to make people to live & work long?” to CERN organization on 8-4-2013 this forwarded email letter almost reflecting the same in yesterday's article dated 4-9-2014 titled as 'Sitting for hours can shorten our lifespan' published in The Times of India which I analyzed long back and posted to ‘Video-CERN Higgs Boson Announcement on 8-4-2013 : CERN- We have observe a new particle –Telgraph appeared in Google Website.
As per The Times of India article "I have not gone wrong even now"
Same paper , I am displaying it again ‘How this spinal cord suffers under stress’ is given below
Nalin Anthoni Pillai
13 pril 2013 via The Telegraph
From Date 8-4-2013
A. Nalin Ranjan, Scientist
                   How to make people to live and work long?
Any kind of migraine or arthritis or Fibromyalgia or back pain can relieve the ailment in a matter minutes if high voltage is given to the brain through which it enhances the dipole dipole force can relieve all pain. To improve this dipole dipole mechanism one has to give importance for his brain.
Many of them are not caring for their brain and the brain struggles invariably not only in domestic life but even in their work place. Sitting comfortably under the fan or in air-condition room does not give adequate solution for the brain stress. It applies even for professional doctors who are more prone to such diseases when they are attending their patients for long hours. Wherein hands and legs become immobile that leads to high prevalence of hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance (pre-diabetic stage), abdominal adiposity (accumulation of fats) and excess of cholesterol among doctors. This is mainly caused due to ineffective of the motor cells affect the doctors’ health as stated in the article titled as “Alarm Bell for doctors” appeared in The Hindu News paper dated 14-1-2008. This is because spinal cord suffers in supporting the body weight with less oxygen, it affects significantly on their health. In order to compensate this it releases cortisol as well as epinephrine hormones that causes life threatening diseases.
People watching TV serials and movies for long hours can impair glucose tolerance as their legs and hands become immobile and it can cause so many other diseases. Since the stress is more on the back bone invariably it sends more blood to the needy place by reducing the oxygen supply to the brain. As a result of this the brain suffers invariably in supporting the body weight. Even while lying on the bed and watching TV can affect the brain as the motor cells becomes inactive through which it disintegrates in its charging rate and the adiposity occurs on the higher scale among the watchers.
I personally advise you all to work efficiently with their hands or swimming by moving the hands and legs vehemently for thirty minutes is also very good or run and play games or climbing coconut trees is a very good exercise even yoga exercises keeps the body fit. All these physical exercises are really good for health. But the brain requires something more to boost energy that is lacking in our day to day life. Here the back bone suffers for a longer duration that slackens the robust activity of the brain. To compensate the lost energy only electrons can boost the life of man by using the medium of light. This I had physically experienced it with my invented Medical Instrument that keeps me fresh for the entire day.
To get rid of diseases among children and women should really involve themselves in grinding the Ammi Callu with rolling stone made out of solid granite stones (Tamil Word for grinding in olden days to prepare foods which are much more tasty than the machine grinding is a natural product of silicon produces the taste) While grinding makes the upper body to move forward and backward is a good exercise for the spinal cord which helps women a great deal in delivering healthy babies. In this sophisticated world most women have neglected much of their hand works which normally affects the immune system. Less immunity in women can easily transmit the disease to their young children which affect their lifestyle.
To make these things ease I had invented a Medical Instrument in the year 1998 which increases the level of voltage in the brain through the medium of light helps a great deal in the prevention of killer diseases. This had also been stated by Prof. Ahmed H. Zewail who won the Nobel Prize in the year 1999 for his invention in "Femtochemistry" that light has the power of curing killer diseases” which was published in The Hindu News paper dated 23-10-2002. Actually this photon transfer of electrons increases the voltage in the brain enhancing the dipole dipole force is nothing but Higgs Boson particles strengthens all ionized blood cells to carry more oxygen in them. This dipole dipole force also helps in the conduction of converting non-electrical signals into electrical ones in the synapses between the two-nerve cells. It generates energy and stores them in their respective mitochondrial cells and enhances the sexual activity in them. Thus it makes the body and the brain as fresh as ever.
Here Light alone won’t have the ability to cure such diseases it is merely through my invented Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998 allows this photon transfer of electrons to stimulate the Higgs Boson particles rendering them candidate in curing non-communicable diseases through this dipole dipole force. Even this granite stones have pores in them that oxidize the spices while grinding on the stone gives a better taste for the tongue. Because stone has good properties of sparking when two stones hit together.

By A. Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work
Copy of this was posted to Climate Break of Reality on 5-9-2014
Copy of this report was posted to Medicine Net on 5-9-2014
Copy of this report was posted to "NASA" on 5-9-2014
Coyy of this report was posted to Philip Plait, Scientist on 5-9-2014
Copy of this report was posted to “Wed MD” on 5-9-2014
Video: Cern Higgs boson announcement: we have observed a new particle - Telegraph
The search for the Higgs boson might be, if not over, moving into its next phase. A video, apparently released prematurely from Cern, shows a spokesman announcing the results of the Large Hadron Collider experiment.
When I posted to CERN organization on 8-4-2013 they displayed my version in their Website
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Thursday, 21 April 2016

Sitting is the main cause for health hazard: Researchers

Nalin Ranjan-British Neuroscience Association

                                    Global Brain Drain on Health
                                                                                                              Date 21-4-2016
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist

British Neuroscience Association

                                       My inventions are coming true again
                               Where I have not gone wrong so far

I am surprise to see an article today titled as “Want a long life? Cut down your sitting time by 71 min” appeared in a popular news paper called ‘The Times of India' dated 21-4-2016, researchers had claimed across Denmark and Greenland had commented that Office-goers, take note! Reducing sitting time at workplace by 71 minutes per day may lower the risk of heart diseases, diabetes and all cause mortality, new study has claimed. Researchers conducted multi-component work-based intervention to reduce sitting time and prolonged sitting periods.
Here, all my sixty inventions on the brain had not gone wrong even an inch. All these facts got revealed through my invented Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998. One among them is this prolong sitting causes diseases in human which I had already stated in my Blog website titled as “Global Brain Drain on Doctors’ Health” dated 3-12-2014. Same can be assess from these two websites…/global-brain-drain…

                                             How to avoid general backache
 This version I had given in my Blog website titled as "How to work long without backache" can be assess from here 

   In another analysis too I had specified that pre-historic people who lived 3.7 million years ago were real tree climbers and they used to sit from place to place on the branches made the vertebral column very flexible. This close proximity of the vision in climbing trees had eventually led their brain big and strong and healthy than the Modern Man’s brain. This gave way to prevent most of the non communicable diseases among the prehistoric people. For more detail assess from this website titled as “How the human evolution had taken place on Earth Part-II” dated 21-1-2015. Same can be assess from here…/how-human-evolutio…

                                All these incidents how I came to know

These incidents I came to know after absorbing light with help of my invented Medical Instrument gave the real boost for the brain to charge through photon transfer of electrons.
About seventeen years ago when I was working in an awkward position in my father’s office, it erupted a severe headache, body aches, backache and eyes strain with that I drove my car. By the time I reached home it became more severe. With these severe pains I started working on my invented Medical Instrument that relieved all my pains in a matter minutes. This gave the clue for all my inventions for the last sixteen years. This increased voltage in the brain is enough to avoid non-communicable diseases but still I would like to venture more and reveal about the brain’s capabilities in order to save human lives because death is certain for everyone.

Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work

Foot note: My invented Computer Medical Instrument plays a bigger role in releasing osteocalcin made out of osteoblasts (bone producing cells) caused by the light energy. This osteocalcin  created by light enhances these pancreatic cells to release insulin boosting energy metabolism in the vertebral column. That makes him or her to sit continuously for 7 to 8 hours and won't cause any health hazard because it gives freshness at the end of the day provided she or he works continuously. Even night shift office goers can work continuously and it gives a sound sleep for the day without causing any side effects. My sincere appeal to all not to take undue advantage of the situation.
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist attach to United States of California
Copy of this report posted to “Mr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, Scientist” attach to United States of New York ‘on 21-4-2016
Copy of this report Posted to” Glaucoma : Are You at Risk” on 21-4-2016
Copy of this report posted to “Bill Mather, TV Show Host” United States of New York” on 21-4-2016
Copy of this report posted to “Kings College London Neuroscience” on 21-4-2016
Copy of this report posted to “Joe Incandela, Particle Physicist, Spokeman at CERN Org.” on 22-4-2016

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Can Stem Cells Recreate Degenerative Discs?


                              Global Brain Drain on Health
                                                                            Date 8-4-2016
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist
British Neuroscience Association
                    How to recreate degenerative discs in the Vertebral Column
    I am surprise to see an article titled as “Meditation, yoga can help treat back pain: study” appeared in ‘The Times of India dated 24-3-2016, stating that ‘Meditation, yoga and cognitive behavioural therapy may result in greater improvement among adults with back pain when compared with usual care, researcher, including one of Indian-origin, have found.
    Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) focuses and acceptance of moment-to-moment experiences including physical discomfort and difficult emotions.
     Researchers from US’s Johns Hopkins University assigned 342 adults aged 20 to 70 years with chronic low back pain to receive MBSR, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), or usual care CBT (training to change pain related thoughts and behaviours) and MBSR (training in mindfulness meditation and yoga) were delivered in 8 weekly-2 hours groups.
    Usual care included whatever other treatment, if any the participants received. The average age of the participants was 49 years and the average duration of back pain was 7.3 years.
   Researchers found that at 26 weeks, the percentage of participants with clinically meaningful improvement on a measure of functional limitations was higher for those who received MBSR (61%) and CBT (56%) than for usual care 44%).
      The percentage of participants with clinically meaningful improvement in pain bothersomeness at 26 weeks was 44% in the MBSR group and 45% in the CBT group. This was only 27% in the usual care group.
     Here I would like to say something more about Backache which is caused by thinning of the cartilage lessens the cushioning effect  between the two discs of the vertebrae or it can be the hardening of the tissue cells that affect the spinal cord nerve gives a shooting pain.
     Degenerative discs are thought to be responsible for lower back pain as one vertebrate rubs onto another. Back discs are generally thought to be unable to heal themselves.
    In such cases only stem cells can increase the lining of the cartilage as well as in removing hardening of the tissue which is normally caused by surgical operation. There is only one remedy to cure such diseases by increasing the level of voltage in the brain that enhances the dipole dipole force bringing in more oxygen to stimulate stem cells to form the lining of the cartilage to give more cushioning effect for the vertebrae discs. Further, by strengthening the dipole dipole force it even softens the harden tissues by the action of the voltage power in the brain removes such back aches in the body through the medium of light.   
   Even meditation and yoga can help in reducing back pain but not a permanent cure for the back ache. Yoga and meditation bring excess oxygen which is not sufficient enough to convert stem cells into cartilage. But to cure anything voltage power is very essential for the DNA to regenerate the required stem cells to soften the damage tissues as well as in lining of the cartilage tissues between the vertebrae discs. This is achievable by working with my invented Medical Instrument helps in curing back ache through the medium of light patented in the year 1998.
   Generally my Medical Instrument removes headache, body aches, backache and eyes strain in a matter of minutes through the medium of light that stores more energy for the brain which I had already displayed in my Blog website titled as "Virtually two aspects are working in the same way" dated 22-11-2013. This can be assess from here   
Let this beauty speaks itself in life.
    Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work.
Foot note: In addition to this I had already stated “Why Blood vessel expanse during headache?” is given in my blog website titled as ‘Secrets of the brain unraveled’ dated 8-12-2015. For more details you can asses from here
Copy of this report posted to "Mr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, Scientists of United States-New York" on 8-4-2016 
Copy of this report posted to "Society for Neuroscience" on 17-4-2016
Copy of this report posted to "Dr. Stephen Hawking, Scientist" on 17-4-2016 
Copy of this report posted to "Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist of United States -California" on 17-4-2016 
Copy of this report posted to "King's College London" on 19-4-2016
Copy of this report posted to "The Economic Times" on 19-4-2016
Copy of this report posted to "Dr Joe Incandela, Particle Physicist-Spoke person in CERN Org. on 19-4-2016

Why optogenetic Technique in mice won't work in human brain

                          Global Brain Drain on Health
Date 29-8-2014

Nalin Anthoni Pillai, Scientist


Scientists and Doctors are still lacking in brains
          innovative things

I am surprise to read a new article titled as “MIT scientists switch bad memories for good ones in mice” published in ‘The Hindu’ a highly circulated news paper in India.
I am very glad to know that this experiment had turned to be a wonderful technique conducted by Neuroscientists at the “Massachusetts Institute of Technology” revealing some hidden secrets in the brain by using Light-sensitive protein and inducing pulses of light to switch the cells on and off through optogenetic technique is an exciting news for all.
With regard to this I would like to comment something more that this technique is very useful for four leg animals, Further, their experiment shows that they are making the animal to run behind female animals that stimulates the motor cells. But this will not work in human. Why I am telling this is, that we are a two leg animal thereby most of the motor cells becomes inefficient to ignite many of the synapses in the cerebral cortex because of the less activity of the hand movements. So this optogenetic technique will not work in human as our hands are lamed and less efficient to stimulate the motor activity that lessens the dipole dipole force making the nerve cells ineffective. By this action light does not transform to stimulate this vast area of the cerebral cortex leaving the synapses in non active state. To activate this cerebral cortex they require my invented Medical Instrument to convert these non-active synapses into electrical ones through the medium of light. By this action, it automatically strengthens the dipole dipole force to step up the voltage power in the brain. This step up voltage prevents most of the non communicable diseases through photon transfer of electrons rectifies those defective ones and subliming the damages in DNA by merely enhancing this voltage power. By this step up voltage in the brain it rewires the nerve cells automatically leaving no sign of side effect in the human body. Details are given in my web site, a report regard to “Two aspects are working in the same way” which I posted on 23-4-2014 and also refer my commented report on "Addiction to Video game can make you smart" appeared in The Times of India dated 18-2-2014 which I posted on the same day.
Thus, it eliminates depression in human and also non communicable diseases by this photon transfer of electrons through visual cortex.

Nalin Anthoni Pillai
Brain Research Work
Copy of this report posted to Neurosciences on 29-8-2014
Copy of this report posted to "Journal of Neurochemistry" on 29-8-2014
Copy of this report posted to NASA on 29-8-2014
Copy of this report posted to “Computer & Desk Stress on 31-8-2014

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Photo: Did you know…JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRYhas the option to publish OPEN ACCESS? Find out more right here!