28 minutes ago
helps me to create this invisible growth acts as an excreta
wonderful creation of light called photon transfer of electrons makes the
impurities blood look more refine and in the process it lessens the strain in the
Kidney tubules as well as Bowman’s capsules in filtering the blood. In normal
conditions, the kidney tubules are unable to filter all the impurities in the
blood and the left over impurities partially get circulated and get deposited
in the blood vessel itself. This is why women are likely to live longer than
men because of their menstruation. In men this can be easily reversed only if
one works regularly in absorbing light for one year. This way it helps to carry
the excess oxygen in the blood that activate the cells to store more energy
directly into the body itself. In the long run, the body automatically provides
a new kind of invisible minute tissues that grows and spreads around the
scrotum. This way it allows the excretion urine to evaporate through the pores
of the skin and sediments get deposited on the testicle’s skin. On account of
evaporation it keeps the scrotum chill and cool as an air-conditioner and urine
passing is mostly white in colour if you take eight glasses of water a day.
Thus it avoids chronic renal diseases.
This invisible tissues growing around the scrotum I
have personally experienced it after working on my invented Medical Instrument
for one year I got the irritation on my scrotum. After three months it got
subdued to the new environment. And thereafter it started discharging the
impurities like odourless white sticky paste over the scrotum which can be
cleaned by soap or shampoo after every bath. This way one can avoid chronic
renal diseases as well as coronary heart diseases.
This photon transfer of electrons increases the voltage
in the brain enhancing the dipole dipole force that strengthens all ionized
blood cells to carry more oxygen in them. This dipole dipole force also helps
in the conduction of converting non electrical signals into electrical ones in
the synapses between the two-nerve cells. It generates energy and stores them
in their mitochondrial cells and enhances the sexual activity in them. This sexual activity releases nitric oxides which removes the cholesterol plaque in the body. Thus it
makes the body and the brain as fresh as ever.
Further, this photon transfer electrons stimulates the
Higgs Boson particles rendering them candidate in curing non-communicable
diseases. This has also had been stated by Prof. Ahmed H. Zewail who won the
Nobel Prize in year 1999 for his invention in “Femtochemistry” that light has
the power of curing killer diseases. With regard to light, I had already
addressed a letter to the former President of US Mr. Bill Clinton how to
postpone ‘Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson's Disease from occurring’ in my
letter dated 14th May year 2000 and they responded immediately against my
letter before the announcement of the ‘Sequencing of the Human Genome’. Here
Light alone won't have the ability to cure such diseases it is merely through
my Medical Instrument which I patented in the year 1998. When CERN organization
announced about the Higgs Boson Particle on 4th of July 2012 I gave my version
who displayed my name in their Web site that "Higgs boson particle is a
life giving particle for the Biological System as well as for the building
block of matter." This not only makes the species to live around the globe
and so are the microbes. Even these microbes existed much earlier in
terrestrial objects had brought life to Earth.
Let this beauty speaks itself in life.
A. Nalin Ranjan
Brain Research Work
Foot note :- While addressing this Renal Disease report a message came from Twitter stating “ "Hi Nalin Ranjan take two minutes and get back to Twitter" advising me to publish in their Twitter website on 26-1-2013.
On "World Kidney Day" dated 10-3-2016, one can avoid future renal diseases by using the two hands in climbing trees. Now this can be assess from here
A real coincidence about sticky substance produce by mucin-1 a protein that causes renal diseases given as a news article titled as 'The Genes linked to kidney disease' in the Science editorial column recently appeared in 'The Hindu dated 25-11-2018. My facts are coming true again as follow
An international study led by a British team has discovered the identity of genes that predispose people to chronic kidney disease. This throws new light on
understanding the significantly under-diagnosed disorder which, if left
undetected can lead to failing kidneys that need dialysis or kidney
transplantation. This discovery of 35 kidney genes is an important step
forward to the future development of new diagnostic tests and treatments for
the disease.The possible by using state-of-the-art technology known as “
next generation RNA sequencing” applied to one of the largest ever collections
of human kidneys. One of the genes, mucin-1, is especially
interesting. It makes a sticky protein called mucin that coats urinary tubes
inside the kindney. This I had already analysed and put it in my website titled as Light helps me to create this invisible growth acts as an
excreta which had been displayed in this
a sticky substance which being discharged by this newly grown
invisible tissues thrown out on the surface scrotum skin.
The Large Hadron Collider was
finally up and running today crashing two particles together and opening a
"new era in science".