Friday, 20 November 2015

Libido can be easily restored for life long

              Global Brain Drain on Health                    
                                                                                                       Date 19-11-2015
Nalin Ranjan. Scientist
British Neuroscience Association
                 Sex arousal can be retained for life long
   I am surprise to see an article yesterday titled as “Sale of women’s libido-boosting pill falls flat” appeared in The Times of India dated 18-11-2015 widely popular news paper in India has stated

More than half a million men got prescriptions for Viagra in its first month on the market in 1998. The number of prescriptions for Addyi, the women’s libido boosting pill, in its first few weeks? 227
    I thought there was going to be this huge onslaught.”  Said Stephanie Faubion, director of the Women’s Health Clinic in Rochester Minnesota. “There have been a few casual inquiries but no prescription yet.”
Here I would like to say that sex arousal plays an important role in life for both men and women but they are unable to retain it for life long. This can be easily reversed in men and women unless one works for two hours continuously on my invented Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998 is now viable for all.
     This libido-boost can be easily achieved by just increasing the level of voltage in the brain through the medium of light that enhances the dipole dipole force which is nothing but Higgs Boson Particle strengthens all the ionize blood cells to carry more oxygen for the penis erection as well as for the virginal stimulation that last for nearly 30 minutes in elderly people and may last longer in younger people. This excess oxygen helps sex arousal in both men and women without causing any side effects. To enhance this sex arousal one has to work continuously for two hours with my invented Medical Instrument, it automatically stimulates sex hormones for both male and female created by this dipole dipole action. By working on this system it regulates the sex hormones for life long.
In my earlier paper I had already commented about Women now demand their right to orgasm.

Now you can read it from my website titled as “Secrets of the brain unraveled” titled as Dysfunction of the Sexual arousal in Men and Women  which can be easily accessed from this Blog website
  In addition to this, my composed song titled as "My days are running off my hands" when I sang this song on New Year Day Night at Rainbow Tree Hotel Organized by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation held in Chennai, INDIA in the year 2013, where Women forks literally burst into laughter by listening to this unprecedented song sub titled as "Women's untouchable emotions unravelled" can be easily accessed from this Blog website
 Let this beauty speaks itself in life
    Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work
Foot Note:-    How to make spermatogonia to grow into healthy sperm?
      I am surprise to see an article today titled as “In a first sperm created in lab by a French company” appeared in The Times of India dated 10-5-2015 on ‘Mother’s Day’ stating Sperm has been created in a laboratory for the first time, French researchers have claimed raising hopes of treatment for infertile men. A company based in Lyon , said they had created human sperm in vitro, a feat which would be world first.
     I find their procedure a bit complicated one, since they take it from male fertility tissue known as spermatogonia and they culture in test tubes for 72 days to grow into a fully formed spermatozoa with sufficient yield for IVF as per the statement given by Mr. Kallistem that they have not fully tested it and the facts are unknown.
   But, I do it differently by simply increasing the level of voltage in the brain through the medium of light. It automatically activates spermatogonia to grow  and form into mature sperm and with high energetic power it eject spontaneously   from the penis during intercourse. Same thing arouse in women too by increasing the level of voltage in the brain it removes infertility for both men and women. Now refer my blog website to know more about this, which is being highlighted here for all to read.
Copy of this report posted to “Dr Philip Plait, Scientist” on 19-11-2015
Copy of this report posted to “Society for neuroscience” on 19-11-2015
Copy of this report posted to” Kings College London” 19-11-2015
Copy of the report posted to “The Telegraph” on 19-11-2015
Copy of this report posted to “Femina Magazine” on 19-11-2015
Copy of this report posted to “Special K Magazine” on 19-11-2015