Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Brown fats process through medium of light controls blood sugar level



                                        Global Brain Drain on Health                                                                                              Date 25-7-2014
  Nalin Anthoni Pillai, Scientist

  Mr. Philip Plait, Scientis

                  Clouds Poem

I bring fresh rain to the burning plains
From the rivers and seas
My Welcome shadow for the cow in the meadow
Devoid of shady trees.

With my wings that are wide the bright sun I hide
Some time for an entire day
Unless otherwise gales clear the skies
By breaking and blowing me away.

I herald a bolt of billion volts
And in young minds wonder
Moments after they hear my laughter
Only to shudder and call it thunder.

I steal the show from mountain snow
Great pines groan at my feet
All night through on a white pillow
I rest a rest that I deem a treat.

Fiery are my powers in my stormy hours
Lighting my captain boils
In a canyon below is contained the echo
With flashes I fertilize soils.

This Poem I narrated on Brain's Day year 2014 which was posted to "Hurricane Storm" that was approaching close to North America on 22-7-2014 which I saw it in the Google Web site.
   I am surprise to see an article titled as "Why you should cool it in the bed room" appeared in 'The Times of India' dated 20-7-2014. But I do it differently by enhancing the voltage power through the medium of light it polarize the brain cells that makes the brain more chill.  And in process it creates  'Brown fats' in the upper portion of the body.

Today everyone knows 'Lighting Thunder' creates nitrous oxide in a flash but whereas in the body carbon dioxide and water creates glucose like sugar. This sugar powers the body mechanism as stated in my email letter which was addressed to you on 30-4-2014. With regard to my Patent Right, they had displayed  my Medical Instrument in the Google website under Patent/ Trade/ continuation of Previous Page (displayed  by the Chennai Patent office) on 29-4-2014. I was shock to see my Medical Instrument being displayed without my concurrence.
Now, a new version has come out in the news paper article titled as "With spinach, turn sunlight into fuel appeared in 'The Times of India' dated 25-7-2014. Whereas brain does differently to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose like sugar with the help of domestic lights as stated in my above said email letter addressed to you (Mr. Philip Plait,scientist) Same was posted to Mr. Obama, The President who unveil the Climate Plan which was held on 26-9-2013 in that I had stated 'How to control global Temperature by eating fruit items and vegetables could save abundant water to grow large trees. Further, this visual  light could control diabetic diseases in people. And overall, it lessens the  consumption of food such as rice as well as wheat flour can easily cut cooking items in the kitchen that brings down the greenhouse gases around the globe.

Now I would like to put forth that this light is a biological tool that can easily convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose like sugar through photon transfer of electrons. In the process it produces 'Brown fats' normally occurs in the upper portion of the body. Actually, this Brown Fat absorbs excess sugar in the blood stream. Thus it make the person diabetic free by absorbing the excess sugar in the body in a natural way. This I am able to achieve through my invented Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998. This had also been stated by Prof. Ahmed H Zail who won the Nobel Prize for his invention in Femtochemistry in the year 1999 that light cures most of the deadly diseases article appeared in The Hindu dated 23-10- 2002 a popular news paper in India..
Let this beauty speaks itself in life
Thanking you
Nalin Anthoni Pillai
Brain Research Work

A copy of this report posted to Medicine Net on 25-7-2014
Same was posted to American Association of Diabetes on 25-7-2014
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Foot Note :-
Also refer this new article titled as “Working in shifts ups diabetes risk” appeared in The Times of India on the next day dated 26-7-2014
Night shifts worsen insulin resistance caused by the brain’s inability to boost the oxygen supply that affect the brain’s voltage power. Unless you increase the voltage power circadian clock cannot be altered. Otherwise it leads to so many other diseases such as headache, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s diseases, Parkinson’s disease, chronic renal diseases as well as coronary artery diseases. This happen because when you start working on the computer system, brain always try to increase the voltage power through visual light. In addition to this, it fails to cope up with  oxygen supply that affects the circadian rhythm. This circadian clock in turn affect the whole body by this insufficient supply of oxygen blood to the brain is the main cause affecting the brain’s normal functions.
                                               My dreams are virtually coming true
     After publishing the above said article again my version is coming true as per the article titled as "World's First solar battery developed" appeared in the The Times of India dated 6-10-2014 stating that light and oxygen required for processing for different chemical reactions to enhance the battery charge. This is what lacking in night shift people are unable to boost the oxygen supply that really affect the brain's voltage power. Unless they increase the voltage power 'Circadian Clock' cannot be altered which I had clearly given in my above stated report dated 25-7-2014.  This shows I had not gone wrong in this aspect too.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Few Neurons at the base of the brain can do wonders in the expansion of life

                                                 Global Brain Drain on Health                                                                                                                                                                              
                                                                                                                  Date 27-9-2014
  Nalin Anthoni Pillai, Scientist

Mr. Philip Plait, Scientist                             
                               Regard to "Juggling e-devices may lower grey matter density"
                              And the scientists are not aware what causes this low density
                              of grey matter when one works on electronic devices 
   I am surprise to see a news article titled as "Juggling e-devices may lower grey matter density" appeared in The Times of India dated 26-9-2014, users operating any electronic devices  such as Mobile phones, laptops, computer as well as television set and other media devices could be changing the structure of the brain. 
     Once again my dreams are virtually coming true as per the study conducted by scientists from the University of Sussex. Wherein I had already stated in my email letter addressed to "Mr. Obama The President of US who unveil the Climate Plan" which was held on 26-9-2013 displayed in Google website with regard to this I had posted it in advance dated 24-9-2013 on the website.
      “Study conducted by Neuroscientists Kep kee Loh and Ryota Kanai they had pointed out that a long-term study need to be carried out to understand whether high concurrent media usage leads to changes in the brain structure”. Here the scientists are yet to understand why grey matter loses its texture when electronic devices are used. While operating such electronic devices and the eyes do not incorporate the brain in its charging rate. Basically the few neurons becomes inactive near the base of the brain which is related to the alert status of the brain gets completely disorientated by the non activity of the certain motor cells arising from the hand.  These are the certain motor cells highly connected to the few neurons at the base of the brain deprives the alert status of the brain. This is the fundamental thing for the entire brain activation in converting light into energy.  This excess energy automatically increases the density of grey matter by the action of the motor cells.
       This I had analyzed through my invented Medical Instrument revealed the facts. Now read this article titled as “Treat coma using brain’s alert status” appeared in The Hindu News paper dated 17-9-2009.  With this article I concluded why the brain get charged when certain motor cells in hands are activated has the potential to trigger this group of neurons near the base of the brain.    
     Basically, it is not arising from electronic devices it is because of the inaction of the few neurons is the cause for low density of grey matter. But this can be overcome by using this unique designed Medical Instrument patented in the year 1998,  helps the brain to a great deal by triggering the few neuron at the base of the brain. This way it’s able to convert light into energy. This excess energy strengthens the dipole dipole force, thus it makes the body and the brain as fresh as ever through computer digital lights.
Here is my version on electronic devices addressed to “Obama The President who unveil the Climate Plan” which was held on 26-9-2013
     I had already covered most of electronic devices such as Smart-phone, TVs , iPod, Laptop including monitoring computer system especially reading on digital screening through Internet. All these devices do not help the brain in any way. This I had already stated in my email letter posted to Mr. Obama, The President who unveil the Climate Plan held on 26-9-2013. Same was posted on my face Book on 24-9-2013. Definitely his highness can do wonders by making other countries to fall in align to bring a vast change in arable lands to cultivate fruit farming and vegetation that could save plenty of water to grow large trees in order to control this climate change. In this email letter I had clearly stated about electronic devices and chemical fertilizers used in agriculture cultivation such as Paddy fields and wheat cultivation erodes the rich soil seemed to be much more harmful than before that kills the human brain in the long run. In addition to this they use antibiotic drugs for high production in animal flesh as well as plastic cans that affect the natural immunity in the human body. And these are the ones to be sorted out in the near future to reduce diseases in human as well as in living species.
    Now I find a new article titled as “Smartphones can make kids emotionally dull” appeared in The Times of India dated 25-8-2014 which I had already commented in my email letter addressed to “Mr. Obama, The President who unveil the Climate plan” held on 26-9-2013 is coming closer to my expectation as per the study conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles found that sixth graders who went five days without even glancing at a smartphone, television or other digital screen did substantially better reading human emotions than sixth graders from the same school who continued to spend hours with their electronic devices.
So far my analysis had not gone wrong even on these aspects what I had stated below
Modern days diabetes are on the rise because of watching TVs, unnecessarily operating the computer for long hours, using smart phone all these things causes mental stress, strain and fatigue arising out of the vision. Further, these hands become lame in this sophisticated world making no room for physical work even in domestic life and the body becomes clumsy and lazy in life. And our eyes also not meant for high end devices to operate that slacken the brain robust activity because of the focusing eyes disintegrates in its charging rate. By adapting to such activities people are more prone to diseases. First thing I discovered in my early days after inventing the Medical Instrument was this paper called “The Anatomical Discovery of Diabetes” and the same was published on 2-7-2001 which is being partly stated here. Refer my email Letter address to “Mr. Obama The President of US who unveil the Climate Plan” This report is now reflecting again as per the analysis made by the University of California, Los Angeles. So these advance electronic devices kills the human brain for not giving importance for the brain that lessens the brain charging rate is the cause for the human diseases. Actually, the brain is in a disadvantage position that destabilizes the brain’s alert status. In order to cope up all this, you need digitize light with the supporting kits of my Medical Instrument helps the brain in stepping up its voltage power for the brain cells that remove all the hindrances in the brain. Thus it keeps the body and the brain as fresh as ever in operating electronic devices.
   All these biological systems can be up graded through photon transfer of electrons.
   Let this beauty speaks itself for the expansion of human life.

  Nalin Anthoni Pillai
Brain Research Work

A copy of this report posted to "Society for Neuroscience" on 29-9-2014
A copy of this report posted to "British Neuroscience Association" on 29-9-2014
A copy of this report posted to "Medicine Net" on 29-9-2014
A copy of this report posted to "NASA's Organization" on 29-9-2014

Friday, 26 September 2014

Mangalyaan orbits the Mars successfully

How Jubilant are they! that  got sprung among ISRO scientists who finally put Mangalyaan successfully into Mars obits. I congratulate all those scientists in ISRO and making India proud for their maiden success in reaching Mars is none other than all. But all these efforts goes to our Indian scientists and their jubilant shows that they have broken all their stress in a per of seconds  when the massage reached the Complex-2 morning 24th Sept 2014 gave a very big relief to all of them that the space craft is on the way to enter Mars Obit.
    Now, I would like to say something regard to brain,  all scientists were seemed to undergo severe stress from the time of manufacturing the space craft to the launching pad as well as 300 days manoeuvring the space craft for endless day and night can deprive ones' health. Though they look fit but mentally the brain has really taken a beat under stress because of the spinal cord stress seating on a comfortable chair for longer duration is injurious to health releasing cortisol and epinephrine hormones can easily cause diseases not only for scientists even for doctors. So, I recommend each and everyone to go in for this invented Computer Medical Instrument which I patented in the year 1998. Now my patent chair is now being completely displayed along with the literature in the Google web site under "Patent/Trademark/Continuation of Previous page, besides Chennai patent office had taken the initiative to display this without my concurrence.  This unique designed chair cures most of the non-communicable diseases by enhancing the dipole dipole force which is nothing but Higgs Boson Particle strengthening all the ionize blood cells to carry more oxygen to vital organs that makes the body and the brain as fresh as ever. Whereas doctors and scientists get exhausted at the end of the day that leads to stress, strain and fatigue. This kind of a thing will never arise on my invented Computer Medical Chair and the brain look fresh even if one works for 17 hours at a stretch. So this rapid action of the brain cells makes the body and the brain as fresh as ever for those who do meticulous work on the desk top. 
    Here is my new version about the universe expansion under the title name "Whom am I to tell this!" which got displayed in Quantum Jumping website on 24-10-2013. Immediately, most of the scientists got stunned around the globe. Even Mr. Philip Plait, Scientist had thanked me for revealing the facts.

     In addition to this I am displaying another version addressed to USA Science & Engineering Festival
 Nalin Anthoni Pillai, Scientist.

 USA Science & Engineering Festival
   With regard to:- “NASA's Super-massive Black Hole” I am surprise to see a photograph in the News paper stating “NASA Clicks Supermassive Black Hole” appeared in The Times Of India dated 14-8-2014. It looks like a massive chill black hole spinning at a very high velocity than the speed of light at the very centre of the galaxy with white vapour brightly shinning in X-rays snapshot. If this photograph is true picture of a massive Black Hole then it seemed to be throwing a streak of eternal stream of coolant particles far out into the space that comes from the corona and creates stars in the far outer regions. This coolant particles normally exist at the subatomic level gets strewn and thrown as white streak of eternal stream far out into space by the force of the super massive black hole spinning at very high velocity at the centre of the galaxy. Further, these same white streak of coolant particles known as magnons are of quasi particles arising from the Black hole can also turns into dark matter that radiate and spread across the galaxy that holds the stars together as stated in my earlier discovery about the Universe expansion under the title named as “Whom am I to tell this! This I emailed to “Quantum Jumping” Website who displayed my version on 24-10-2013. Immediately, it was stunning most of the scientists around the globe. Now, recently I find this captured photograph has some resemblance with my earlier discovery of the Universe expansion which I titled as 'Whom am I to tell this!  posted on 24-10-2013 and the same was emailed to NASA's Organization.
 Let this beauty speaks itself in life.
     Nalin Anthoni Pillai
   Brain Research Work
NASA telescope captures rare image of super-massive black hole myfox8.com

                                          A streak of eternal stream of white bright vapour of
                                              coolant particles are strewn and thrown from its corona