Date 29-1-2015
Nalin Anthoni Pillai, Scientist
How pre-Historic human’s head became large
compared to Stone-Age-Man
My second edition about “how
pre-Historic human’s head became large compared to Stone-Age-Man” which I am
displaying as Part-II here for you all to know how human evolution had taken
place on Earth.
Now I would like to explain why this
Stone-Age-Man head became smaller compared to pre-historic humans. Basically,
the Stone-Age-Man were not tree climbers but made a living by hunting
animals made his/ her right hand much stronger than the left hand and for left
handers it was other way round as I had stated in my Part-I Blog Website titled as 'How the Human evolution had taken place on this Earth'. Further, this weakening of the left hand naturally led to a smaller brain for
Stone-Age-Man. As a result of this, Stone-Age hunter’s head became smaller by
150 cc compared to earlier pre-historic humans. Pre-historic humans
purely lived on vegetation made the difference in human head size by climbing
trees mainly for food like fruits, green leaves, plants and reaching out for
honey combs etc. So by climbing trees their head became quite big in size (1650
cc) than the Stone Age hunter whose head shrunk to 1500 cc and
later it came to a moderate size. Later, Stone-Age hunters used advance stone tools like
sharp edges stone made it lighter for the hand throw which had eventually led
to a smaller head 1350 cc for the last stage of Stone-Age Man which got
stabilized to that of the Modern Man’s brain.
Mostly, the pre-historic humans used wooden
poles and sticks to fight against predators climbing trees. It was easy to
attack them on tree rather than on the ground. But during night time they used to
sleep on the ground in close proximity of wild grass fields. Since, their heads
were quite big they have used the sixth sense better than the birds, how to
build hut with rough poles and sticks and over that they had laid wild grass
hey stacks in a much inclined angle for the rain water to flow and drip. And
this is the reason that they lived near the wild grass field closed to the
Further, the prehistoric humans were real
climbers who had used excess oxygen by living on trees and sitting from place to
place on the branches leaving no room for backrest made the spinal cord very
strong compared to Modern Man’s Vertebral column. Whereas modern man sits comfortably most of the time leaning against the back rest depriving
the blood flow to the brain. These are the ones that are lacking for the modern
man’s brain. In fact, pre-historic humans had used all the four applications
like excess flow of blood to the brain, close proximity of the vision in
climbing trees and excess oxygen acquired straight from trees and the pressure applied
in lifting the whole body by hands and legs made the brain much bigger for the
prehistoric human climbers.
After inventing my Computer
Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998 gave an additional boost for the
brain cells through the medium of light. This Medical Instrument gave a new
dimension to compare and study why the pre-historic head became big compared to
Stone-Age-Man. By analyzing this, I was able to break the barrier in context to
the article titled as “Have human brains reached full capacity?” appeared in
Deccan Chronicle dated 2-8-2011, a popular news paper in India. To this extent
London scientists are unable to experience about the few neurons behaviour
(These few neurons stimulate the alert status of the brain) lies at the base of
the brain which can make the brain big by strengthening the pressure over the
20000 receptors in each hand. This is how the pre-historic humans had used
these receptors to the fullest extent and this close proximity of the vision in
climbing trees made their head big compared to Stone-Age-Man.
Even Northerners too uses the chest weight over his hands while sleeping upside down to make the body warm during winter season. More over upside down sleeping circulates more blood to the eyes rather than facing the eyes up that has made his eyes bigger than those who lived near the equator feels warmer. And as the warmness increases the hands cramping under the chest weight releases and leaves more air for the open body, it happened only for those who lived near the equator. Thus it made the northerner’s eyes and brain bigger than those who slept closer to the equator.
Even Northerners too uses the chest weight over his hands while sleeping upside down to make the body warm during winter season. More over upside down sleeping circulates more blood to the eyes rather than facing the eyes up that has made his eyes bigger than those who lived near the equator feels warmer. And as the warmness increases the hands cramping under the chest weight releases and leaves more air for the open body, it happened only for those who lived near the equator. Thus it made the northerner’s eyes and brain bigger than those who slept closer to the equator.
With regard to brain, even Australian
researchers have claimed that light hitting at the back of the eye can
stimulates the hormones and change the brain’s activity stated in the article
titled as “Light therapy for brain injuries” published in the Deccan Chronicle
dated 9-8-2011. But it is very easy to convert light into energy and increases the level of voltage in the brain by using this
Computer Medical Instrument that enhances the dipole dipole force helps in the conduction of converting non electrical signals into electrical ones between the two nerve cells in the synapses that strengthens the body’s cells. This
increased voltage in the brain not only carries more oxygen in the blood cells
that helps mitochondria to store the excess energy to each and every cell that
paves the way for freshness. This excess freshness in the body can make the
brain bigger and their contradictory statement in the article titled as "Have Human Brains reached full capacity" goes hey way. Further, it enhances the physical exercise to become easy on the very first day compared to
regular physical exercise. Thus, this excess freshness makes all the cells active through this dipole dipole force
and inhibits most of the non-communicable diseases including pleiotrophic
causing diseases get delayed. This had also been stated by Prof. Ahmed H. Zewail who
won the Nobel Prize in year 1999 for his invention in “Femtochemistry” that
light has the power of curing many deadly diseases appeared in The Hindu News paper dated 23-10-2002.
What this wonderful brain can do for you?
By comparing and
studying the Prehistoric human life and the reward I get from my invented
Medical instrument would bring a world of changes in the near future by
stimulating these 40000 receptors in both hands can do wonders for the brain's
This is not
only possible but certainly achievable through this unique designed Computer
Medical Instrument which provides pressure to the hands. And this hand
receptors activate the few neurons at the base enlightens the brain's robust
activity allowing natural light to polarizes the brain cells through its vision
enhances the dipole dipole force which is nothing but Higgs Boson Particle strengthens
the ionize blood cells to carry more oxygen from air. This excess
oxygen enhances the voltage power in the brain that stimulates the
telomeres to extend the nucleotide longer on the end of each strands of
the DNA so called the chromosome that strengthens the house of the genome.
length is an indication of biological age: By strengthening the hands it brings a revolutionary change in the human fitness in the expansion of life. Thus it would pave more way for a bigger
brain over the future generations to achieve as large as earliest prehistoric human’s brain whose heads were quite big. By making the brain big certainly makes the modern man more intelligence in the coming generations.
fact, pre-historic humans had made all the changes in the brain’s robust activity
which I am able to retrieve to a great extent. Beside it makes my body and the
brain as fresh as ever through this photon transfer of electrons it activates to a
great extent in charging the brain cells. Even Doctors know for
themselves that antibiotics are not good for health but for rare occasion it’s
alright. In spite of all this, Doctors take more of these supplementary drugs to keep them fit for the next day that naturally starts affecting the immune system. And the prolong uses of these drugs deteriorates their health faster than the common man. In my conclusion I would like to state that
the prehistoric humans were quite strong and healthy than the Modern Man’s
How intelligent are the young chicks
Read the news paper article titled as “Chicks can count from left to right” is amazing to know "How prehistoric humans used their intelligence" about 3.7 million years ago.
Let this beauty speaks itself in life. By
Nalin Anthoni Pillai
Brain Research Work
Foot Note:-
Four days later news article titled as "Chicks can count from left to right" appeared in Times of India dated 3-2-2015 reveals the hidden facts in the brain which has been incorporated in this paper.
Four days later news article titled as "Chicks can count from left to right" appeared in Times of India dated 3-2-2015 reveals the hidden facts in the brain which has been incorporated in this paper.
interesting article titled as “Coconut Oil can help lower blood pressure” appeared in The
Times of India dated 13-2-2015 that they have analyzed and stated about ‘the reduction in BP caused by the
combination of coconut oil and exercise training might be explained by the improvement
of the reduced baroreflex sensitivity and by reduction in oxidative stress in the serum , heart and
Since, I’d been a coconut climber and this article gave further evidence
that super-food like coconut milk found in tropical countries. This had
prevailed and served as a source of food and thirst for the Prehistoric humans who
naturally became habitual climbers, eventually made both hands equally strong.
I find this coconut trees grow abundantly in all tropical countries and it
bears coconuts throughout the year. Probably this must be the reason, by climbing trees made the prehistoric humans hands physically strong
even for his two legs and the foot sole is deeply curved inward like the one I
have in me. Further, by drinking super coconut
milk procuring from trees had helped a great deal for the enlargement of their
brain. Thus, this robust activity of the brain which had made use of the sixth
sense better than birds and were able to built huts with coconut leaves by
planting rough poles and sticks, had led to a comfortable life during rainy
season. Even lightening hadn't affected them as they had laid the thick amount of dry grass on the ground and paved the coconut leaves on top and that's how they had slept in the forest land.
1: Copy of the Article titled
as “Femtochemistry’could be open up new possibilities”in The Hindu dated 23-10-2002
2: Copy of the Artilce titled
as “Light therapy for Brain injuries” in Deccan Chronicle dated 9-8-2011
3: Copy of the Article titled
as “New light on human-like gait” in The Hindu dt 21-7-2011
4: Copy of the Article titled
as “Have human brain reached full
capacity?”in DeccanChronicle2-8-2011
5: Copy of the Article titled
as “Human brain shrinking, say
experts” in Deccan Chronicle dt
6: Copy of the Article titled as
“Hominins evolved in grasslands,not forests”in The Hindu dt 4-8-2011
8: Copy of the Article titled
as “Northerners have bigger brains” in The Hindu dt 28-7-2011
9: Copy of the Article titled
as “Vitamin D vital for brain progress” in
Deccan Chronicle dt22-4-2008
10:Copy of the Article titled
as “Alarm Bell for Doctors” in The Hindu dt 14-1-2008