Saturday, 16 January 2016

How to protect our eyes from diseases

                                  Nalin Ranjan to British Neuroscience Association                                                                                                        

Global Brain Drain on Health
                                                                                          Date 16-1-2016
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist
British Neuroscience Association

                              How to protect our eyes from diseases
    I am surprise to see an article titled as :Asthma, Sleep apnea may weaken cornea” appeared in The Times of India dated 14-1-2016 wherein it had stated “People with asthma, sleep apnea or down syndrome are at higher risk of developing an eye condition that causes serious progressive nearsightedness of an young age, a new study has found. The findings, made through a study of the condition called keratoconus, could help more people protect their vision if treated on time. Keratoconus makes the cornea weak, which leads it to become cone-shape overtime.”
    Here I would like to say our eyes are very powerful that can cure most of the non-communicable diseases. Because it is the eyes that powers the brain cells through photon transfer of electrons. And the scientists are still unable to convert light into energy in biological system causing diseases in human.
    This I had analyzed with my invented Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998. Once started working on my invented Medical Instrument for two hours it automatically increases the level of voltage in the brain by the conversion of light into energy enhances this dipole dipole force which is nothing but Higgs Boson Particles rendering them as candidate in carrying more oxygen in the ionize blood cells and hormones becomes a non disruptive receptors in the blood stream. Thus it prevents most of the non communicable diseases in human.
   In my conclusion visual light plays a vital role  in enhancing  the voltage power for the brain that energize all the organs in the body preventing asthma, sleep apnea and weakening of the cornea kind of diseases.
   Let this beauty speaks itself in life.
    Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Philip Plait, Scientist, on 16-1-2016
Copy of this report posted to “Dr. Michio Kaku, Scientist” on 16-1-2016
Copy of this report posted to “ Mr.Bill Mather-TV.Host U.S. New York
Copy of this report posted to University of Leeds Neuroscience on 17-1-2016
Copy of this report posted to "Dr Joe Incandela, Particle Physicist-Spokeman of  CERN Org.


Saturday, 9 January 2016

How to avoid cancer among Northerners residing higher latitudes


                                   Global Brain Drain on Health
                                                                                                      Date 9-1-2016
Nalin Ranjan, Scientist
British Neuroscience Association

           Double the risk of cancer among Northerners closer to North Pole
I am once again surprise to see an article titled as “Low exposure to sun ups leukaemia risk” appeared in a popular news paper called The Times of India dated 8-1-2016 has stated ‘People who reside at higher latitudes, with lower sunlight exposure and greater prevalence of vitamin-D deficiency are at a greater risk of developing leukaemia, a new study has claimed.
Researchers found that persons residing at higher latitudes are at least two times at greater risk of developing leukaemia than equatorial populations’.
But another article titled as “Northerners have bigger brains” appeared in ‘The Hindu' dated 28-7-2011
But these two articles seemed to be contradictory to one another in spite of the brain being bigger. This reason is yet to be analyzed.

Bigger the brain can hold higher amount of voltage. In spite of all this it causes cancer in Northerners close to North Pole than equatorial populations. 

Here I would like to say that Northerners normally sleep upside down and that too for a longer period compared to those who live in tropical countries close to the equator.
Because of the cold weather Northerners normally sleep for a longer time that gives more blood for the brain and the eyes that makes their head and the eyes bigger. By living indoors their sleepy eyes mostly awaken during noon and their seeing eyes expose to sunlight is very limited and the charging rate also comes down for the brain cells. Further, this high latitude atmosphere carries this thin air of oxygen and with less voltage power in the brain weakens this dipole dipole force mostly affecting GDF-11 blood cells unable to carry more oxygen in them is the cause for such types of cancer. Basically, it is the sleepy eyes are the major cause for Leukaemia among Northerners.

So high latitudes people can easily avoid such deadly diseases by working on my Medical Instrument for two hours can easily increase the level of voltage in the brain that strengthens the dipole dipole force which is nothing but Higgs Boson Particle rendering them as candidate in carrying more oxygen in the ionize blood cells. This excess oxygen in the blood cells prevents most of the deadly diseases in human. 

In addition to this, I even elaborated about cancer in my Blog website sub-titled as follow
Gene affecting Stem cell divide causes cancer which can be stabilized by increasing the voltage in the brain. Same can be accessed from this website 

Let this beauty speaks itself in life.
       Nalin Ranjan
 Brain Research Work
Copy of this report posted to “Dr Philip Plait, Scientist” on 9-1-2016
Copy of this report posted to “Kings College London”  on 10-1-2016
Copy of this report posted to "Dr Joe Incandela, CERN Org. spokeman" on 10-1-2016
Copy of this report posted to "Dr Michio Kaku, Scientist California US" on 10-1-2016